View Full Version : Resting in the awareness of God’s infinite presence, I know true safety

08-21-2013, 10:46 AM
Resting in the awareness of God’s infinite presence, I know true safety.

I want to know that my loved ones and I are always safe and secure. At times, however, I may become so eager to establish safety that my actions create turmoil. For instance, while trying to protect others from mistakes, I might become overbearing or interfering. To protect myself from emotional hurt, I might erect walls that cut me off from receiving love.

To let go of the urge to control, I enter the Silence. I remember that divine love and wisdom are within me, and in every person and circumstance. The people I care about are safe and protected because God—as boundless love and perfect wisdom—is with them and within them at all times. In this knowing, I feel safe and secure.
The beloved of the Lord rests in safety—the High God surrounds him.—Deuteronomy 33:12

Daily Word