View Full Version : Change and Relapse

10-13-2014, 02:28 PM
by Joan C. Webb

Change and Relapse

Matthew 12:43-45: "And the final condition of that man is worse than the first" (v.45).

When we stop listening to the obsessive thoughts, and start believing the truth about ourselves, we begin to have the courage to change our compulsive behaviors. But often we feel uncomfortable and empty within. Everything is so unfamiliar. We may be tempted to retreat into our old habits. Jesus explained this relapse process. We decide to turn our backs on the destructive lifestyles -- we clean up our acts. But if we do not fill up the clean empty spaces with new healthy attitudes, beliefs and actions the old patterns rush back in.

It is normal for a familiar fear-producing situation to trigger former thinking and behavior. However, our commitment to growth and healing helps us stay alert and continue trusting God even when we experience confusion and emptiness. We may need to repeat our newly-gained truth about God, others and ourselves for weeks before we really believe it. The new freedom-filled person we are becoming is worth the process. God helps us replace the obsession and pain with joy and gratefulness.

Lord, some days I'm so empty
I feel like the air is blowing through me.
But I'm committed to walking through this confusion to freedom.
Please fill up my empty spaces
with your love and help me
to become the person you made me to be.