View Full Version : Taking time to rest and relax is important

09-02-2014, 03:51 PM
I relax in the moment and just be.

Taking time to rest and relax is important for my health and well-being, for it renews my mind, body, and spirit. To relax, I may take a day off from work, stroll the neighborhood, read a book, or enjoy time with friends. Whatever I choose, I make well-being a priority.

I let my mind rest and focus on being present in the moment. I breathe in the fresh air, feeling it energize me. I notice the blessings around and within me, and I adopt an attitude of gratitude.

Relaxing allows me to release physical tension and mental stress. I am conscious of a new vitality and aware of my ability to be more present to what is important in life.
Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even in plowing time and in harvest time you shall rest.—Exodus 34:21

Daily Word

09-03-2014, 01:22 AM
No vanity on my part, but looked at this and thought, "I could have written this. ;)

For me it isn't about taking one day to rest, but taking time each day to rest and spend time with my God, why wait until Sunday?
