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10-13-2014, 02:30 PM
The Importance of You

God created you with care, making sure that you would always be one of a kind, always unique in this world. God also lived, died, and rose for you, and in doing these things, he revealed to you a beautiful truth: you are important to God. At every moment of your life, you are in the mind of God. God cannot forget about you, for he can never forget what he has made. Again, the message comes clearly: you are important to God.

If we believe all of this to be true, why do we so often undervalue ourselves? Has the meaning of God's love for us really reached our hearts? When we fully understand the message, our past failures no longer matter so much. In spite of our weaknesses and lack of love, we always remain important to God. This is what the gospel tells us. No wonder the word gospel means "good news."

I have a difficult time believing that I am important to you, Lord, and yet, that is what your words and actions reveal to me. All I can do, all you want me to do, is humbly to accept this gift and to say, "Thank you, my God."

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