10-08-2014, 03:58 PM
Living Free Every Day®
Today's Scripture
"And 'don’t sin by letting anger control you.' Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry." Ephesians 4:26 NLT
Thoughts for Today
Yesterday we looked at the importance of being slow to anger—to listen well and not react impulsively. But the Bible also tells us to deal with the anger appropriately. We shouldn't wait for days, weeks, months or even years to pass before we talk with someone we may have hurt or reacted to in anger. Delay could cause greater pain for everyone concerned. In fact, God's Word instructs us to deal with anger the same day it occurs. "Do not let the sun go down …"
Deal with your anger while there is opportunity to do so. Don't let it stockpile in a slush fund of repressed and denied angry feelings—feelings that may surface at unexpected times, causing you to hurt someone you care about. Lingering anger can develop into bitterness and resentment, leading to emotional, spiritual and even physical problems.
Consider this…
When you are angry at someone, think about why you are angry. Ask God to help you understand your feelings and to express them appropriately. And then tell the other person(s) involved how you feel. If you have hurt them or treated them unfairly, ask for their forgiveness. And always be quick to forgive them.
Is there someone you should talk to today?
Lord, help me understand my feelings and learn to express them appropriately. Help me not to take offense easily, but when I am angry, help me to settle things quickly… and in love. Help me not to let the sun go down on my anger. In Jesus' name …
These thoughts were drawn from…
Anger: Our Master or Our Servant—Creative Use of a Powerful Emotion by Larry Heath.
Today's Scripture
"And 'don’t sin by letting anger control you.' Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry." Ephesians 4:26 NLT
Thoughts for Today
Yesterday we looked at the importance of being slow to anger—to listen well and not react impulsively. But the Bible also tells us to deal with the anger appropriately. We shouldn't wait for days, weeks, months or even years to pass before we talk with someone we may have hurt or reacted to in anger. Delay could cause greater pain for everyone concerned. In fact, God's Word instructs us to deal with anger the same day it occurs. "Do not let the sun go down …"
Deal with your anger while there is opportunity to do so. Don't let it stockpile in a slush fund of repressed and denied angry feelings—feelings that may surface at unexpected times, causing you to hurt someone you care about. Lingering anger can develop into bitterness and resentment, leading to emotional, spiritual and even physical problems.
Consider this…
When you are angry at someone, think about why you are angry. Ask God to help you understand your feelings and to express them appropriately. And then tell the other person(s) involved how you feel. If you have hurt them or treated them unfairly, ask for their forgiveness. And always be quick to forgive them.
Is there someone you should talk to today?
Lord, help me understand my feelings and learn to express them appropriately. Help me not to take offense easily, but when I am angry, help me to settle things quickly… and in love. Help me not to let the sun go down on my anger. In Jesus' name …
These thoughts were drawn from…
Anger: Our Master or Our Servant—Creative Use of a Powerful Emotion by Larry Heath.