View Full Version : Don't use foul or abusive language

09-14-2014, 09:31 AM
Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. (NLT) - Ephesians 4:29

Go one step beyond not using abusive language. Instead of trying to just stay neutral in difficult situations, provide words of encouragement. There are many situations in which anger can creep up, such as when your spouse forgets to take out the trash, pay a bill, or pick up eggs from the store. Remember to be patient, understanding and forgiving, and then let your spouse know how much you appreciate them.

Daily Bible Devotion

09-14-2014, 11:52 AM
Wonderful reminder!!! Many of our meetings are in churches..and therefore at business meetings we have discussed and by group conscious voted on and placed in our group conscious to have in the format to the meeting.."No one will be offended by the lack of profanity" ...However there is always going to be one or two that just have to ignore and be disrespectful..We have one person in particular that if something is suggested to him..(especially if it is a woman suggesting it)...He does it all the more...so we have to just sit back, cringe and of course pray for him and hope that God in His infinite wisdom will allow him to hear his own words when he says.."The one and only thing we need to change is EVERYTHING"

On page 88 of the Big Book it tells us we are undisciplined and to allow God to discipline us..I recall my sponsor and my spiritual mentor both zeroing it on that because of the things that came out of my mouth and suggesting I ask God to discipline me and teach me how to be respectful..Today I do try to BE the example

Great post!!!