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08-01-2014, 08:29 AM
Friday, August 1, 2014
The next step you take
The next step you take is the one that matters. You have the power to choose right now what that step will be.
Even if you’ve been going for weeks or for years in a negative direction, your next step can be a positive one. Even if it’s a small positive step, it can change your direction and establish a new momentum.
No matter where you are or what you’ve done or failed to do, you can now choose to move toward what you value most. The way to make that choice is with your next step.
You can wish and hope and plan and talk about where you want to go. Yet it is your next step that will actually begin to get you there.
Your next step sets the direction for your future. And you have the opportunity right now to decide what that next step will be.
Your next step is ready and waiting for you to take it. Choose to make it one that will move your whole world forward.
— Ralph Marston
08-02-2014, 02:05 AM
In recovery, I was told to take risks and stretch my boundaries. Don't base your thought on the past and fear of the future to prevent you moving forward, stay in today, in the moment and live it to it's fullest, know that your God is with you. With Him at the helm, He won't lead you astray if you follow His Good Orderly Direction.
08-02-2014, 07:35 AM
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Good impression
People remember what you do much more vividly than they remember what you say. If you seek credibility, seek to establish that credibility with your actions and not just your words.
Relationships are not built on mere pronouncements. Valuable relationships grow from shared experiences, reliability, consistency and truthfulness.
The way to be believed next time, is to do what you say you’ll do this time. The way to gain trust is to earn it by being always trustworthy in matters large and small.
The key to making a good impression is to live with authenticity, honesty, genuine compassion and generosity. People form their impressions not on how you appear, but on how well you treat them.
To make a good impression, be valuable, be useful and be original. Be truly interested and willing to make a difference.
The way to consistently look good is to be good, and honest and helpful. Love life and all who live it, put that love into action, and you’ll always make a great impression.
— Ralph Marston
08-03-2014, 08:35 AM
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Make your own way
Others can point the way, but you must make the journey. Others can give you their assistance and advice, but you must choose the direction of your life.
If you set out to live someone else’s dream, you’ll end up frustrated and disappointed. For you have your own special purpose, a purpose that would be deeply painful to deny.
That purpose is eager to face the greatest challenges and to grow intensely more meaningful in the process. Your purpose has a whole wonderful set of achievements that will bring great fulfillment to your life.
No one, no matter how generous or well-intentioned, can give you everything you seek. For much of what you seek is to make your own way in life.
No pleasure can compare to the pleasures you earn through your own efforts. No reward can equal the reward of creating your own achievements.
Make the commitment, make the effort, and make your own beautiful way in life.
— Ralph Marston
08-04-2014, 03:54 AM
What works for others, didn't always work for me. I had to adjust it in order for it to fit. It didn't mean the person was wrong or I was right, far from it. We are all individuals and not clones. We need to find our own way, but a path that leads in the same direction as other recovering alcoholics and addicts.
What worked for me, might not work for someone else. I put a lot of work into my recovery and a lot of people I met where not willing to put the energy into it that I did. That doesn't mean they were wrong and I was right, it meant that I was one of the really sick ones. I was fragmented and totally empty, and I needed a lot of spiritual food to fill up on. Religion hadn't prevented me from being an addict (I was put on Valium at 16), and I had to look for a way to incorporate a spiritual walk with my religious beliefs.
08-04-2014, 09:01 AM
Monday, August 4, 2014
Work on it
Stop taking refuge in the promise of quick fixes or the familiarity of worn-out excuses. Make the effort, do the work, and fulfill your best possibilities.
Even if you can’t get it perfect, work on it. Even if you can’t get it all done right away, work on it.
Work on it with commitment and persistence. You know you’re capable of creating new, worthwhile, meaningful value, so do what you know you can do.
This day is a unique opportunity that you’ll only get once. Work on it, and lock in the value of that opportunity while you can.
Don’t sacrifice the chance to make a lasting difference for a little fleeting, momentary pleasure. Persist, focus, do the work and enjoy the far greater pleasure of a job well done.
Life will get even better when you work on it. Use the powerful opportunity of this day to do just that.
— Ralph Marston
08-05-2014, 09:05 AM
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Envision it
Envision something that would add more goodness to life, and then follow that vision. Envision something that would make your world more enjoyable, more fulfilling, more enriching, and then make that vision happen.
It’s easy to dwell on what is wrong. It is far more useful, though, to focus on how things can be better.
What positive change would improve your life right now? Envision it, and then envision ways to get there.
Use the power of your mind for more than just worrying and complaining about what’s wrong. Put your creative mind and your unique imagination to work bringing about more things that are good and right.
Challenge yourself to envision a new direction, a more effective approach, or a more enlightened perspective. Challenge yourself to look beyond the difficulties and to see the opportunities toward which those difficulties point.
The quality of your vision drives the quality of your life. Envision the world you would most like to see, and follow that vision to a great new reality.
— Ralph Marston
08-06-2014, 08:47 AM
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Adjust accordingly
If what you’re doing is not working, adjust. Rather than giving up on the effort, give the effort the benefit of your experience and informed consideration.
Every time you fail to get the result you want, you succeed in learning more about what doesn’t work. Put that knowledge to good use, and make some adjustments.
Even when you do get the desired result, you’ve likely learned how you could do things even better. Whether you’ve succeeded or failed, make the adjustments that will make you more effective next time.
Conditions regularly change, and you have the opportunity to change with them, or even ahead of them. By adjusting your efforts, you can keep creating new, meaningful value.
The animals, plants, organizations, businesses and individuals who succeed in the long term are the ones who adapt and adjust. Be aware of your level of effectiveness, be aware of your environment, be aware of what changes and what doesn’t, and adjust accordingly.
Even the smallest adjustment can sometimes make the difference between success and failure. Make the attempt, learn the lessons, observe the territory, and adjust your way to success.
— Ralph Marston
08-07-2014, 09:13 AM
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Once you start, and put a little of yourself into the effort, it’s easier to keep going. Get started, doing whatever you can, knowing that you’ll build some momentum.
Even though it may be difficult to imagine finishing the task, go ahead and start. Once you’re moving forward, you’ll find new and fulfilling ways to keep going.
Start, and put some honest, dedicated effort into the work. The more you give, the more you’ll have available to give.
Start, and be willing to learn all you can. Be open to new ideas, new skills, new connections, new methods and new inspiration, and you’ll find them in abundance.
Momentum is a powerful force, yet it works against you when you’re sitting idle. Start, and put the enormous power of momentum on your side.
Achievement begins when you make the choice to start. Start now, and you will have taken that most important first step.
— Ralph Marston
08-08-2014, 08:56 AM
Friday, August 8, 2014
You have the opportunity
You have the opportunity to take a negative situation and transform it into positive value. You have the opportunity to take an ordinary moment and make it into an extraordinary experience.
You have the opportunity because you can make a difference. You have the opportunity because you care very deeply about life, and have the ability to put that caring into action.
Life can unfold in many different ways, creating an unimaginable variety of situations. In every one of those situations, there is opportunity.
Those people who choose to see the opportunities, and to do something about them, are the people who enjoy the best life has to offer. You are never more fully alive than when you are transforming what is possible into what is real.
Every day is an opportunity to express your purpose and your love of life in new and valuable ways. Every moment is an opportunity to give something of yourself and by so doing, to taste a flavor of life’s richness that cannot be experienced in any other way.
You have the opportunity right now to do something truly beautiful. Take that opportunity, and find delight in making it count.
— Ralph Marston
08-09-2014, 09:53 AM
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Your precious life
Spend your time as if it is precious, because it is. Spend your time as if it can bring great value to your world, because it can.
Live this moment as if you will never be able to live it again, because you won’t. Seek to get as much as possible from the time you have right now, and you will.
The more you value and appreciate each moment, the more value each moment will bring you. The way to be truly thankful for the life you have and for everything in it, is to constantly make good and meaningful use of it all.
If you had a magnificent, sparkling diamond that was worth fifty million dollars, you’d likely be extremely careful with it. Your life on this day is much more precious than a mere diamond, so remind yourself to take great care and make the most of every moment.
Before you waste it on anger, resentment, spite or envy, think of how precious and irreplaceable your time is. Remind yourself that you have many better choices.
Your life is truly precious. And you can make it even more so by living each day with that in mind.
— Ralph Marston
08-10-2014, 07:39 AM
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Be kind to yourself
Be kind to yourself. The better you feel, the more value you can create for your world.
Learn from your mistakes, but don’t hound yourself relentlessly with them. Build for the future, but don’t withhold from yourself the joys that you can live right now.
Delight in life’s pleasures without sinking into meaningless excess. Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you as it resonates with the beauty that is within you.
Find genuine satisfaction in productive, meaningful effort. Give the best that you have, and discover the real, lasting treasures you receive from doing so.
Provide yourself with the energy, commitment and determination to do much. And regularly give yourself some peaceful, relaxing time to do nothing.
Treat yourself with kindness, courtesy, respect and the highest of expectations. For life is as good as you choose to make it.
— Ralph Marston
08-11-2014, 08:12 AM
Monday, August 11, 2014
Keep the goal in sight
When the goal is in sight, you’re much more highly motivated to work toward it. So no matter how far away the goal is, keep it in sight and keep moving enthusiastically toward it.
When you can see that you’re making progress, you are naturally encouraged to make more progress. So as you move forward, remind yourself how far you’ve come, and keep on going.
Nothing can take the place of a clear and meaningful purpose. So give yourself the energy to achieve by knowing exactly where you wish to go and why you want to get there.
Feel the achievement and the rewards that come with it as you work steadily toward it. Keep your vision focused on the goal as you move ever closer to that goal.
Effort becomes effortless and energy becomes far more abundant when you see the objective getting closer and closer. Make use of the power of your dream to make that dream come true.
Get the goal in sight and keep it there as you enjoy your own effective effort to move forward. Keep the goal in sight, no matter what, and achievement is yours.
— Ralph Marston
08-12-2014, 08:05 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Work happy
Don’t work hard to be happy. Be happy to work hard.
Instead of resenting the effort, or avoiding it altogether, put your own joy into it. Make your work an expression of your happiness rather than a precursor to that happiness.
If you postpone your happiness until after the work is done, you’ll miss the opportunity to make use of its power. Work happy, and you’ll work much more effectively.
Work happy, and you’ll provide yourself with a whole lot more time to be happy. Put happiness into even the most difficult effort and you’ll find ways to put the power of happiness into just about anything.
You don’t have to be naive or to deny reality in order to work happy. With both feet planted solidly and pragmatically on the ground, you can benefit from an attitude that soars a mile high.
Be truly happy about the difference you can make as you work to make that difference. Work happy, and add plenty of new richness to life.
— Ralph Marston
08-13-2014, 08:47 AM
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
When you don’t know what to do, be thankful. When you don’t know how to be, be thankful.
When the joys come, be thankful. When the challenges and sorrows arrive, be thankful.
In every experience there is always some value. Be thankful for the opportunity to have the experience, no matter what it is.
Be thankful, and become more intensely aware of life’s abundance. Be thankful, and discover new ways to make good use of that abundance.
Be thankful for the moment, whatever it may bring. For your thankfulness will add value to anything it lands upon.
Be thankful for what is, and you will see the beauty and the possibilities in it. Be thankful, and be amazed at how much better life becomes.
— Ralph Marston
08-14-2014, 08:11 AM
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Discover that you can
It is amazing what you can do if you will simply do it. Instead of wondering whether or not you’re able, take action and discover that you can.
If you follow your vision, people might think you’re crazy. Persist in taking positive action, and show them how truly mistaken they are.
If all you ever do is think about it and wonder about it, you’ll come up with plenty of excuses. Take action, and all the excuses go out the window.
Go ahead and find out how wonderfully capable and effective you are. Go ahead and make your time count for something by making a meaningful difference with it.
Rock solid confidence comes from knowing that you can. Knowing that you can, comes from actually doing it.
Take that action, feel that confidence, and experience the power of your own abilities. Go ahead, make the effort, give it your best, and discover that you can.
— Ralph Marston
08-15-2014, 09:14 AM
Friday, August 15, 2014
Make the choice
Make the choice to feel good about yourself, about your world, about your possibilities, right now. Make the choice and then commit yourself to bringing your positive choices to life.
But how can you feel good about things when things are not so good? Because you can make a difference, and the more positively focused you are, the more power you have to make that positive difference.
There’s no need to deny the reality of the situation. Simply make the choice to see the positive possibilities, to deeply feel the value of those possibilities, and to bring them about.
If there is darkness all around you, make the choice to shine a light of encouragement, hope, empowerment and loving action. Make the choice to focus on your highest vision, and on working your way toward that vision.
It is not quick or easy or convenient to make the world a better place. Yet it is much better than the alternative of giving yourself over to inaction and despair.
Make the choice to look lovingly and gratefully at life, and to see the best possibilities. And make the choice to enjoy living each moment doing what is necessary to bring those possibilities to life.
— Ralph Marston
08-16-2014, 09:06 AM
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Challenge yourself
You know you can always make improvements, so challenge yourself to do it. Challenge yourself to make today more productive, more enjoyable and more fulfilling than any day yet.
Instead of just letting life throw random challenges at you, go ahead and provide yourself with truly meaningful challenges. As long as you’re going to be working through challenges, they might as well be the challenges that bring new value to your life.
Instead of running or hiding from the problems, challenge yourself to work through them. Instead of settling for less than the life you envision, challenge yourself to reach for your dreams.
Put some real, good, satisfying substance in your life. Challenge yourself to live the richness of your best possibilities.
Challenge yourself to get started early, to hit the ground running, and to be highly effective in your efforts. Challenge yourself to ignore the distractions and meaningless superficial noise, and to focus on real, fulfilling purpose.
Today is a magnificent opportunity to live, and to live richly. Challenge yourself to do whatever is necessary to make the very most of it.
— Ralph Marston
08-17-2014, 07:25 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Choose to be inspired
Envy is worse than a waste of time. For when you hold on to thoughts of envy, you are actively holding yourself back.
Envy builds a wall between you and the abundance that could otherwise be yours. Envy can drain you of your best possibilities.
Do you ever resent it when someone else has acquired or achieved or experienced some particular thing and you have not? If so, then your envy actually makes your own situation worse.
Instead of being envious about the good fortune of others, be genuinely thankful for it. That instantly puts you in a much better position to create similar good fortune in your own life.
When you celebrate the achievements of others, you connect yourself in a positive and empowering way to life’s abundance. When you choose to be inspired, your eyes will open to many more valuable and positive possibilities.
Be truly thankful for the success that you see around you. And that success will soon become your own.
— Ralph Marston
08-18-2014, 08:00 AM
Monday, August 18, 2014
What you need to hear
Many times, what you need to hear is not what you want to hear. Yet when you pay heed to what you need to hear, it can make a positive difference in the direction of your life.
It can be painful to hear an uncomfortable truth about yourself. It can also be highly useful, and even transformative.
Is there something you’ve been avoiding admitting to yourself, something you need to hear? Go ahead, put it into words, and then get busy doing something positive about it.
Do you resent others who have attempted to tell you what you need to hear? Let go of the silly resentment, listen carefully, and then move forward with newfound strength.
Truth is powerful and it can also be uncomfortable, inconvenient, embarrassing and troublesome. Truth is worth the trouble, however, and when you’re willing to accept the truth it will add great effectiveness to whatever you’re doing.
Go ahead, be strong, and listen to what you need to hear. Put yourself on the bright, clear side of truth, and move forward more positively than ever before.
— Ralph Marston
08-19-2014, 08:31 AM
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
When you work
Good ideas work best when you work on them. Even not so great ideas can be made to work well when you put focused and committed effort into them.
Whatever you start with is not nearly so important as what you do with it. Even the difficulties can turn out to be blessings when you work on them.
A day that starts out great can become even better when you work on it. A day that starts out lousy can improve significantly when you go to work on it.
Be thankful and accepting of whatever comes your way. Then, with positive and purposeful intentions, go to work on it.
The difference between what doesn’t work and what does work, is the work you put into it. The way to make things work is to make yourself work.
Always, opportunity is within your reach. When you work on it, you can transform that opportunity into real, satisfying fulfillment.
— Ralph Marston
08-20-2014, 07:15 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Positive path forward
Acting with arrogance toward others does not add any positive value to your life. Being spiteful does not bring you any lasting sense of fulfillment.
It is completely understandable to be frustrated and angered by the words and actions of others. Yet the answer is not to add to the existing negativity with more negativity of your own.
Imagine taking the high road. Imagine putting your energy into positive pursuits instead of into negative reactions.
Your life is too precious to spend even a few moments of it consumed with hatred or arrogance or other kinds of negativity. For the sake of your own well being, turn your attention toward the good and beneficial things you can think and do.
Take the time to consider what adds value to your life and your world, and what takes that value away. Then commit yourself to living in such a way that adds more value.
Each moment is filled with countless possibilities, so choose the very best ones. Instead of getting mired in negativity, lift yourself higher by taking the most positive path forward.
— Ralph Marston
08-20-2014, 10:20 AM
Especially like the 18th, so many times the message is there and we choose to turn a deaf ear or wear rose coloured glasses.
My disease is cunning, baffling and powerful, and is ever there, just waiting for me to slip mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
Next thing you know, my disease is laughing and saying, "I got you!" I am sad. The next things I know, I pray and use the program, and my disease says, "Gee I had her, next time!"
08-21-2014, 08:55 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2014
A way to keep going
There is so much that must be done. And although you may not get it all finished today, you can get something done, so go ahead and do it.
Some tasks will likely take longer than you anticipated, and that can be frustrating. Yet even when the progress is slow, you are indeed making progress, so choose to be more thankful and less frustrated.
Instead of complaining about what you can’t do, put all your focus and energy into what you can do, and into what you are doing. Little by little, bit by bit, work your way forward.
One of the biggest enemies of persistence is discouragement. So refuse to be discouraged, and congratulate yourself on making one step at a time.
Plenty of things can slow you down, yet you don’t have to let anything stop you completely. Even if it’s just in a small way, you can find a way to keep going.
It feels great to know you’re making a difference, so do a little bit, and feel a little better. Keep going, and you’ll soon be amazed at how far you’ve come.
— Ralph Marston
08-22-2014, 08:10 AM
Friday, August 22, 2014
Let it push you forward
You don’t have to be annoyed. You can be inspired.
You don’t have to be frustrated. You can be motivated and determined.
The way you respond is not dictated solely by the situation. The way you respond is decided by you.
No matter what has happened, your attitude is a choice that’s made by you. Instead of letting the interruptions, distractions and frustrations get you down, you can just as realistically choose to let them push you forward.
It’s natural to assume that negativity must make you negative, and that you must have some kind of positive reinforcement in order to be positive. But that’s not the case at all, because you can choose to move positively forward no matter what.
Decide that you’ll let both the good things and the bad things push you ahead. And be amazed at how far you can go.
— Ralph Marston
08-23-2014, 09:32 AM
Saturday, August 23, 2014
A giving heart
When you live with a giving heart you don’t have to participate in the world’s negativity. You can give your own goodness to any situation.
You can wake up each morning absolutely certain that it’s going to be a great day. You can know without a doubt that there will always be new opportunities to experience the joy of your generosity.
When you live with a giving heart you never have to be disappointed. There is always something you can do to experience true fulfillment.
When your concerns cease to be all about you, the possibilities for joy become infinite. Seek to truly give of yourself, and previous limitations fall quickly away.
With a giving heart your words and actions take on the power of truth and authenticity. With each new situation comes a new way to make a positive difference.
Let yourself live with a giving heart. See the world in a whole new light, and experience life and joy at the highest levels.
— Ralph Marston
08-24-2014, 07:45 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Life is now
No matter how much joy you’ve known, there is always more joy to be experienced. Each moment brings new possibilities for adding richness to life.
The best days of your life are never behind you, unless you choose to see them as such. For no matter how life has been, there will always be opportunities to experience more goodness.
Everything you know about has already happened, so it can be very easy to view life as nothing more than what is receding into the past. Yet life is infinitely more, because life is now.
By all means, hold firmly to the goodness you’ve already known and carry it forever in your heart. At the same time, open yourself fully to the positive possibilities that are yours right now.
Now is the moment to live. Now is the time for all that can be.
The sun is just now rising on the bright golden possibilities of this day. Life’s great and beautiful promise is now.
— Ralph Marston
08-25-2014, 07:06 AM
Monday, August 25, 2014
Value in your life
Don’t discount what you already have. There is great value in your life if you will simply open yourself up to see it, to appreciate it, and to make meaningful use of it.
Sometimes the challenges can seem so overwhelming that they block out everything else. Yet when the challenges are at their greatest is precisely when you can benefit most from connecting to the abundance in your life.
That abundance is absolutely there. So how do you see it, and make use of it?
Start by being thankful for the life you have, and for the people, places, things and events in it. Then, focus on a vision of exactly how you would like your life to be, if it could be any way you choose.
Make that vision an intention, and commit yourself to that intention without compromise. Allow yourself to become positively passionate and joyful about working your way toward where you truly wish to go.
When you have something positive and specific upon which to focus, you’ll begin to see more and more of the value that’s already yours. And you’ll be able to make good and loving use of that value to move positively and enthusiastically forward.
— Ralph Marston
08-26-2014, 09:12 AM
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Here today
You are here today, alive and aware. You have power and influence, skills and abilities right here and now, so put them to good use right here and now.
You can get yourself all wrapped up in a tangled mess of inaction by wondering and worrying about what might happen. Choose instead to get yourself passionate and enthusiastic about what will happen when you make the effort to make a positive difference.
You are here today, so do something great with it. You are here today, in a world of beauty and possibility and opportunity, so seize the moment, this one right here, and make it count.
What do you really, truly want to do and how to you really, truly want to feel? What is so massively important to you that nothing else really matters in comparison?
Challenge yourself to honestly answer those questions. Then, pick yourself up and go do all you can to make those desirable and meaningful things a reality in your world.
You are here today, living in an authentic one-of-a-kind opportunity that will never come again. Grab it and joyfully run with it as fast as you can.
— Ralph Marston
08-27-2014, 08:55 AM
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Life gives you options
The questions and mysteries give you a chance to learn. The challenges give you an opportunity to make a positive difference.
The people with whom you disagree give you a way to see life from a different perspective. The disappointments you endure can put you on a path toward becoming more determined and effective.
Instead of complaining about what’s negative, you can look for what’s positive. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you can feel fortunate to be where you are.
When there’s nothing interesting or exciting going on, you have the chance to exercise and strengthen your imagination. When the world feels gray and dreary, you can find unique, original beauty in the unlikeliest of places.
Every day, life gives you options. What you choose from those options and what you do with them, determines where you are at the end of the day.
Right now, you have many options. Choose the most positive, life-affirming, interesting, loving and fulfilling ones, and the reality of your life will follow along.
— Ralph Marston
08-28-2014, 09:05 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Enjoy the diligent, focused, challenging work, and enjoy the carefree, lighthearted, playful times. Enjoy the moments of quiet solitude as well as the times when you’re surrounded by the stimulating energy of the people in your life.
Enjoy giving love and being loved. Enjoy making a difference and enjoy the assistance and collaboration of others who make a difference in your life.
Enjoy the things you’re confident of as well as the things that are a mystery. Enjoy diving into life’s pleasures and enjoy working through life’s problems.
Enjoy the warm sun on your skin and enjoy the cold wind against your face. Enjoy being confident and enjoy being surprised.
The more of life you enjoy, and treasure, and appreciate, the more access you’ll have to life’s best possibilities. When you can find something to sincerely enjoy, you have found a pathway to great value and fulfillment.
Today is a unique, one-of-a-kind experience, filled with opportunities for all different kinds of richness. Step enthusiastically forward into whatever today offers, and enjoy.
— Ralph Marston
08-29-2014, 08:25 AM
Friday, August 29, 2014
Strong and compelling purpose
If you’re too easily distracted, don’t blame the distractions. Instead, consider how you could make your work more meaningful and compelling.
Rather than fighting against the distractions, overpower them. Seek to put things in your life and your work that are so interesting and captivating that the plain old ordinary distractions are left with no way to compete.
It’s much easier for the little, meaningless things to distract you if you’re subconsciously looking for things to distract you. The more you focus on what’s truly important in your life, the less you’ll be knocked off your task by distractions.
Imagine what you could focus on that would get you totally engaged and absorbed and immune to just about any kind of distraction. Imagine what things would be so thoroughly meaningful to you that it would be nearly impossible to pull you away from them.
You owe it to yourself to follow a strong and compelling purpose. You owe it to life to work toward the achievement of those things that mean the most to you.
Instead of letting yourself be too easily distracted, allow yourself to be filled with enthusiasm for following your authentic purpose. The more energy you give to what matters, the less you’ll be bothered by what doesn’t.
— Ralph Marston
08-30-2014, 09:11 AM
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Just be
Relax your mind and calm your thoughts. Let go of the frustrations, anxieties, and judgments, and just be.
Just be, and feel the miracle of your own existence. Just be, and feel the spark of joy that’s deep within you.
Focus on that joy and allow it to grow ever more present in your awareness. Feel that joy and see it flowing out from you into all of life.
Let go of the need to struggle, and simply let yourself be. Let go of the urge to make things this way or that, and enjoy the beauty of the way things are.
There is certainly much you can do to make a positive difference in life. And you’ll do it far more effectively when you live and act with a peaceful spirit.
For this precious moment, just be, and feel the power of your own authentic purpose. Just be, and gain new energy with which to live and express that purpose.
— Ralph Marston
08-31-2014, 07:31 AM
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Living with richness
Feel how good it is to live this day. Feel the possibilities that have now been born.
Realize the power you have to make a difference. Think of the value that you can now create.
There is no end to the love you can give. There is no limit to the joy you can share.
Your vision, your imagination and your intentions point the way forward. Your thoughts and actions can bring the fulfillment you seek.
Open yourself to the goodness and to the opportunities that are yours right now. There is much for which to be thankful, and there are countless ways to express and fulfill your purpose.
Get busy living this day with richness and your own special meaning. Feel the unique joy of this moment, and carry it ever forward.
— Ralph Marston
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