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07-01-2014, 08:25 AM
July 1
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Men and women drink essentially because they like the effect produced by alcohol. The sensation is so elusive that, while they admit it is injurious, they cannot after a time differentiate the true from the false. To them, their alcoholic life seems the only normal one. They are restless, irritable and discontented, unless they can again experience the sense of ease and comfort which comes at once by taking a few drinks -- drinks which they see others taking with impunity. - Pg. xxix - 4th. Edition - The Doctor's Opinion
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Mind is the path. Flesh is the vehicle. We must establish a new mind through the creative power of thought using the 12 steps. We must establish a new body, protecting it from drugs. Only then do we become an aspirant of a whole life.
I ask my Creator to make me WHOLE in body, mind, and spirit.
Letting Go
Letting go of the past and moving on is a tall order; it requires a kind of releasing that I still find difficult to do. My past will always be in the shadows of my memory to haunt me if I do not recognize it as a part of me. If I pretend it's not important, grit my teeth and force myself to numb myself, I have missed the point of this process. On the other had, if I am unwilling to let go no matter how many times I have worked through certain issues, I am also not allowing myself to be fully healthy and return to life. The part of my healing that is a flowing through the stored pain from the past is a decisive, forward-moving action.
I understand that, as part of my process of healing, my responsibility to let go and move on.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
'You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. ...You must do the thing you cannot do.' -Eleanor Roosevelt
I do the thing I cannot do as I overcome F.E.A.R. I Face Everything And Recover.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
The program fixes it so we don't have to suffer from insanity anymore. Now we can enjoy it!
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I trust my instincts. Today I trust I will know at the right time the right answer. Today I have the faith to know that God guides me in my choices.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I only need one meeting a week, but I go to seven because I don't know which one I need. - Anon.
07-01-2014, 02:43 PM
Glad you found Hour to Hour, perhaps I was too early in the morning and it hadn't been released when I was there.
Always like Alkiespeaks. So man words of wisdom, most times, I have been there and wore the t-shirt.
Seems like a good explanation as to why I went to 2-3 meetings a week for two years. If I missed a meeting, I thought I was setting myself up for relapse.
07-02-2014, 08:57 AM
July 2
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
I was not too well at the time, and was plagued by waves of self-pity and resentment. This sometimes nearly drove me back to drink, but I soon found that when all other measures failed, work with another alcoholic would save the day. Many times I have gone to my old hospital in despair. On talking to a man there, I would be amazingly lifted up and set on my feet. It is a design for living that works in rough going. - Pg. 15 - Bill's Story
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Although we don't know it, there is a cloud over our brains in the first days. It takes just about 30 days for this drug cloud to lift from our thinking. Any time now, this cloud will leave and our vision will become clearer than it has been in years.
May my eyes clear, my mind clear, my desires clear as I begin my clean and sober days.
I have been through a journey of forgiveness. I've faced my anger and hurt and brought order and clarity to my inner world. I've accepted the things I cannot change and changed the things that I could. Because I've shown the courage to face my inner demons and look them in the eye, I feel stronger and more competent. Forgiveness of my self and others has offered me a way out of pain and confusion, and now I find I have a renewed interest in life. I see things differently. I feel liberated from something that was tying up me energy. And I recognize and accept my own humanity, and the humanity of others. I am ready and willing to reinvest in the ideal of love. I want to find worthy projects and passions, and put my energy toward them. I have something to give to the world and the world has something to give to me. I am right where I am supposed to be and I've met the challenges of my life. I am ready to live.
I invest my energy with care and gusto.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Don't let the therapeutically 'correct' way to run a group hijack your meeting. Leaders are reluctant to cut a newcomer off for fear of shaming their inner child, rejecting them, or appearing to be mean. We are not therapy and we can't share with them if they can't listen.
I do not let the newcomer's inner child run our meetings. This is not play therapy.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
God does not want me to do extraordinary things; He wants me to do ordinary things extraordinarily well.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I am accepting myself just as I am, imperfections and all. I am not striving to be perfect today. I only want to grow, to change, to become more and more open and let God and love be in charge of my life.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
You can tell an alcoholic - but you can't tell him much. Anon.
07-02-2014, 04:49 PM
When I was on call for AA at nights, I was told not to talk to a drunk that they won't remember the next day. They stressed "Don't talk to a drunk."
I talked to a few. One lady said, "I don't want to talk to you, where is that nice man I talked to last night."
One special case, I talked to a girl, went on the bus to meet her at a meeting. She had driven over 30 miles drunk. I felt bad, but she said, "Don't worry, if I hadn't come here, I would have gone out drinking." Every time I see her, I get the warm fuzzies.
07-03-2014, 11:29 AM
July 3
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
An alcoholic in his cups is an unlovely creature. Our struggles with them are variously strenuous, comic, and tragic. - Pg. 16 - Bill's Story
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Another part of learning good hourly habits is to take time for physical exercise. This is part of the balance of our new lives. We need activity for the well-being of the body and for self-discipline. We can walk, swim, jog, take up sports, aerobics, dance, or even yoga--just as long as we are consistent and somehow active.
Give me the self-discipline to maintain some type of physical activity in my clean and sober life-style.
The Creative Power of My Thoughts
Today, I recognize that I tend to produce in my life what I feel is true for myself. Thoughts have a creative power of their own. If I look closely, I can see my thoughts come to life. I create the possibility of what I would like by first experiencing it in my mind. I will visualize what I would like to have in my life in my mind's eye. I will accept what I see in my inner eye as being there for me, and I will fully participate in my vision as if it were mine. I will be specific about what I see, smell, feel, and I will accept my inner vision as fully as possible. I will enjoy my vision, then let it go and move on in my day, releasing it with no thought of controlling it further. I will let it happen, if it is right for me, in God's time.
All good things are possible for me.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
When you start the day with quiet meditation, you create a consciousness of serenity and peace. At anytime during the day you can bring your mind back to this moment.
When things get hectic or stressful, I bring my awareness back to the peace that I create now.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Sometimes before you can have a spiritual awakening, you have to have some rude awakenings.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Say I can search my own heart and discover whether my intentions are for positive or constructive reasons. Today I can trust that when I come from good and love, I am making the right choices.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Daily meditation for about twenty minutes is recommended for all in recovery - unless you're very busy, then you should do half an hour. - Anon.
07-04-2014, 08:02 AM
July 4
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
But we saw that it really worked for others, and we had come to believe in the hopelessness and futility of life as we had been living it. When, therefore, we were approached by those in whom the problem had been solved, there was nothing left for us but to pick up the simple kit of spiritual tools laid at our feet. We have found much of heaven and we have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not even dreamed. - Pg. 25 - There Is A Solution
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
We make two great choices in life: one, the decision to get clean and sober; the other, the choice to stay that way.
God, as I understand You, help me stay away from that first fix, pill, drink, smoke, or snort for this hour.
Standing in Self
Today, I own the truth of my recovery. If I am to stand centered and strong within my life and self, I will need to plant a garden within my own soul. A garden for me to nurture and to nurture me. A haven of beauty. I will find my own voice and sing my song because if I don't sing it, it will not be sung. It is all I have and it is enough. I do not need to prove anything to anyone anymore. I have come home - to me. The truth is, I was here all along, only I forgot to look for myself. Instead, I searched for me in other people's meaning and became lost in their stories. I am not lost today. I know that there is nowhere to look for me but within myself, and no one to lead me there but me.
Thank you, life, for letting me see this.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
We make two great choices in life: one, the decision to get clean and sober; the other, the choice to stay that way.
God, as I understand You, help me stay away from that first fix, pill, drink, smoke, or snort for this hour.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
If you put sobriety first, everything you put second will be first class.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I will find someone less fortunate than I and give them what I can. Today I will let go of my own troubles and self pity by finding someone I can help.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
My mind would have killed me but it needed me for transportation. - Bob E.
07-05-2014, 08:24 AM
July 5
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Next, we decided that hereafter in this drama of life, God was going to be our Director. He is the Principle: we are His agents. He is the Father, and we are His children. Most good ideas are simple, and this concept was the keystone of the new and triumphant arch through which we passed to freedom. - Pg. 62 - How It Works
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
All our past 'good intentions' were fragmentary at best, facades at worse. Some of us didn't mean to mess things up (some of us did mean to), always justifying our inadequacies by blaming parents, spouses, society, or God. This hour we must accept who we are, and stop looking around for the culprit--he is us!
May I recognize, as this program teaches, that I am at the root of my own problems and this hour, I can be at the root of my recovery.
Today, I make choices about my company and friends. Whom I choose to spend time with is very important to me, and the relationships that I begin I wish to respect and nurture. A handful of dear friends is far more meaningful to me than lots of acquaintances. I choose to share myself where I feel a return of good feeling. I want both to have a friend and to be a friend. One of the unusual gifts of growing up in a dysfunctional household was that I learned the value of friendship because I had to turn to my friends to meet very deep needs. I am grateful for my friends, and for what I learned and felt from them.
I value friendship.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Try broadening your spiritual path by making your relationship with the Divine proactive. Ask not what the Universe can do for you, but rather what you can do for the Universe! Begin the morning with: Hi World, what can I do for You today?
Asking what I can do for the Creative Source will serve us both better than simply seeking what can be done for me.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
There is no right way to do the wrong thing.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I am very grateful to be exactly where I am today. I do not need to be a victim of my past or controlled by circumstances. I am in recovery today and it feels wonderful!
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
It says ( pg. 68. AA Big Book ) 'We put these fears on paper and ask ourselves why we had them. 'That's it. ( Yells ) I can't work these steps they're too difficult!! If they left you there, this could be difficult. If they left you with 'Why do I have these fears?' I could go back to 'It's Ma's fault: bad milk. It's my Dad's fault: bad example. But they don't leave me there. They tell us exactly why we have these fears: 'Wasn't it because self sufficiency failed us?' It's as simple as that. Do you know how much sense that makes to me? If I've got these fears and I've been relying on myself to remove them and I still have them, then obviously my power has failed me, so I better go to another power. How does that sound? Is that too tough? - Milt L.
07-06-2014, 08:34 AM
July 6
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
One dismal afternoon he paced a hotel lobby wondering how his bill was to be paid. At one end of the room stood a glass covered directory of local churches. Down the lobby a door opened into an attractive bar. He could see the gay crowd inside. In there he would find companionship and release. Unless he took some drinks, he might not have the courage to scrape an aquaintance and would have a lonely week-end.
Of course he couldn't drink, but why not sit hopefully at a table, a bottle of ginger ale before him? After all, had he not been sober six months now? Perhaps he could handle, say, three drinks - no more! Fear gripped him. He was on thin ice. Again it was the old, insidious insanity - that first drink. With a shiver, he turned away and walked down the lobby to the church directory. Music and gay chatter still floated to him from the bar.
But what about his responsibilities - his family and the men who would die because they would not know how to get well, ah - yes, those other alcoholics? There must be many such in this town. He would phone a clergyman. His sanity returned and he thanked God. Selecting a church at random from the directory, he stepped into a booth and lifted the receiver. - Pgs. 154-155 - A Vision For You
( Note: This is when Bill Wilson is subsequently introduced to Dr. Bob )
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Stumbling blocks can become stepping stones if we use each adversity as a chance to practice our new way of life. Then problems become challenges so we can see what part of our program will solve them. What principle can you apply to your current situation?
Divine Intelligence encourages me not to escape my every problem, but face it and learn to practice this program in all my affairs.
Inside My Mind
Today, I am grateful to feel alive and to recognize that life is a spiritual journey. All my life circumstances are spiritual challenges, if I choose to look at them that way. Getting free of my own over-attachment to people, places, things and ideas, mistaking them for me, releases my spirit. Once my spirit is released, it can travel and experience the real beauty of life. Life surrounds me; it is inside, outside and everywhere. If I am free and still inside, life is there. If I am not ruminating and filling my mind with unnecessary preoccupations - life is there, spirit is there - waiting to be seen and felt.
I allow my mind its freedom.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Since life is 10% actuality and 90% re-actuality you must chose your reactions carefully. The program has given you choice and how you choose to react to this day can make the difference between simply being dry or being sober.
I live today as I want to remember my life.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
If you're happy, notify your face. If you're not, notify your sponsor.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
It is a great relief to know that all I have to do is turn to the twelve steps of recovery and help is with me today. Today I am given all the tools that I need and I am so grateful that I no longer have to struggle alone.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I got sicker, quicker, on less liquor. - Unknown origin.
07-07-2014, 08:56 AM
July 7
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
When you have carefully explained to such people that he is a sick person, you will have created a new atmosphere. Barriers which have sprung up between you and your friends will disappear with the growth of sympathetic understanding. You will no longer be self-conscious or feel that you must apologize as though your husband were a weak character. He may be anything but that. Your new courage, good nature and lack of self-consciousness will do wonders for you socially. - Pg. 115 - To Wives
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
It is necessary in the beginning to be clean from dry drugs and dry from wet drugs, but it is not all we want to obtain. We want wholeness and we want growth. This comes from living each hour according to the principles we are learning.
My Spiritual Source demonstrates that clean and dry is not my only goal--but growth is.
Dreaming Dreams
Today, I will dream dreams. There is nothing wrong with having a couple of dreams for myself if they are realistic and don't remove me from life too much. To work toward a dream can be a constructive use of my talents and energies. It can give me a positive focus. If my dreams are wild and I am not willing to do the work necessary to realize them, they will only frustrate me and lower my self-esteem. If, however, I am able to dream what makes sense for me and work to put it within my reach, it can be a real process of growth and challenge. My energy and enthusiasm can help me move through blocks, and my commitment can show me that love and effort can be their own reward.
I can stretch myself.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Deal with the small stuff or it will deal with you. Do not allow the small stuff to pile up on the camel's back. Take each situation that bothers you and deal with that as one unit, not as the straw that breaks the camel's back.
When I feel it, I deal with it and then can heal from it.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Do your Third Step every morning and turn your will over to the care of the God of your understanding. At night, take a Tenth Step to see how God's doing.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I let go totally and give God the space to do His work.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
A man was walking on a beach after a storm. Thousands of starfish were stranded on the shore. He saw a boy throwing starfish back into the ocean and asked the boy why. The boy replied: 'The tide's going out, the starfish will die in the sun. The man said; 'But there's so many of them, what difference can it make? The boy threw another starfish and said : It'll make a difference to that one.' Anon.
07-08-2014, 08:26 AM
July 8
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
3. - Our membership ought to include all who suffer from alcoholism. Hence we may refuse none who wish to recover. Nor ought A.A. membership ever depend upon money or conformity. Any two or three alcoholics gathered together for sobriety may call themselves an A.A. group, provided that, as a group, they have no other affiliation. - Pg. 563 - 4th. Edition - The Twelve Traditions ( The Long Form )
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
The slogans may sometimes annoy us in their simplicity. But repetition is an important learning tool. Think of the repetition that alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and depressants bring. Now you can understand the necessity of slogans to counteract the repetition of addiction.
As I go into this next hour of a clean and sober day, may I welcome the repetitions of recovery.
Having Fun
Today, I will have fun. What's the point of all the work I do in recovery if my life doesn't become lighter and happier? Even though I am working through deep issues, there is no reason why I can't have some enjoyment in the process. Fun is when I relax and let things happen - when I can laugh at myself and other people - when I don't take everything in life so seriously. It is when I can enjoy a seemingly meaningless conversation just for its own sake. Fun is when it doesn't have to be all my way - when the heavy load is removed, when my meter is turned off and I just goof around in the moment. Fun is something I don't have enough of for a number of silly reasons. Today I see that there is no reason not to enjoy myself.
I can let go and have fun.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
It doesn't pay to argue with 'slippers' about the proper way of getting clean and sober. Why should people who are still drinking and drugging tell those who are sober why it can't be done! We learn not to get in a pissing contest with a skunk. (or should we say drunk!)
The only thing I need to tell a drunk is how I got sober. I can't tell him or her how they will get sober, because I don't know.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Remember what you have left, not what you have lost.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I'm looking within to discover what I am holding on to from the past. Today I am willing to let go of all old anger and resentments that keep me stuck in tension and pain.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
To an alcoholic, changing drinks is like changing cabins on the Titanic. - Unknown origin.
07-09-2014, 09:05 AM
July 9
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Speaking at a dinner given by John D. Rockefeller Jr. to introduce Alcoholics Anonymous to some of his friends, Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick remarked:
'I think that psychologically speaking there is a point of advantage in the approach that is being made in this movement that cannot be duplicated. I suspect that if it is wisely handled - and it seems to be in wise and prudent hands - there are doors of opportunity ahead of this project that may surpass our capacities to imagine.' - Pg. 572 - 4th. Edition - Appendix V - The Religious View On A.A.
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Whether serious and conservative or eager and flighty, newcomers often feel no necessity for embracing recovery. REMEMBER, millions have gone before you. You don't have to embrace the 12 steps but embrace something that works for recovery.
I embrace a program of recovery, not my self will, but a program I trust with clean and people that I can see!
Spiritual Transformation
Today, I see that to change my life I have to change myself. Nothing less than a spiritual transformation will allow me to experience my current life as an alive, serene and whole person. When I say that I would like world peace, first I will understand that without inner peace there will be no world peace. One of the ways in which I can serve the cause of humanity is to be, within myself, a genuinely spiritual person - respecting all sects and creeds, but standing on my own as a conduit of higher truth, recognizing that each person has equal access to that knowledge. I will look for truth today within myself rather than outside. I will not wait for peace to be handed to me as some sort of prize for good behavior but will do the inner work needed to achieve it.
I seek truth within myself.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
A main theme in most spiritual traditions states that the best way to get what you want is to provide it for another. If you want serenity, make it peaceful and serene for another. Do you want a feeling of safety? Provide a safe place for another. Do you want to understand what has happened? Help another to understand.
I teach best what I most need to learn.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
The slogans work much better when you decorate your life with them rather than decorating the walls with them.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I am learning to stop judging and comparing so that I can be with what is. I am learning to accept what is without the struggle of trying to decide whether it is right or wrong.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I'm getting younger in AA. When I came in I was an old man of thirty, I couldn't walk across the alley. Now at seventy I'm running marathons. - Waggy Bill.
07-10-2014, 08:13 AM
July 10
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
This thought brings us to STEP TEN, which suggests we continue to take personal inventory and continue to set right any new mistakes as we go along. We vigorously commenced this way of living as we cleaned up the past. We have entered the world of the Spirit. Our next function is to grow in understanding and effectiveness. This is not an overnight matter. It should continue for our lifetime. - Pg. 84 - Into Action
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
What are the daily habits that you are forming right now to aid your recovery? Picking up this book is a good habit. If this doesn't quiet your spirit, you pick up another program book; if that doesn't work you must call a program person; if that doesn't work, then you meet them in person. Our hourly habits form our daily habits which form our recovery.
I ask the Divine Forces to help me implement the changes I need in my hourly habits to aid my recovery.
Becoming Real
Today, I let go and become real. I know that by holding on too tightly, I squeeze the life out of myself and those around me. Recovery has taught me to value being authentic above being something or someone. Recovery is a process of facing and removing those obstacles that have been in the way on my road back to myself. It has been my willingness to risk and trust that my Higher Power will hold me that has brought me to life again. Now it is time for me to live each day as it comes and give some of what I have received. So many people have helped me along the way - it is also part of my recovery to share what I have learned, in case it might help someone else.
I am open to life and all it holds.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
If you have one hand in the fellowship and one hand in your Higher Power's, you can't pick up today.
I put my hand in my Higher Power's by saying. 'Thy will not mine be done;' I put my hand in the fellowship by saying 'I'll be there, at the next meeting.'
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
As you sponsor others, remember this: If you are trying to recreate someone in your own image, then one of you will be redundant.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I will share my strength, hope and experience with someone still in pain. I will serve as I power of example to someone who is willing to let go of her suffering.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Fellowship for long winded speakers: Alconon and on, and on.. - Ted H.
07-10-2014, 03:18 PM
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
As you sponsor others, remember this: If you are trying to recreate someone in your own image, then one of you will be redundant.
This is so true. One of the biggest errors sponsor's make is trying to clone their sponsees into their own image. The sponsee puts the sponsor on a pedestal, and then when the sponsor doesn't walk their talk, the sponsee is devastated, and the sponsor falls off, and it becomes a rude awakening or a bruised ego.
We are all alcoholics and addicts, but that doesn't make us all the same, it gives us a common denominator, but each person is an individual and has his/her own Higher Power. All we do is guide and share our experience, strength, and hope, we don't become a sergeant general and imposing rules and regulation and saying, "This is how it is done."
There are guidelines and suggestions, but each person has to find the way that is right for them. People would probably have gone out and got drunk and given up if they had followed my regime over the years. Using was never an option, and I check all areas of recovery. Contempt prior to investigation can get you drunk.
I went to meetings and took a little from this one and that one, a lot from that one, very little from others, and then there were those who showed me how to work my program and how not to work my program.
Many times I found myself saying, "If that is sobriety, I don't want it!" I couldn't put my focus on others and forget my own recovery, how can I give what I don't have.
I have heard the quote in another way, "If there is only one thought in the room, someone isn't allowed to think for themselves." We learn by practice and doing. I try to stick to basics. If I am not feeling right, then I know that I have gotten off the path and emotionally or spiritually, heading for a relapse.
07-11-2014, 07:52 AM
July 11
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Upon therapy for the alcoholic himself, we surely have no monopoly. Yet it is our great hope that all those who have yet found no answer may begin to find one in the pages of this book and will presently join us on the high road to a new freedom. - Pg. xxi - 4th. Edition - Forward To Second Edition
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
There are no magic wands or burning bushes in our program. Just footwork and faith.
My footwork right now is to not use any mind-affecting chemical and go to a meeting today.
One Foot in Front of the Other
Today, all I have to do is live the next hour as well as I can. I will not get ahead of myself. I cannot be anywhere but right where I am. When I allow myself to be here now, to live in the present fully and freely, the rest of life takes care of itself. So few people live in the moment, that in itself will make me rare. That will make me someone I feel good about being and others can enjoy being around. When I am in the moment, the next right action reveals itself. When I align my will with the will of my Higher Power, I become one with diving purpose and I connect with the spirituality of life.
I surrender to the path
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
90 meetings in 90 days is not nearly enough. Tell newcomers to always catch a ride or give a ride to their daily meeting. This way they get a meeting on the way to the meeting, a meeting during the meeting, and a meeting on the way home. That makes 270 meetings in the first 90 days!
Who am I taking to a meeting tonight?
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Any failure will tell you-success is nothing but luck.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I look within to find my truth. I ask a power greater than myself to guide me and show me the way and all I have to do is follow. It is that simple.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Nobody's any better than anyone else. We're all just trying to stay away from a drink. The God that I was looking for, over here, over there; in some guy, the right motorcycle, the best tattoo. And all the time it was right here inside. And it's hope, and I have it every day if I choose to look for it. And you have it too, you have it right inside of yourself. I know that sounds like an after school special like happy little Care Bears or something, but it's really true. And you never have to drink again if you find that little light inside yourself. You are so set. It's really excellent. Sobriety rocks. - Gail.
07-12-2014, 09:54 AM
July 12
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
When working with a man and his family, you should take care not to participate in their quarrels. You may spoil your chance of being helpful if you do. But urge upon a man's family that he has been a very sick person and should be treated accordingly. You should warn against arousing resentment or jealousy. You should point out that his defects or character are not going to disappear over night. Show them that he has entered upon a period of growth. Ask them to remember, when they are impatient, the blessed fact of his sobriety. - Pg. 100 - Working With Others
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
The world is not consistent, you are not consistent, and those around you will not always be consistent. We don't have to be. We only have to remember not to use mind-affecting chemicals right now and our world will improve.
When inconsistency scares or annoys me, let me understand that to remain always constant would be like a plastic plant, never to grow and change!
Inner Hearing, Inner Sight
Today, I will trust my own heart. The clear message that whispers within me has more to tell me than a thousand voices. I have a guide within me who knows what is best for me. There is a part of me that sees the whole picture and knows how it all fits together. My inner voice may come in the form of a strong sense, a pull from within, a gut feeling or a quiet knowing. However my inner voice comes to me, I will learn to pay attention. In my heart I know what is going on. Though I am conditioned by the world to look constantly outside myself for meaning, today I recognize that it is deeply important for me to hear what I am saying from within. I give myself the gift of listening.
I will trust my inner voice.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
No one wants to hear the Sermon on the Mount or Zen philosophy when they're trying to save their ass. They want to know what to do--not hear words of wisdom. Tell them what you did.
I do not get so spiritual, that I am of no earthly value.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
If you think you have a good idea you might want to get second opinion from your sponsor.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I am at choice today. I accept the responsibilities of my life with a new sense of maturity, confidence and even excitement.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I went through life waiting for a space ship to land and a voice to say: 'Sorry, dropped you on the wrong planet, time to go home now.' - Trip S.
07-13-2014, 08:57 AM
July 13
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
We have been speaking to you of serious, sometimes tragic things. We have been dealing with alcohol in its worst aspect. But we aren't a glum lot. If newcomers could see no joy or fun in our existence, they wouldn't want it. We absolutely insist on enjoying life. We try not to indulge in cynicism over the state of the nations, nor do we carry the world's troubles on our shoulders. - Pg. 132 - The Family Afterward
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Compulsive behavior is characterized by the need to be better than, sooner than, bigger then, more than. This creates pressure which creates stress, which for us creates danger! That is why we take the slogan 'Easy Does It,' seriously.
Help me to enjoy the journey, slow down and not expect five years of recovery in five weeks.
The Treasures Within
Within me is the perfect life waiting to awaken. The gifts I seek are already within me. A deep pool of awareness and aliveness is present all of the time but I am too distracted to know it. I get so lost in the superficial details and tasks of my life that I forget to live it, to drop down and contact the spirit that God has planted within me. It is the best kept secret that spirit lives within me, that the way in which I come in touch with my inner light is through letting the constant preoccupations of my mind float by, not taking them so seriously, not trying to control them. Today I realize that the gold is not in my ability to control my mind, the gold is in what lies beneath. What emerges when my mind, for a precious moment, is stilled.
Spirit is with me always
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.
I never trust my tongue when my heart is bitter.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
You get sober not with your head, but with you feet.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I can go through anything a day at a time, a moment at a time with the faith and the knowledge that my Higher Power is guiding me to peace and security.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
If I don't stand for something, I'll fall for anything. - Anon.
07-14-2014, 08:29 AM
July 14
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
A.A. is not a plan for recovery that can be finished and done with. It is a way of life, and the challenge contained in its principles is great enough to keep any human being striving for as long as he lives. We do not, cannot, out-grow this plan. As arrested alcoholics, we must have a program for living that allows for limitless expansion. Keeping one foot in front of the other is essential for maintaining our arrestment. Others may idle in a retrogressive groove without too much danger, but retrogression can spell death for us. However, this isn't as rough as it sounds, as we do become grateful for the necessity that makes us toe the line, for we find that we are more than compensated for a consistent effort by countless dividends we receive. - Pg. 311 - 4th. Edition - The Keys To The Kingdom
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
How long do we have to keep going to meetings? Until we want to go to meetings.
Grant me the will to keep going to meetings, until the day arrives that I want to go.
I Am Whole
Today, I see that my life is up to me. How I choose to live, what I will accomplish, how I conduct my intimate relationships, how I treat myself, all are in my own hands. I am no longer afraid that pain and anxiety will return me to a state of helplessness and vulnerability. Let it come; I am ready to meet it head-on. I am strong in the awareness that I can live as I choose to live. I have been willing to walk a path of recovery that, though difficult, has built a strength in me and a knowledge that I can survive my most painful feelings. I do not need to be afraid of my life if I am not afraid of myself or an emotional death. I have met and tamed the monsters that live inside me. I am comfortable in my own skin.
I am free to be who I am.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
We are often surprised by who we can count on when the going gets tough. Someone we did not expect to come through might and others whom we thought we could count on may fall short of our expectations. We do not blame the ones that fall short and are grateful for the ones who go the extra mile.
I measure others by their best moments, not their worst.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Everyone needs to be loved...especially when they do not deserve it.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I know that if I'm coming from good and love, then only good and love with happen. Today I know that what I give, I receive back.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
After a few years sober a lady felt sorry for me and got me a job in sales. On the streets I used to sell a lot of things I didn't have, so with a product and a business card it was a piece of cake.- Allen F.
07-15-2014, 08:26 AM
July 15
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
I spend a great deal of time passing on what I learned to others who want and need it badly. I do it for four reasons:
1. Sense of duty.
2. It is a pleasure.
3. Because in so doing I am paying my debt to the man who took time to pass it on to me.
4. Because every time I do it I take out a little more insurance for myself against a possible slip. - Page 180-181 - 4th. Edition - Doctor Bob's Nightmare
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
It is remarkable how often we run across this feeling of 'uniqueness' as we recover: we used more, had worse contacts, spent more in bars, treated our family worse, were younger, older, blacker, gayer, more sensitive--whatever.
Let me see in this next hour, one area that I feel I'm 'unique' which is actually commonplace for us addicts.
Today, I will walk the walk and talk the talk. It will not be good for me, ultimately, to half commit myself. In a way, the particular path that I take is less significant than that I take a path. I can second-guess myself and my experience. Commitment to a path is really commitment to myself. I am allowing myself to take a clear direction, one in which I can actualize my talents on a day-to-day basis, one that will allow me to build a foundation and a structure in which I can live. I will have a passion in life, a passion that takes me beyond myself, a passion to love, nourish, be led and challenged by. I will follow it, and it will follow me.
I deserve a passion in my life.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Pissing contests about who used how much and who acted bad are ego trips in reverse. 'It doesn't matter what or how much we used. In NA, staying clean has to come first. We realize that we cannot use drugs and live.' (P 19, NA Basic Text).
When I brag about how much I used, how bad it was, and how much damage I did, I am doing one of two things, trying to make myself look larger or them smaller.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Coffee makers make it.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I choose to think positive. Today I let my thoughts lead the way to success and happiness.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
'The best thing for you is to give up drinking.' 'Yeah.. What's the next best thing?' - Anon.
07-15-2014, 01:17 PM
Good thoughts today. Like the last one, "what do we do next." Go to a meeting, get a sponsor, a home group, work the Steps, and get involved in service. Doesn't matter what it is. Set up chairs, put them away, make coffee, wash the dishes, be a greeter, put out the literature, when asked, take a part of the meeting by reading the literature, and most important of all is go to a meeting and occupy a chair.
I was told to come 15 minutes before the meeting and stay 15 minutes or longer for the meetings before and after the meetings.
When I asked my spiritual adviser and NA sponsor what I needed to change. I was told, "Everything." What you think you should do or say, do a 180 deg. turn and do the opposite.
Your best thinking got you to the doors of recovery, you need to change it.
07-16-2014, 09:02 AM
July 16
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
We usually conclude the period of meditation with a prayer that we be shown all through the day what our next step is to be, that we be given whatever we need to take care of such problems. We asked especially for freedom from self-will, and are careful to make no request for ourselves only. We may ask for ourselves, however, if others will be helped. We are careful never to pray for our own selfish ends. Many of us have wasted a lot of time doing that and it doesn't work. You can easily see why. - Pg. 87 - Into Action
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
It is important for us to think in the positive. It doesn't help to think 'I don't want to use, I don't want to use,' because we end up having to think of what we don't want to use. It stays on our mind. But if we think, 'I like having a clear mind; I like remembering; I like growing,' we have positive thoughts directed away from our diseases.
May my thoughts focus on what I'm working toward, not what I'm escaping from.
A Little Magic
Each day is a gift especially for me. I will look through innocent eyes at the world today and see the gifts that are meant just for me. Children think the sun rises for and because of them. They're sure that the moon hangs in the sky because they waved their arm towards the heavens. That flowers bloom for their eyes alone to see. They are magical thinkers. They take delight in the antics of a squirrel, in a balloon sailing in a bright, blue sky. They see the world fresh, in color and alive each new day, each new moment. They are constantly being surprised. Today, I think I'll borrow a little of their magic. Their magic and my maturity may just be a winning combination.
I believe anything is possible
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Do not become one of these people who have two excuses for everything: one excuse for what you don't do and another for what you don't have.
Excuses are simply my lack of faith in me.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Encouragement from an old-timer can turn a newcomer's life around.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I am willing to give away what I need for myself. I am willing to listen to someone else's problems. That way we will both see that we are traveling together on the same journey and are not alone.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
My life is none of my business. I just suit up, show up; be an example of AA and leave the rest to God. - Sharon B.
07-17-2014, 08:07 AM
July 17
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Some of our alcoholic readers may think they can do without spiritual help. Let us tell you the rest of the conversation our friend had with his doctor.
The doctor said: 'You have the mind of a chronic alcoholic. I have never seen one single case recover, where that state of mind existed to the extent that it does in you.' Our friend felt as though the gates of hell had closed on him with a clang.
He said to the doctor, 'Is there no exception?'
'Yes,' replied the doctor, 'there is. Exceptions to cases such as yours have been occurring since early times. Here and there, once in a while, alcoholics have had what are called vital spiritual experiences. To me these occurrences are phenomena. They appear to be in the nature of huge emotional displacements adn rearrangements. Ideas, emotions, and attitudes which were once the guiding forces of the lives of these men are suddenly cast to one side, and a completely new set of conceptions and motives begin to dominate them. - Pg. 27 - There Is A Solution
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Right now you are safe. Whatever is troubling you is not so bad that your sponsor or another group member cannot help. Call them as soon as you find a phone.
Grant me the humbleness to call for help whenever I feel threatened, lonely, angry, or in any way separated from my spiritual health.
Feeling Good Inside
I am in the present, I can actually see what the next right action might be and I can take it seamlessly, easily, fruitfully. I will see my day as an opportunity to grow; to learn to allow more of who I am to flow through me. Naturally, quietly and without force. I will become worthy of the life I have been given, grateful just to be alive for one more day. I will let life work out.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
No God; No Peace. Know God; Know Peace.
My program teaches me that I will have peace of mind in the exact proportion of the peace of mind I bring into the lives of others.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Relax, God is in charge.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
God gives me all the answers I need at the right time. Today I trust that it is okay not to know everything and that I will know when the time is right.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
If I was at your house, I'd ask to use the bathroom and I'd go through the medicine cabinet and take whatever's there. I don't need to know what it is. Sometimes I'd be up for days, saying the same thing over and over, chewing my tongue. Other times I'd be falling down, bouncing off the walls. Sometimes I'd get real 'regular'. And I probably took enough pills out of those wheels that there's no chance I'm going to get pregnant this century. - Bob D.
07-17-2014, 07:22 PM
This reminds me of the saying, "My God gives me just the right amount of light, when and where I need it, for the Step I am working on."
07-18-2014, 09:28 AM
July 18
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Most emphatically we wish to say that any alcoholic capable of honestly facing his problems in the light of our experience can recover, provided he does not close his mind to all spiritual concepts. He can only be defeated by an attitude of intolerance or belligerent denial. - Pg. 568 - 4th. Edition - Appendices II - Spiritual Experience
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Our ideal right now must be to remain clean and sober. Other ideals can be built upon later, but right now the act of cleansing our bodies, minds, and spirits must prevail.
I clean my body by staying off all mind-affecting chemicals. I clean my mind by going to meetings. I clean my spirit by working steps.
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Sponsors are lighthouses, not foghorns. We look to them to see how they do it, not depend on them to tell us what not to do. We already know.
I cannot improve if I only have myself as a model.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
If you're thinking about going to a meeting, go to the meeting, and then think about it.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Fears sometimes still lingers in my mind. I can be okay when that happens. I can feel them through and talk about them and go on in spite of them, not letting myself picture the worst, but seeing the results in a positive light.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
My hands shook so bad I could thread a sewing machine - when it was running. - Eddie C.
07-18-2014, 03:56 PM
Love the last line, but I found it was opposite for me. I had a tremon disorder and I couldn't thread a needle if my life depended on it. The ironic thing was, three doctors told me that if I picked up a drink, the tremon would disappear. Just for today I choose not to lose. I learned to accept and cope with it, even though I cuss at it a few times a day, picking up a drink is not an option.
07-19-2014, 09:04 AM
July 19
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
There is scarcely any form of trouble and misery which has not been overcome among us. - Pg. 15 - Bill's Story
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
All of us go through phases of loving meetings, hating meetings, or ambivalence. The ups and downs and erratic emotions are a normal part of recovery. To stay in recovery we make 90 meetings in 90 days regardless of our many phases.
May I make 90 in 90, regardless of my erratic beginning emotions. I know my thinking is still not as clear as it will be.
Today, I recognize the source of light and wisdom that is within me. When I look outside myself to learn about what is actually inside, I need to exercise great discernment because some of what I see fits and some does not. There is a fountain within me that is ever full and waiting to be discovered. When I can rest quietly in this inner place, I experience a sense of fullness, and my desire to go outside diminishes and gives way to a preference for undisturbed peace. Solitude takes on a different meaning when I can contact that quiet within. Life softens and external things become less important. I look for this place within me on a daily basis. I give myself this present today.
I search within.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Our program won't keep you from going to hell nor is it a ticket to heaven. But it will keep you clean and sober long enough for you to make up your mind which way you want to go.
My journey is my destination.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
For 'suggestion' you have two choices: Take it or leave it.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I have faith that I am being led to the answers I need to learn. If I keep putting one foot in front of the other, I will always be in a safe place.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I have an amnesty prayer, I've seen it work hundreds of times. It's very simple. You can put it in your own words; 'I forgive everyone on the face of this earth, living or dead, who has ever done anything to me - real or imagined - and I want good things to happen to them.' If you will continue to say that , I will guarantee you that your attitude toward the people who are troubling you in your life is going to change. - Frank H.
07-20-2014, 08:46 AM
July 20
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
Our description of the alcoholic, the chapter to the agnostic, and our personal adventures before and after make clear three pertinent ideas:
(a) That we were alcoholic and could not manage our own lives.
(b) That probably no human power could have relieved our alcoholism.
(c) That God could and would if He were sought.
Being convinced, WE WERE AT STEP THREE, which is that we decided to turn our will and our life over to God as we understand Him. - Pg. 60 - How It Works
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
If we are in the program on a basis of 'temporary permanence' (we'll stay until we find something better), then we need to re-evaluate. Addiction is cunning, baffling, and powerful and will always convince us it's better than sobriety. We can only make this program if we commit ourselves each day, every day.
This hour I will not take a fix, pill, drink, smoke, or snort of any mind-affecting chemical.
Who Am I?
Today I will ask this question over and over again. I will not expect an answer. I will ask for the sake of asking, I will ask in order to put my mind in the frame of searching for a deeper life of the spirit, I will ask to be guided, toward awareness of all that is eternal. I will ask this question throughout my life without ever expecting or insisting upon an answer. I understand that God lives in the asking, that God is too great and vast to reduce to any simple answer, that God lives in the question.
I am curious about the deeper mysteries of this life.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Through the Fourth and Fifth steps we learn who we really are. Once we know who and what we are, we don't have to be what we were.
Today, I am myself. I am perfect for the part.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
You must allow people to be right, because it consoles them for not being anything else.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I am reaching out to those who love and support me. I am letting go of my ego and self-centeredness so that I can make space to take in love and support and ideas from others.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
My parents tried to save me from an unhappy childhood but I thwarted them and had one anyway. - Charlie C.
07-21-2014, 08:18 AM
July 21
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
We have shown how we get out from under. You say, 'Yes, I'm willing. But am I to be consigned to a life where I shall be stupid, boring, and glum, like some righteous people I see? I know I must get along without liquor, but how can I? Have you a sufficient substitute?'
Yes, there is a substitute and it is vastly more than that. If is a fellowship in Alcoholics Anonymous. There you will find release from care, boredom and worry. Your imagination will be fired. Life will mean something at last. The most satisfactory years of your existence lie ahead. Thus we find the fellowship, and so will you. - Pg. 152 - A Vision For You
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
It is now time to forgive ourselves for the trials of our addiction and it is time to forgive others who let us down. We are not well yet, but have made the first giant steps: admittance of our disease and forgiveness for not being well yesterday.
Grant me the humbleness to work for and accept my marker tokens knowing I could not do it alone. Grant me the pride to realize that without me it could not be done at all.
Spirit Calls
I am willing to allow my life to happen. Life has taught me that the best laid plans can go awry. I know that I need to have goals and missions in order to give shape, meaning and a sense of destiny to my life. However, when I let those goals run me, when I let them preoccupy me to such an extent that I stop living in the present and I miss the beauty and spontaneity of each new day, then I am becoming a slave to my own plans. I will learn to take an action and let go of the result, to have a goal then to move toward it in a relaxed manner that doesn't rob me of my pleasure and my day.
I am in touch with spirit within and without
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
When making amends, a subtle shift occurs in our thinking. We go from thinking we were a mistake to acknowledging we made a mistake.
I may make mistakes but my Higher Power doesn't and my Higher Power made me.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
You can't run from God, so let God run you.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I am open to everyone who is on my path, whether I know them or not. Somewhere there will be someone who needs my help and I want to be there for them. My Higher Power will tell me what needs to be done.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Poor me, poor me...pour me a drink. - Unknown origin.
07-22-2014, 02:49 AM
Use to say, `Poor me, poor me, pour me another one.` There was never a thought of just one to make me feel better.
07-22-2014, 09:17 AM
July 22
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
A.A's Twelve Steps are principles for personal recovery. The Twelve Traditions ensure the unity of the Fellowship. Written by co-founder Bill W. in 1962, the Twelve Concepts for World Service provide a group of A.A.'s service structure remain responsive and responsible to those they serve.
The 'short form' of the Concepts, which follows, was prepared by the 1974 General Service Conference. - Pg. 574 - 4th. Edition - Appendices - VII - The Twelve Concepts (Short Form)
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
In this first month, we name our disease: ADDICTION. It is not chemical specific. A mind-affecting chemical of any kind can trigger our disease of addiction. If we try to say we have trouble with only one chemical (like pot or alcohol) then we do not yet understand addiction and will probably use again.
Please reveal to me the true nature of my disease that I may truly recover.
Count me in. Whatever are my talents, my usefulness; wherever you see me fitting into your grand scheme, God . . . place me there. I am willing to open my heart to your guidance. I am built to be part of this moment of transformation. I see a better world in my mind's eye and I know that others see it too. Connect me with those people who wish to quietly usher in a new world. Together we can push through the eye of the needle - together we can help it happen.
We are transforming together
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Earth Angels dwell among us and they will find you at the moment you need them. These are the people who know just the right thing to say and do to keep you focused on recovery and principle.
Some of my Higher Power's best work is done anonymously.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Are you doing your meds? Meditations.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I am growing in my faith that I dare to look at what is really disturbing my serenity. Today I trust that by searching deep within for my own truth, I will discover the door to freedom and peace.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I'm not only one drink away from a drunk, I'm one drink away from maybe never being sober again for the rest of my life. - Anon.
07-23-2014, 09:34 AM
July 23
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
I. Final responsibility and ultimate authority for A.A. world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship.
II. The General Service Conference of A.A. has become, for nearly every practical purpose, the active voice and the effective conscience of our Society in its world affairs.
III. To insure effective leadership, we should endow each element of A.A. - the Conference, the General Service Board and its service corporations, staffs, committees, and executives - with a traditional 'Right of Decision.' - Pg. 574 - 4th. Edition - Appendices - VII - The Twelve Concepts (Short Form)
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Now we must choose and use a sponsor. Just one. More than one sponsor gives us more than one answer and allows us to play games with the program. We ask for guidance in choosing a sponsor, then we use them.
Higher Power, as I understand You, please guide me to the sponsor that will give me the answers I need.
My Work
I am whole and in tact and as such I have a positive contribution to make to this world. My work needs me. Whatever my gifts are, I will share them. I will not hold back, telling myself I am not ready, not smart enough, not good enough. Today is the day. This is as good a place to begin as any. I will dig deep into myself and find beauty and wisdom. I will produce good works and I will share those openly with others. As I expand my own consciousness, it becomes my responsibility to share what I learn with the collective. I am available to find my mission. I will give myself the gift of feeling purposeful, today.
I will share my gifts
- Tian Dayton PhD
You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land, there is no other life but this.
Henry David Thoreau
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
'Each place along the way is somewhere you had to be to be here.' ~Wayne Dyer
I cannot get ahead until I learn to be here.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Reality can be as painful to accept as it was to escape.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I will put aside all negative and destructive thoughts so that I can come from the place of love. Today I will let go of all blame and anger and resentments so that my heart and my mind will be open and free to feel love and give love.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I was so grateful I couldn't stop crying, because I thought about all the friends of mine that I've known through the years who couldn't make it. Who missed it all. And I thought 'No matter what happens I've got no quarrel. Not with God, not with life, not with anything. And I stood there - with cancer - feeling like one of the most fortunate women on earth. - Gayle W.
07-23-2014, 07:55 PM
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
If I don't stand for something, I'll fall for anything. - Anon.
This is so true, afraid to commit, because we don't want to offend someone, We can't come to a decision because our mind is all over the place. We can't seem to gather our thoughts, and then when we do, it is a big puzzle.
We are ready to listen to everyone. I asked a friend if I had the word invisible on my forehead. He said, "No, MARK!"
In today, I stand for the programs of recovery. They worked for me, because I made the decision to work for the program, not just not service, but the steps and the traditions too.
07-24-2014, 09:55 AM
July 24
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
IV. At all responsible levels, we ought to maintain a traditional 'Right of Participation,' allowing a voting representation in reasonable proportion to the responsibility that each must discharge.
V. Throughout our structure, a traditional 'Right of Appeal' ought to prevail, so that minority opinion will be heard and personal grievances receive careful consideration.
VI.The Conference recognizes that the chief initiative and active responsibility in most world service matters should be exercised by the trustee members of the Conference acting as the General Service Board. - Pg. 574 - 4th. Edition - Appendices - VII - The Twelve Concepts (Short Form)
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Our sobriety grows out of an awareness of and response to a spiritual program. Nothing works better for more people. To try other means is probably not in our best interests.
May I accept the spiritual foundation of my recovery.
Forgiving and Moving On
As I work through the blocks in the way of my own serenity I find that I consider forgiveness as a way to release the residue of resentment and pain that live inside me from unresolved issues from the past. As I put more and more energy into my own personal growth, I find that I value my own peace of mind more than holding onto anger and hurt. I find I want to lay the sword down. It becomes too heavy in my hand, the weight of carrying it encumbers my own freedom. Today, the present I will give myself is forgiveness.
I am ready to consider forgiveness
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Resentment is from the Latin, meaning to 'feel again.' Rather than feeling that again, think of how it could have been worse, then be grateful it isn't. Once you get to the grateful part, you can't be resentful.
I cannot be grateful and resentful at the same time; I can't serve two masters.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
If you marry your past, you must divorce your future.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I am going to spend more time looking for all the positive things about myself. Today I recognize myself and acknowledge myself as a terrific human being.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
A relationship to me is what I have to do after we've had sex rather than say: 'You know this was just a sexual thing, I don't want to get involved.' I'd rather drag it out for four or five years. - Charlie C.
07-25-2014, 08:23 AM
July 25
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
VII. The Charter and Bylaws of the General Service Board are legal instruments, empowering the trustees to manage and conduct world service affairs. The Conference Charter is not a legal document; it relies upon tradition and the A.A. purse for final effectiveness.
VIII. The trustees are the principal planners and administrators of overall policy and finance. They have custodial oversight of the separately incorporated and constantly active services, exercising this through their ability to elect all the directors of these entities.
IX. Good service leadership at all levels is indispensable for our future functioning and safety. Primary world service leadership, once exercised by the founders, must necessarily be assumed by the trustees. - Pg. 574 - 4th. Edition - Appendices - VII - The Twelve Concepts ( Short Form )
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
One hour at a time leads to one day at a time in our recovery program. Each hour is one of 24 building blocks of each day of our sobriety and clean time. My current building block is to radiate love for this hour.
Help me center my emotions and radiate love for this hour.
The Work of Living
God and I have work to do, together we have a life to co-create. Mine. I will daily spend time tuning into that deeper place within me so that I can use my energies more wisely and efficiently to build my life. I will get farther faster when I live consciously rather than unconsciously, when I look for guidance rather than stress unnecessarily and create problems that don't need to be there. When I stay calm and centered, my life goes more smoothly. When I allow spirit to guide me through my day, I see beauty where I may have missed it, I have a center to work from and return to and I walk in grace rather than stumble my way through the day.
I am held and open to divine instruction
- Tian Dayton PhD
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
If you lose your temper, you lose.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
When I turn a problem over to my Higher Power today, I will let go with the confidence that all is being handled for me. After I have done all my footwork, I know the results will work out just as they are supposed to.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I wanted to be Jimi Hendrix but I was Pat Boone. - Peter N.
07-26-2014, 08:42 AM
July 26
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
X. Every service responsibility should be matched by an equal service authority, with the scope of such authority will defined.
XI. The trustees should always have the best possible committees, corporate service directors, executives, staffs, and consultants. Composition, qualifications, induction procedures, and rights and duties will always be matters of serious concern.
XII. The Conference shall observe the spirit of A.A. traditions, taking care that it never becomes the seat of perilous wealth or power; that sufficient operating funds and reserve be its prudent financial principle; that it place none of its members in a position of unqualified authority over others; that it reach all important decisions by discussion, vote, and, and, whenever possible, by substantial unanimity; that its actions never be personally punitive nor an incitement to public controversy; that it never perform acts of government, and that, like the Society it serves, it will always remain democratic in thought and action. - Pg. 574 - 4th. Edition - Appendices - VII - The Twelve Concepts ( Short Form )
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Frequently, throughout the day we hear the Babbler, a silent running dialogue in our head ready to put us down at any opportunity, 'You're stupid; they're stupid; who wants sobriety; boy, is this dumb.' Babbler is not the voice of our Higher Power. It is the voice of addiction putting us down.
May the Babbler's words fall on deaf ears. I am sober, worthy, and this program is where I belong.
Learning My Own Lessons
I recognize today that I am in charge of my own learning. Life is constantly offering up circumstances that are useful in my personal growth. I can move through the situation, live it out, extract the wisdom that is in it or I can ignore the lesson and keep repeating the same painful circumstance over and over again in my life. The deepest and most appropriate things I need to learn in life are generally right in front of me. Life is my guru if I can use it as such. It is rich with subtle learning if I look for it. The gift I can give myself today is becoming aware of what life is trying to teach me.
My lessons come from my life.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
The AA Big Book, The NA Basic Text, and the CDA First Edition do not need to be rewritten. They need to be reread.
I begin this day by reading at least one page from my program's basic book.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
You spend more time with yourself than with anyone else. Doesn't it make sense to put something into that relationship?
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I will allow to just be without judgement, with criticism. I will accept all that happens with love and gentleness.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
What works for one person may be good, but if it's not in the program, not the steps, then it's not AA. Which doesn't mean it's no good. It just means that it's not the AA program. So you need an Owner's Manual; a Big Book. Then you'll be able to read it and know what's in there, rather than count on someone else to tell you. - Ken D
07-27-2014, 10:09 PM
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
These observations would be academic and pointless if our friend never took the first drink, thereby setting the terrible cycle in motion. Therefore, the main problem of the alcoholic centers in his mind, rather than in his body. If you ask him why he started on that last bender, the chances are he will offer you any one of a hundred alibis. Sometimes these excuses have a certain plausibility, but none of them really makes sense in the light of the havoc an alcoholic's drinking bout creates. They sound like the philosophy of the man who, having a headache, beats himself on the head with a hammer so that he can't feel the ache. If you draw this fallacious reasoning to the attention of an alcoholic, he will laugh it off, or become irritated and refuse to talk.
Once in a while he may tell the truth. And the truth, strange to say, is usually that he has no more idea why he took that first drink than you have. Some drinkers have excuses with which they are satisfied part of the time. But in their hearts they really do not know why they do it. Once this malady has a real hold, they are a baffled lot. There is the obsession that somehow, someday, they will beat the game. But they often suspect they are down for the count. - Pg. 23 - There Is A Solution
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Mind is the path. Flesh is the vehicle. We must establish a new mind through the creative power of thought using the 12 steps. We must establish a new body, protecting it from drugs. Only then do we become an aspirant of a whole life.
I ask my Creator to make me WHOLE in body, mind, and spirit.
Tian Dayton, PhD. - Book Quotes - Emotional Sobriety
Spirit Calls
Spirit calls to me within and without. In a still, small voice I sense spirit whispering in my inner ear. My body feels an increasing sense of aliveness as I invite spirit to make itself known to me. I do not even need to make room for spirit, because spirit breathes in each pore within me. It fills the numbness with energy. It fills the emptiness and causes my cup to overflow with its presence. There are gifts in listening if I am willing to sense, hear and see them, lessons I can learn. Little hints that help me to appreciate what I already have and open myself to experiencing more.
I will look for evidence of spirit at work in my life
- Tian Dayton PhD
Misc. AA Literature - Quote
We were squarely confronted with the question of faith. We couldn't duck the issue. Some of us had already walked along the bridge of reason toward the desired shore of faith, where friendly hands stretched out in welcome. We were grateful that reason had brought us so far. But, somehow, we couldn't quite step ashore. Perhaps we had been relying too heavily on reason that last mile, and we did not like to lose our support.
Yet, without knowing it, had we not been brought to where we stood by a certain kind of faith? For did we not believe in our own reasoning? Did we not have confidence in our ability to think? What was that but a sort of faith? Yes, we had been faithful, abjectly faithful to the god of reason. So, in one way or another, we discovered that faith had been involved all the time!
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Unity in our program does not mean conformity. Unity means joining for a common purpose, despite our differences.
I I can disagree without being disagreeable.
Daily Slogans - Quotes
From "Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
With the 12 Steps, you have break throughs, not break downs.
I sum up Step 3 as "Fire myself, hire GOD". - Renee M.
Put down the food and pick up the program. - Renee M.
07-27-2014, 10:13 PM
Not sure I did this right, but felt the need to see the reading. It is my favourite.
I see that I didn't put a divider in.
07-28-2014, 08:20 AM
July 28
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
When ready, we say something like this: 'My Creator; I am now willing that you should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do your bidding, Amen.' We have then completed STEP SEVEN. - Pg. 76 - Into Action
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
We are the inheritors of those who have gone before us, the originators of the 12 step and other recovery programs. Their blood, sweat, tears, and persistence is a gift to us today. Their sheer tenacity in educating the public, the government, the medical profession, and most of all themselves is our great legacy.
God, as I understand You, may I carry out the legacy one principle at a time, one day at a time, one hour at a time.
Visualizing My Own Life
Today I will dream, I'll use my capacity for visualization to imagine what I would like my life to be like. I will allow myself to see, in my mind, what I want to manifest in my life. Then I'll let the universe to work it's magic. Rather than stress and control and attempt to manipulate events, circumstances and people so that they conform to my idea of what I want to happen, I'll hold my vision steadily and with faith and trust that the universe will provide. This life is a gift, this world is a gift. Nature is abundant. I am part of the world, part of nature. Life means to fulfill me. Today I will take all of the steps that I need to take in order to manifest my vision and let God do the rest. I'll take the action and let go of the result.
I see the life I want to live
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
The Twelve Steps: One to Three: Clear up; Four to Nine: Clean up; Ten to Twelve: Contact up. These are also called the Foundation Steps, the Action Steps, and the Maintenance Steps respectively. Are you looking for something easier?
The easier, softer way is the Twelve Steps.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Slogans are the Swiss army knives of Recovery.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
It is exciting to know that I am at choice today and that my choices are limitless. I can choose exactly what I want to do to change how I am feeling.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. - Albert Einstein.
07-29-2014, 09:11 AM
July 29
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
We are careful never to show intolerance or hatred of drinking as an institution. Experience shows that such an attitude is not helpful to anyone. Every new alcoholic looks for this spirit among us and is immensely relieved when he finds we are not witch-burners. A spirit of intolerance might repel alcoholics whose lives could have been saved, had it not been for such stupidity. - Pg. 103 - Working With Others
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Abstinence, honesty, and the willingness 'to turn it over' are the only ways to fight the Four Horsemen of mind-affecting chemicals: Terror, Bewilderment, Frustration, and Despair.
Let me understand that the battle is no longer mine if I practice the Third Step to the best of my ability.
Divine Manifesting
I can imagine a better life. I can visualize what I would like to bring into my life. I can align my will with the source energy and quietly trust that what I see will come forth in its own time. I can bring my highest good towards me.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Divine Manifesting comes as you make contact with your Divine Self, and open to Its guidance, energy, power, love, and wisdom. Your Divine Self has all the answers, and can assist you in every area of your life. If you would like a blessing, insight, energy, or any other gifts from your Divine Self, ask for this right now. Contact your Divine Self by getting very quiet, letting go of all thoughts, and enter into a peaceful, silent state. Although your Divine Self is present through all states of consciousness, it is often in the silence of no-thought that you can most easily receive the energy of your Divine Self. Know that your Divine Self always responds to any request. Answers, energy, and blessings are given to you as you ask for them.
Sanaya and Duane
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
We do not believe in lemming recovery. Clement wrote 'faith must go hand in hand with inquiry.' If you do not 'get' something, ASK. Ask at meetings, ask a clean and sober friend, ask your sponsor, or ask your Higher Power in prayer.
The only stupid question is the one I don't ask.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Just because you have pain, doesn't mean you have to be one.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
Today I know I'm being guided and protected on my path for growth and freedom. All the positive energy in the universe is working for my greatest good. All I have to do is put one foot in front of the other.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
Under every blouse there's a bust, under every skirt there's a slip. - Unknown origin. ( Been trying to think of a male version of this.)
07-30-2014, 08:38 AM
July 30
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
The alcoholic is like a tornado roaring his way through the lives of others. Hearts are broken. Sweet relationships are dead. Affections have been uprooted. Selfish and inconsiderate habits have kept the home in turmoil. We feel a man is unthinking when he says that sobriety is enough. He is like the farmer who came up out of his cyclone cellar to find his home ruined. To his wife, he remarked, 'Don't see anything the matter here, Ma. Ain't it grand the wind stopped blowin'?' - Pg. 82 - Into Action
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Whatever upset you right now, whether a feeling of terror, someone is frustrating you, you are angry or bored--try living in the solution, not the problem. Pick up your program book, close your eyes and leaf through. Run your finger down the page and where ever you stop, read the next three paragraphs. It's a random solution but often guided by Divine Presence.
May a Divinely Inspired solution find me now.
Inner Belief
I believe in this world; it is the place that I have been born into. I love the breeze and the grass, the sky and the water. I have an intimate exchange with nature - like a lover. I feel held and nourished. Caressed and soothed. I believe in people - they are the species to which I belong. I recognize that, underneath our superficial differences, we all want and need the same things. I believe that truth and goodness will prevail. I feel good with small gains. I see deep meaning in quiet things, and I am moved by a power that I cannot explain but that I sense inside and out. Today, I feel good, I am aware of the gifts of nature, of being alive. I am open to what lies around me.
I believe in life
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
Some members of the fellowship say 'Our mind is a dangerous neighborhood to be in alone.' But together we can be on block watch! Don't let your mind get the better of you. Turn that 'M' in me upside down, like we are asked to turn it over, and make a 'We' out of that 'Me.'
It isn't 'me' and 'you' anymore; it's 'we' and 'us.'
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
Going to a meeting doesn't make you sober any more than going to church makes you a minister.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
I am developing new and positive habits today. I am putting all my energy into moving forward and building a healthy life.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
There's a test in the Big Book (p31) It says 'Try some controlled drinking, try to drink and stop abruptly. Try it more than once. Well that sounds real good, but that's not a viable test for me. I'd go into a bar, have two drinks and it would become very clear that this is just not a good test day. It's a good test, but tomorrow is a much better test day. - Bob D.
07-30-2014, 06:41 PM
Had too many of those social days, enough to keep me in denial. It changed as my drinking escalated to, "If you are going to have a drink, So Shall I!
We don't become a ministers, but far too many become bleeding deacons.
07-31-2014, 09:10 AM
July 31
AA 'Big Book' - Quote
As wives of Alcoholics Anonymous. we would like you to feel that we understand as perhaps few can. We want to analyze mistakes we have made. We want to leave you with the feeling that no situation is too difficult and no unhappiness too great to be overcome.
We have traveled a rocky road, there is no mistake about that. We have had long rendezvous with hurt pride, frustration, self pity, misunderstanding and fear. These are not pleasant companions. We have been driven to maudlin sympathy, to bitter resentment. Some of us veered from extreme to extreme, ever hoping that one day our loved ones would be themselves once more. - Pg. 104-105 - To Wives
Hour To Hour - Book - Quote
Whatever you are feeling now that disturbs you, whatever thoughts or situations plague you, remember that it will pass. Sometimes when emotions are strong, we feel they will never end. But they do and whatever you are feeling now, you won't be feeling tomorrow. We promise.
I to understand that my troubles are not forever that 'this too shall pass.'
Seeing Me from the Inside Out
Today, I will become aware of that part of me that is separate and observes all that I say, do, think and feel. I have a witness within me that can become a very useful part of my life. Watching my thoughts, feelings and behavior with a little bit of objectivity will help me to see myself as I really am. Fear, for example, is only fear. When I experience small fears throughout my day I will simply see myself feeling them, I will watch them, experience them and allow them to dissipate. I will breathe in and out as they move through me. By allowing my mind to watch itself with no thought of controlling or participating, I can learn a great deal about the way I work. I can allow myself to change on the inside.
I am an uncritical observer of my own inner workings.
- Tian Dayton PhD
Pocket Sponsor - Book - Quote
You don't have to pretend to be someone you are not. You don't have to pretend to be strong (if you're a man) or fem (if you're a woman). You don't have to pretend that you don't want to use, if you do. Share what is real. The real you is enough.
I am enough; there is enough.
"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book
20/20: Come 20 minutes before the meeting, stay 20 minutes after.
Time for Joy - Book - Quote
My heart is full of gratitude today. I am free today to experience this day fully and to follow my spiritual path. I have been given a new day to live, to grow, to give love and to feel love.
Alkiespeak - Book - Quote
If I quit causing my own trouble, I've got no trouble. All I have to do is trace this back - No matter what she had done - to where I had placed myself in a position to be hurt. - Milt L.
07-31-2014, 11:02 PM
Good quotes today.
A thought that came to mind when I saw "This too shall pass," The passing can be good times as well as not so good times. Make the most of your sobriety, live and enjoy the moment, it may not come back again. Why miss out on a good thinking about what might be instead of what is in today.
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