View Full Version : Q re daily reflection group

08-10-2014, 06:42 PM
Hello. I've been using your daily readings list for at least a month now. Thanks a lot for them.

I have a question, and hoping it's ok if I post it in a few forums here which seem related to the question. I'm an Al-Anonner & studying to become a hospital chaplain. I'm doing a chaplaincy internship at a hospital & was recently assigned to its chemical dependency unit. The unit's asked me to make a 30-minute morning reflection period available to patients Mon-Fri 8:30-9 am, and I'm not sure how best to use the time. The group will be voluntary and could be very small. The unit relies heavily on 12-step philosophy.

If anyone out there has any experience with this kind of thing and/or any ideas about how to structure such a time/group, I'd love to hear about it.

Thank you!

08-10-2014, 07:45 PM
Feel to post in any section. We have an Al-Anon section but there are related posts in Newcomers, Recovery Topics and Questions, General Forum, and because I belong to both sides of the street, my own recovery has to include my recovery in all areas of my life.

I have been to Al-Anon, Nar-Anon (no longer available), Adult Children of Alcoholics, Codependency, as well as NA for prescription drugs and alcohol. I also qualify for Emotions Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Gambler's Anonymous, and Dual Recovery Anonymous.

The Twelve Steps and Traditions are applicable to all areas and are a common denominator.

I stole a glass of communion wine at 10 years old. I always remembered the Ahhhh! feeling and searched for it all my life. When I found it, I couldn't stop there, I need more. It took more and more to find it again. It didn't matter what the substance was, a biggie was attention, validation, affirmation, love, and so much more. I even got into Nevada Tickets. A dear friend made me aware that I had an issue, and it could get worse. She had 5 children and she gambled her grocery money away.

Look forward to sharing with you. It took me two husbands to get 10 years of marriage and I have a son in active addiction. My mother died from her food addiction at the age of 40 and my dad died at the age of 66 as a result of his alcoholism. It is a family disease.

I have one reason to go to AA and NA, but I have 3-33 reasons to go to Al-Anon.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTfETh5fjHcy0lZfCEU26IFAaph2SPdK 6N0CZ-ftkSrHr0QEzk2eQ