08-25-2014, 12:59 PM
I am on fire with a passion to serve!
When I’m attuned to Spirit, the desire to serve others is awakened in me. I am eager to express God through my thoughts, words, and deeds. As I wake up to Spirit’s voice within me, I feel my heart expand in gratitude. I realize I am a vehicle through which God is revealed in the world.
I ask Spirit how I can be of service. My heart is open and I am willing. I listen with a grateful heart and mind and act on the guidance I receive. As I share my gifts with passion, I awaken to all I am and all I have to give. The energy of Spirit within me is ignited. I am on fire with a passion to serve!
They came, everyone whose heart was stirred, and everyone whose spirit was willing, and brought the Lord’s offering to be used for the tent of meeting, and for all its service.—Exodus 35:21
Daily Word
I am on fire with a passion to serve!
When I’m attuned to Spirit, the desire to serve others is awakened in me. I am eager to express God through my thoughts, words, and deeds. As I wake up to Spirit’s voice within me, I feel my heart expand in gratitude. I realize I am a vehicle through which God is revealed in the world.
I ask Spirit how I can be of service. My heart is open and I am willing. I listen with a grateful heart and mind and act on the guidance I receive. As I share my gifts with passion, I awaken to all I am and all I have to give. The energy of Spirit within me is ignited. I am on fire with a passion to serve!
They came, everyone whose heart was stirred, and everyone whose spirit was willing, and brought the Lord’s offering to be used for the tent of meeting, and for all its service.—Exodus 35:21
Daily Word