View Full Version : Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous (ABA)

10-22-2014, 04:45 PM
A girl who called me her unofficially adopted mother 20 plus years ago, lives in Ottawa where we just had a terrorist attack today. I just phoned to see if she was okay. She just got back back from treatment for this part of her disease. I told her that I would post a link for her and make people aware. It works for her.

She was at her doctor's office, 6 blocks from the attack and was able to take a taxi from the downtown area thanks to Taxi Script as other transportation was not available.



ABA uses the Twelve-Step Program adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to address the mental, emotional, and spiritual components of the disorders of anorexia and bulimia. Many people who identify compulsive overeating as the primary component of their eating disorder have been able to relate to our program and have found recovery through it. They are welcome to participate in our Fellowship.

By following the Twelve Steps we have come to a deep level of freedom from our deadly obsessions with body weight and shape and with food, obsessions that once dominated our minds and dictated the course of our lives.We learn in ABA that our eating disorders are a form of addiction, that the key to recovery is to find sobriety in our eating and exercise patterns, and that none of us can do that alone.