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09-06-2014, 01:25 PM
God Wants You to Laugh

A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. —Proverbs 17:22

One of the amazing things I have noticed from teaching and ministering is that God loves to make people laugh. I don’t plan to be funny when I speak, but the Holy Spirit speaks through me—and I’m amazed at how He adds funny little thoughts or illustrations. He clearly knows the value of humor and the healing effect it brings.

God wants us to laugh, and He wants us to make other people laugh. That does not mean we should all become jesters or laugh at inappropriate times, but we can certainly aid one another in taking a more lighthearted approach to life. We would all be much better off if we would learn to laugh at ourselves sometimes instead of taking ourselves so seriously.

The last three times I have worn white pants, I have spilled coffee on myself. I can either think I am a klutz who cannot hold on to anything and begin to devalue myself, or I can make a joke out of it and try harder to stay clean the next time. For years, I have listened to people downgrade themselves verbally for every mistake they make, and I believe that grieves God. If we know our value in Christ we should never say things about ourselves that devalue what God has created.

Why not make a habit of helping people see that we all make silly mistakes and we can choose to laugh rather than get upset? Give people permission to not be perfect! I love to be with people who do not pressure me to be perfect. God loves us unconditionally, and that means He accepts us the way we are and then helps us to be all we can be. Helping people laugh at themselves is a way of saying, “I accept you, faults and all.”

Remember to take every opportunity to laugh—especially at yourself—because it will improve your health and you will enjoy your life much more.

Trust in Him: Do you accept yourself, faults and all? God does! If you trust Him to love you just the way you are (He is the One Who created you!), then you can lighten up, accept that you aren’t perfect, and be an example to others who need more laughter in their lives.

From the book Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer.

09-07-2014, 12:18 PM
It is always good to hear that you are not always the only one. I share a very private thing about myself at a meeting, after the words were out, I was shocked and wanted to take them back, and thought, you dummy, why did you say that. After the meeting, a woman who was hurting, came up to me and said, "Thanks for sharing that, I thought I was the only one."

I know I am not the only one who has trouble wearing white. I have trouble wearing ANY colour, especially if it is light. My father informed me years ago that my boobs were catch alls, even though they really are all that big. ;) I just can't seem to eat without making a mess of myself. roflmao. Clean clothes become a natural disaster. The can start that way, 5 minutes after I put them on if I eat. I informed my son that I was going to invest in a bib because of the tremon order in my hands now that the right is getting as bad as the left. He said, "Get a BIG apron." I am just lucky if the food makes it to my fork, let alone to my mouth. Quite often the floor enters the equations and my son says. "It is alright mom if you use the 5 second rule." If the food is only on the floor for 5 seconds, you can pick it up and eat it. :(