10-19-2014, 02:40 PM
Don't be a chocoholic!
Have you ever stuffed yourself on a Maccy D's 'til you're so full you're gonna explode? Or Christmas dinner; you couldn't eat another mouthful until someone opens a tin of Quality Street, and you just can't stop yourself. One won't hurt. You know you don't need it, but you have one anyway; then another... and another... and then you start on your selection box! Before you know it, you're feeling really ill. You know it's bad for you but you can't stop yourself; it's addictive. Sin is a bit like that, you know when something's wrong, when it's bad for you. But just like those chocolates, what might not seem too bad to start with is addictive, and once you start, it's hard to stop. The Bible says don't even go there! Your old way of life was nailed to the cross with Jesus; that means your sin too. When Jesus died, He took sin down with Him. Alive, He brings God to us. Do you get it? With God on your side, you can resist the temptation. So, throw yourself at doing things God's way. Remember, sin isn't inevitable for us anymore; Jesus has sent us His Spirit to help us every day, the same Spirit that raised from the dead (Ephesians 1:19-20). So come on; don't be a chocoholic. Turn your back on that stuff, you've got God on your side. Word4U2Day
Have you ever stuffed yourself on a Maccy D's 'til you're so full you're gonna explode? Or Christmas dinner; you couldn't eat another mouthful until someone opens a tin of Quality Street, and you just can't stop yourself. One won't hurt. You know you don't need it, but you have one anyway; then another... and another... and then you start on your selection box! Before you know it, you're feeling really ill. You know it's bad for you but you can't stop yourself; it's addictive. Sin is a bit like that, you know when something's wrong, when it's bad for you. But just like those chocolates, what might not seem too bad to start with is addictive, and once you start, it's hard to stop. The Bible says don't even go there! Your old way of life was nailed to the cross with Jesus; that means your sin too. When Jesus died, He took sin down with Him. Alive, He brings God to us. Do you get it? With God on your side, you can resist the temptation. So, throw yourself at doing things God's way. Remember, sin isn't inevitable for us anymore; Jesus has sent us His Spirit to help us every day, the same Spirit that raised from the dead (Ephesians 1:19-20). So come on; don't be a chocoholic. Turn your back on that stuff, you've got God on your side. Word4U2Day