View Full Version : Can material things make you happy?

08-27-2014, 09:03 AM
For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

1 John 2:16-17
Peggy Noonan, who served in the administration of three U.S. Presidents, wrote a book in 1990 called What I Saw at the Revolution. In it, she discussed the Baby Boomer generation, those who grew up in the 50s and 60s, and talked about how our generation was the first one to truly expect to find happiness in the here and now.

She went on to say that this generation has all the technology, gadgets, and education we could imagine. We’ve had more privileges and possessions than any generation that has come before us. Yet despite all this, Noonan says, we’re one of the unhappiest generations in history.

So why is that? Well, I believe that the more we have at our disposal, the more tempted we will be to try to find our joy in those things. Many people today look to their toys and their things to bring them ultimate satisfaction. These are things that may gratify for a short time, but they’ll never satisfy.

There’s only one thing in the world that can be a source of real and lasting joy: a relationship with Jesus Christ. So instead of looking at things to fulfill you, look to Jesus and find your ultimate satisfaction in Him!


Jack Graham

08-27-2014, 09:11 AM
At first when I tried to click on this, I got an ad for Whirlpool washer/dryers, so apparently the Whirlpool folks believe a washer/dryer will make me happy--LOL!

Seriously, things can help us with convenience, but the things we own, own us. Every thing we own needs maintenance. I am at a time of life when it is time to scale down from the bigger house and all the stuff of having kids. I look forward to it. Not that I don't enjoy a day of shopping, but it has to be kept in perspective. Maybe I can shop and buy something to give away to someone who needs it more than I do--now there's a thought (after we get done paying for college, LOL!).

08-27-2014, 12:43 PM
Within the 10 commandments God tells us not to worship other gods...I believe the material things fall under that category.

Our Big Book states spiritual progress MUST precede material gain. Watching many persons ion the 24 hours I have been on this journey I believe that to be a spiritual truth.

a day of shopping,

What I find to be extremely fun is a day of shopping in the thrift stores. I have 2 ladies that come to visit from California who share my idea of fun. When they come..we make a day of it.. those stores are a tremendous savings. There are times I find brand new items in the thrift stores to give as gifts.