08-09-2014, 10:26 AM
It’s Okay to Cry
Jesus wept. John 11:35
We often try to keep a stiff upper lip in the face of sadness, difficulty, or loss. Perhaps we think it’s weak or inappropriate to weep. But Jesus lets us know that it’s okay to cry. Jesus grieves and weeps at the death of His friend Lazarus. He does not try to hide or deny His feelings. His tears flow. Jesus’ tears reveal that He truly is fully human as well as fully divine. He understands the wide range of our human emotions.
So how have we been feeling today? Are you sad, angry, happy, melancholy, disappointed, sorrowful, lonely, upset, or content? Whatever emotions we may experience, we should not hesitate to share them with Christ. When we cry, Christ weeps with us. When we are happy and content, He rejoices with us. When we are angry, upset, disappointed, or melancholy, He is there to listen.
Our emotions truly are gifts from God. But even when we are in the throes of various emotions, God reminds us that our faith is based not on our feelings, but on the truths revealed in His Word. And the truth is that Jesus died for our salvation, our sins are forgiven, and we are children of God. Our moods may change from day to day, but the steadfast love of the Lord remains ours forever.
Help us express our emotions and hold tight to the truth of Your steadfast love, O Lord. Amen.
--Portals Of Prayer
Jesus wept. John 11:35
We often try to keep a stiff upper lip in the face of sadness, difficulty, or loss. Perhaps we think it’s weak or inappropriate to weep. But Jesus lets us know that it’s okay to cry. Jesus grieves and weeps at the death of His friend Lazarus. He does not try to hide or deny His feelings. His tears flow. Jesus’ tears reveal that He truly is fully human as well as fully divine. He understands the wide range of our human emotions.
So how have we been feeling today? Are you sad, angry, happy, melancholy, disappointed, sorrowful, lonely, upset, or content? Whatever emotions we may experience, we should not hesitate to share them with Christ. When we cry, Christ weeps with us. When we are happy and content, He rejoices with us. When we are angry, upset, disappointed, or melancholy, He is there to listen.
Our emotions truly are gifts from God. But even when we are in the throes of various emotions, God reminds us that our faith is based not on our feelings, but on the truths revealed in His Word. And the truth is that Jesus died for our salvation, our sins are forgiven, and we are children of God. Our moods may change from day to day, but the steadfast love of the Lord remains ours forever.
Help us express our emotions and hold tight to the truth of Your steadfast love, O Lord. Amen.
--Portals Of Prayer