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10-19-2014, 03:02 PM
Cease Censoring

by Joan C. Webb

Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

"If Sam really loved God, he would join a Bible study." "Marguerite would lose weight, if she really cared." "Sarah's house is a mess, she must really be a loser." "Eric's a jerk. He always disagrees with my ideas." "Janice wears too much makeup for a pastor's wife."

Although we may not say things like this out loud, we sometimes think them. This attitude places us as judge over another's motives, actions, and temperament traits. Some of us grew up with a condemning authority figure looming over our heads. We then were conditioned to be critical. Censorious thoughts are second nature to us. They steal our ability to live in joy and harmony with each other.

When we let go of trying to make everything right, the critical attitude begins to fade. We do not have to be perfect all the time; neither do our loved ones, business associates, children's teachers, or the pastor and his wife. The attitude of "judge not" can start deep within us. As we admit the truth about ourselves and cease condemning others for our own inadequacies and imperfections, we are set free to enjoy each other.

Lord, help me stop judging others
according to my own biased perceptions.
This is new for me.
I need your merciful touch.