View Full Version : Patience

10-08-2014, 04:06 PM
Choosing patience today, I am compassionate and kind.

Every day I have the chance to cultivate and strengthen any trait I choose. Today I elect to develop the quality of patience. Co-creating my life with God, I choose to be patient and grow in my understanding that all things happen in their own time.

There is "a time for every matter under heaven." Affirming wholeness, abundance, peace and wisdom, I wait patiently for demonstration to occur in the right place and time. In the silence of prayer, I draw patience from the spirit of God within me.

In my dealings with others, I exercise my Spirit-directed patience in every conversation and interaction. I approach life with the kindness and compassion that are a natural result of a patient heart and mind.
Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.--Colossians 3:12

Daily Word