View Full Version : Timing plays an important part in learning to trust God

10-10-2014, 01:43 PM
Timing plays an important part in learning to trust God. If He did everything we asked Him to immediately, we would never grow and develop our ability to trust Him.

I have often been challenged in my walk with God to trust His timing. One area I have struggled with regularly is waiting on Him for my ministry to grow. There were a number of times in my life when I felt sure that I was ready for growth or change, but it didn’t happen, and I couldn’t understand why. I believe it is very common for you and me to struggle with this issue in our lives. In fact, I think it is safe to say that most of us need to grow in the area of trusting God’s timing. As we do, we can silence the big question that often keeps us from being at rest—When, God, when?

When you and I are facing seasons of trial or transition, we often feel impatient and wonder what God is waiting for. The truth is, we may never know what He’s waiting for. It’s nice when we do, but sometimes we have to get comfortable not knowing. One of the things I have learned as a Christian is that trust requires us to accept that some questions will remain unanswered. I had to practice placing my times in God’s hands, believing that He not only knew the answers, but also that His timing was perfect.

I have discovered that trusting God’s timing often means not knowing how or when He is going to do something. When we grow weary of waiting, and find ourselves disappointed or discouraged, we have to choose to trust God. As we continually choose to place our trust in Him and focus on His faithfulness in our lives, we will gradually let go of trusting ourselves. Then we can enter into God’s rest.

Realize that trust is not inherited—it’s learned. Trusting God’s timing is a process that takes time. How long it takes depends upon God’s plan and how well we cooperate with that plan. He has a perfect time for all things in our lives, and in His perfect timing there is safety. He knows when we are ready for the things He has planned and prepared for our lives. As we learn to appreciate and trust Him in times of waiting, He will prove Himself faithful in every situation.

I pray that you are encouraged to trust God as King David did, believing that your times are in His very capable hands (see Psalm 31:15). I also ask God to help your spirit become more peaceful as you learn to rest in Him. God hears you and is working to answer your prayers. As you willingly wait for His perfect timing, the dreams and visions He has given you will be fulfilled as a result of His great love for you.

God bless you as you wait on Him, --Joyce Meyer