View Full Version : Being There

09-22-2014, 11:41 AM
Being There

It would be a tragedy to go through life and never fully experience anything you do. Some people live half-consciously without thinking much about what they do, or without feeling deeply about the events of their lives. Whenever something happens to them, they seem to be somewhere else.

Many of us live with an abstraction, preoccupying ourselves with a past or a future that does not exist. What exists concretely is simply this present moment. Zen philosophy gives us this advice, "When you sit, sit. When you stand, stand. When you eat, eat." In other words, whatever you do, be there. Otherwise, how can you be conscious of your life?

You can be met in each moment of the day, Lord. I don't want to miss any of those moments. I want the joy of fully being there in each one of them.

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