View Full Version : People, Places, and Things

09-07-2014, 12:40 AM
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_HaEc925kkRw/Rv1Y9M5BHoI/AAAAAAAAAE0/1_2gUScdqpg/s400/today.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_HaEc925kkRw/Rv1Y9M5BHoI/AAAAAAAAAE0/1_2gUScdqpg/s1600-h/today.jpg)

The unavoidable facets of our daily lives; whether it's work, school, friends or family, these are the interactions we face every day. In order to deal with the daily PPT's, it is important we have our own house in order. That is, do we have a plan for the day? Are we mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit to deal with a difficult person or place?

The process may involve prayer, calling a sponsor or conferring with a friend about an upcoming event. Remember any problem shared becomes 1/2 a problem. I look at recovery as a structure, built on a foundation; the strength of the foundation is reinforced through meetings, asking for help and admitting that no matter the challenge, there is nothing that a drink will solve or change.

Anxiety does occur as a result of fear and uncertainty, but it can be managed by a positive and grateful attitude. As long as we remember to stay vigilant and moving forward, there isn't anything we can't cope with.


09-07-2014, 12:43 AM
Like the fact that I am powerless over people, places, and things.

I do not have the power to change people, I can't change myself, although I didn't know it. I just thought I wasn't trying hard enough or doing the right things. I thought it was all my fault. Relationships, looking for someone to make me happy. If I wasn't happy, they were not doing their job, only to find in Al-Anon it wasn't there job to begin with. Grrrrrrr! Major resentment!

Places were many things, although I didn't realize it, where I went the most was to my bed to hide out for life. For me it was the Royal Canadian Legion and the Riverside Inn, the "In" bar. The things were alcohol, pills, food, work, and the list goes on, and on, and on.

Anything I put between me and who my God wanted me to be in today, be came my God and I followed IT, instead of following my God's will for me. Didn't have to be a big thing, yet no matter what I picked up, it all led to the same soul sickness.

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZO_vTyZEMoUJuNkFCLqAWDh0NxQgXH iwhMOLqYMsvyvyS_oD1