View Full Version : Create In Me A Clean Heart

08-01-2014, 03:25 PM

Two bachelors were talking one day, and their conversation drifted from politics to sports to cooking.

One of them said, "I got a cookbook once, but I could never do anything with it."

The other one said, "Too much fancy work in it, huh?"

You first one said, "Yeah, it sure was. Every one of the recipes began the same way - 'Take a clean dish.'"

Our relationship with God is much the same. God says, "Take a clean life", and we go, "Wait a minute, that's a problem." Because "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23). Our lives are not clean. We're stained by sin.

Making the matter even more difficult is the fact that we do not have the ability to cleanse ourselves: "Who can say, 'I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin'?" (Proverbs 20:9). The answer is, "No one."

Fortunately, God offers cleansing through the blood of Jesus Christ. So our plea to God is that of David: "Wash me thoroughly from my sin, and cleanse me from my sin.....Create in me a clean heart, O God." (Psalm 51:2,10)

May our attitude be such that we are willing to do what God says in order to receive the cleansing he offers. And praise be to God for his willingness to make clean what we cannot!

Have a great day!

Alan Smith

08-02-2014, 03:30 AM

Two bachelors were talking one day, and their conversation drifted from politics to sports to cooking.

One of them said, "I got a cookbook once, but I could never do anything with it."

The other one said, "Too much fancy work in it, huh?"

You first one said, "Yeah, it sure was. Every one of the recipes began the same way - 'Take a clean dish.'"

Our relationship with God is much the same. God says, "Take a clean life", and we go, "Wait a minute, that's a problem." Because "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23). Our lives are not clean. We're stained by sin.

Making the matter even more difficult is the fact that we do not have the ability to cleanse ourselves: "Who can say, 'I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin'?" (Proverbs 20:9). The answer is, "No one."

Fortunately, God offers cleansing through the blood of Jesus Christ. So our plea to God is that of David: "Wash me thoroughly from my sin, and cleanse me from my sin.....Create in me a clean heart, O God." (Psalm 51:2,10)

May our attitude be such that we are willing to do what God says in order to receive the cleansing he offers. And praise be to God for his willingness to make clean what we cannot!

Have a great day!

Alan Smith

Every time I feel that my thinking is getting a bit foggy and unclear, every time I feel that my body is wandering and fighting to walk the recovery path, every time I think that I am bigger than God and can do it myself, I know that I need to send out a prayer for the cleansing of body, mind, and spirit.

I was given that cleansing at 10 years old, and it has taken me a long time to build a relationship with my God, to get to know and understand Him and through Him, I got to understand and find me.

This is a living program.
