09-18-2014, 11:39 AM
Turn Within
I am the peace of God.
I may experience sensory overload when the noise of television, the Internet, or social media disturb my concentration and sense of peace. To find my serenity, I turn down the volume of the outer world and experience the peace of God within.
I shut off any distracting devices and rest my awareness in the natural sounds of the present moment. Peace washes over me as I let go of the noise and close my eyes. I breathe deeply—inhaling Life—and experience the peace of God right here and now. Focused on the sacred space within where I abide with the Presence, I affirm: I am the peace of God.
As I emerge from meditation, I feel refreshed and reassured of ever-present peace.
Let your adornment be the inner self with the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.—1 Peter 3:4
Daily Word
I am the peace of God.
I may experience sensory overload when the noise of television, the Internet, or social media disturb my concentration and sense of peace. To find my serenity, I turn down the volume of the outer world and experience the peace of God within.
I shut off any distracting devices and rest my awareness in the natural sounds of the present moment. Peace washes over me as I let go of the noise and close my eyes. I breathe deeply—inhaling Life—and experience the peace of God right here and now. Focused on the sacred space within where I abide with the Presence, I affirm: I am the peace of God.
As I emerge from meditation, I feel refreshed and reassured of ever-present peace.
Let your adornment be the inner self with the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.—1 Peter 3:4
Daily Word