View Full Version : August -5 2014 Daily Recovery Readings...?

Maria Joseph Ignatius.M
08-04-2014, 10:52 PM
What should I do to view today's (5/8/14) daily recovery readings...?
Please advise....

Maria Joseph Ignatius.M
08-04-2014, 10:56 PM
Is there any way I can view the daily recovery readings page every day before 6am every day without any break PLEASE...... Help me with this...

08-05-2014, 10:21 AM
They have been sent out for today in email. There was an error on my part as far as them being sent out in email for today but that has been corrected.

You can view the one for today, August 5th here http://www.bluidkiti.com/forums/showpost.php?p=28290&postcount=5 .

You can also check this site: http://recoveryreadings.com/

Thank you for your patience.