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07-01-2014, 08:18 AM
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Choose your perspective
What limits you is not the way things are. What limits you is the perspective from which you see the way things are.
Change your perspective, and you change your options. Change your perspective, and you can change the world.
If you think the world is filled with unfairness and injustice, and that everyone is out to take advantage of you, that perspective will seriously hinder you. If you truly see life as filled with opportunities and positive possibilities, that viewpoint can remarkably empower you.
The amazing and powerful thing is this. You can choose your perspective regardless of past or present events or circumstances.
Yes, the world is as it is, and objective reality is what it is, no matter what you think about it. However, what you make of that objective reality depends entirely on what you think about it.
Your perspective is yours to choose, whatever the situation. And your perspective will make all the difference going forward, so in each moment, choose the best, most positive, most empowering perspective you can imagine.
— Ralph Marston
07-01-2014, 02:52 PM
We have a disease of perception. It was always good to check out my perspective with someone else like a sponsor. I was told, "Me alone with me is bad company." When I bring my God into the equation, there is a good chance I will make the right choice.
07-02-2014, 08:51 AM
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Already here
What are you waiting for? Whatever it is, stop waiting and start living.
The purpose of your life is already here, so live it. The meaning, the beauty, the opportunities, the resources, the time and the inspiration are already here, so go ahead and make full use of them.
Just dive right in to the substance of life. Start where you are, for the sooner your efforts begin, the more you’ll achieve.
Indulge that persistent longing to be creative, to say what you really mean and to live the reality of what you truly love. Everything necessary is already here, and so are you.
Let go of the excuses and silly rationalizations and let yourself live this day in all its beauty and glory. Stop searching and wondering and start letting your heart lead the way.
Your most promising moment is already here. Grab it and joyfully go with it.
— Ralph Marston
07-03-2014, 11:28 AM
July 3
Unique and valuable thoughts
In every single moment, you’re able to form a unique and useful picture of life. When you think about it, that’s pretty amazing.
Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, you always have a story to tell in a way that’s never been told before. Consider the profound value of that.
You’re thinking all the time, and each thought helps you to more clearly understand and express the purpose that is uniquely yours. In even the most seemingly trivial thoughts, you have the opportunity to better know yourself.
You don’t have to always demand to be entertained by others. Take some time to be enlightened and enriched by your own thoughts about your life and your world.
Allow the thoughts to come, allow them to go, and take note of the ones that feel interesting, intriguing, and right. Your story is always adapting and evolving, and you can gain great value by learning from it.
Your mind is an endless source of great and appropriate ideas. Pay attention, and enjoy living your own unique greatness.
— Ralph Marston
07-04-2014, 07:55 AM
Friday, July 4, 2014
Celebrate and value freedom
Today is a great day to celebrate freedom. It’s also a good time to remember to use your freedom wisely and responsibly.
When you are free to think, speak and act as you wish, anything is possible. It’s up to you to follow the best, most loving, beneficial and life-enhancing of those possibilities.
Freedom is best maintained by those who make good use of it. Rather than taking your freedom for granted, take it as a challenge to make a significant, continuing contribution to life.
The way to truly celebrate and show appreciation for freedom is to make it even more valuable for yourself and others. Follow those great opportunities that freedom makes possible.
You can choose how to live your life, and from that fact springs a never-ending flow of great possibilities. Whether life has been fulfilling or difficult, satisfying or disappointing, you can always choose to move forward toward a more rewarding place.
Celebrate and value your freedom today and every day with the way you live. You are free to choose, so always choose wisely.
— Ralph Marston
07-05-2014, 08:18 AM
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Let the thoughts flow
When you try too hard to be creative, all you get is trying and not much creating. Let go of the trying, let go of the striving, and let the creative thoughts flow.
You are filled with spectacular thoughts and ideas for making life more beautiful and fulfilling. The problem is, most of those ideas never reach the surface because you’re trying so hard to think of other things.
So just ease off the trying and enjoy watching and listening as your thoughts naturally come into your awareness. Instead of getting all uptight with the goal of a particular thought in mind, just pay attention to what your authentic self is telling you.
Before long, if you simply let your thoughts flow, something very useful and appropriate will come along. It will have the added benefit of being elegant and original.
There is so much value in your authentic thoughts that you don’t ever have to settle for contrived thoughts. Be grateful and joyful about who you are, and you will easily come to understand what you seek to know.
You have an immensely deep and largely untapped reservoir of brilliant creativity within you. Let your thoughts freely flow, and let that creativity come forth.
— Ralph Marston
07-06-2014, 07:54 AM
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Encouraging words
Imagine how great it would be to have someone providing you with a constant supply of encouragement. When you get in the habit of encouraging yourself, that is exactly what you can have.
All day long, you are thinking and saying things to yourself. You have the power to choose precisely what those thoughts and those words will be.
Choose to make them positive, uplifting, and encouraging. Make good use of the thousands of opportunities you get each day to provide yourself with support and direction.
When you catch yourself mentally beating up on yourself, decide to stop such destructive behavior right then and there. Instead, give yourself a few words of real, sincere encouragement and notice how much more energized and effective you immediately feel.
In addition, get in the habit of offering encouragement to others whenever you get the chance. That will make you more likely to send even more encouragement in your own direction.
During each waking moment, you are constantly thinking or talking to yourself or others. Choose to use all that dialogue to move yourself and your world in a positive direction.
— Ralph Marston
07-07-2014, 08:14 AM
Monday, July 7, 2014
Even greater value
There are many people in this world who would dearly love to have what you have. Plenty of other people would love to know what you know, to experience what you’ve experienced, and to live in the way you live.
Don’t let yourself become so accustomed to your many blessings that you discount them. There is enormous value in your life, and so many great things you can do with it.
Real gratitude goes beyond just thinking thankful thoughts and saying thankful words. The power of gratitude comes when you make good and meaningful use of all those things for which you’re thankful.
You have been entrusted with a whole lot of great value. Your best response is to find delight and fulfillment in making it into even greater value.
Truly enjoy all the good things you have, and then go beyond enjoyment. Expand and share, magnify, multiply and utilize all those things.
Let your achievements set the stage for new achievements. With thankfulness in your heart and in your actions, create a constant upward spiral that brings even greater value to life.
— Ralph Marston
07-08-2014, 08:20 AM
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Put some good stuff in
Put some adventure in this day. Put some richness and meaning in this day.
Put some love, compassion, tolerance and understanding in this day. Put some action and achievement in this day.
Today is what you make it, so make it full and valuable. The day you experience will be the sum of your choices, so make those choices meaningful and beneficial.
Imagine that this day is a shopping basket which you can fill with things that express and fulfill your dreams and values. Then use the opportunity that’s right in front of you to load up your basket with richness and goodness.
Put some creativity and joy in this day. Put the very best of yourself into every moment.
This is your chance to make today a day that you’ll always look back upon and treasure. Seize the opportunity of this day to put a whole lot of good stuff into your world.
— Ralph Marston
07-09-2014, 09:00 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Work through
When your efforts bring disappointment, the worst thing you can do is abandon those efforts. Keep making the efforts, and eventually you’ll work your way to the results you desire.
Quitting won’t end your frustration or despair. On the contrary, quitting will just lock the frustration and despair permanently in place.
Instead of giving up, make the commitment to work through. Work through the disappointments, work through the discouragement, work through the frustration and work your way toward success.
When you feel like stopping, like you’re hitting the wall, keep going. Keep going and you’ll get through that wall into a more creative, productive state of flow.
You’ve worked your way this far, and you certainly have it in you to work on through the problem, or discouragement, or disillusionment or whatever. Your focused, committed effort will get you to the other side.
Engage the ability you have to work through. And nothing will be able to stop you.
— Ralph Marston
07-10-2014, 08:05 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Make some progress
If you want to feel great, get yourself up and make some progress. If you seek to have new, powerful energy, get yourself busy making a meaningful difference.
Don’t worry too much about how you’ll get it all done or how much you’ll be rewarded. Let it be reward enough to make a valuable difference, and many other rewards will naturally flow from that.
Get started making a positive difference in the world, and build some positive momentum. Once you’re moving along and creating value, you’ll find plenty of ways to keep going.
If there’s something that’s been weighing you down, stop fretting over it and start working on it. There’s much you can do to make progress, so get yourself busy moving beyond the burden.
Today is filled with possibilities, so make use of them to make some progress. And feel how great it feels to watch as your efforts move your world forward.
— Ralph Marston
07-11-2014, 07:38 AM
Friday, July 11, 2014
Rich today
Stop for a moment and consider how rich you are right now, today. Then you can step forward and live the benefits of that richness.
You are alive and aware in a universe filled with abundance. That’s worth more than you could possibly calculate, and there’s no limit to what you can do with that richness.
Yet there’s much, much more. For you can learn, you can explore, you can connect, you can build and create and add more wisdom and experience on top of the wealth you already have.
If one area of your life seems to be lacking in richness, you can make use of the richness in other areas to overcome that deficit. Whatever problem or challenge may confront you, there is plenty of richness and energy in your life to move you beyond it.
Living successfully is largely a matter of appreciating and utilizing what you have. So make it a point to regularly feel the immense power and value of what you have, and to focus that value on moving forward.
You are truly rich today, and the more fully you realize it, the more of that richness you can enjoy and benefit from. Choose to feel your own unique richness, to let it flow, and to make it grow.
— Ralph Marston
07-12-2014, 09:41 AM
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Now is what you have
The best of life is not out of your reach. It is here in this moment.
It is outstanding to dream, to plan, to work toward a meaningful goal and to achieve great and valuable things. But you don’t have to wait for later to get the most out of life.
Everything you need to enjoy the richness of life is here now, today, where you are. With what you have, with what you know, with what you feel and with what’s available to you, you can experience life at its best.
The key for doing so is to live with purpose, with authentic passion, with enthusiasm and genuine gratitude. In whatever situation you may find yourself, with whatever else you may have, you have the privilege of experiencing life from your own unique perspective.
Let go of the illusion that something else, something out there, something apart from you will make you happy. Let happiness and real, true joy flow from whatever you’re doing, wherever you are.
This day is too precious to waste it waiting or hoping for things to be different. Now is what you have, and it has beautiful possibilities, so delight in it fully while it is here.
— Ralph Marston
07-13-2014, 08:27 AM
Sunday, July 13, 2014
An expression of love can be beautiful and moving, yet an expression of love is not love itself. Expressing your intentions, your goals, your hopes and dreams can be powerful and inspiring. Yet the expression alone is not enough. The fulfillment of those intentions, or those hopes and dreams, requires commitment, sacrifice and persistent effort.
Love is more than saying “I love you.” Accomplishment is more than saying “I’m going to.” Caring is more than saying “I care.” No matter how profound the expression, it must be backed up, and followed up, with real and effective action if it is to truly be meaningful.
The best way to make a statement is to make a difference. The best way to show your intention is by doing what you intend to do. If you really want to express your hopes, then work to make them a reality.
The most meaningful expressions are not what you say or how you appear. True expressions are in what you take the time and effort to do.
— Ralph Marston
07-14-2014, 08:07 AM
Monday, July 14, 2014
Allow the meaning
Make this day meaningful by allowing it to be meaningful. Instead of striving to invent some grand purpose, accept that there is a grand purpose and go with it.
Rather than making judgments about the meaning of whatever you’re experiencing, simply be thankful to be experiencing it. There is great meaning to be found and felt in the living of each moment.
See that life, in whatever form it takes, in whatever circumstance it exists, has profound and intrinsic meaning. Nothing is trivial when you fully appreciate how it makes you feel.
You are here to experience the inscrutable, miraculous condition that is life, from a truly unique perspective. Embrace the opportunity, and live fully the meaning that is surely there.
Listen, love, taste, hear, give, understand, work, play and live the meaning as it flows forth. Up and down, sweet and sour, simple, difficult, soft, hard and whatever may happen all bring new richness and meaning.
Let life be meaningful, for it is, and will be, no matter what. Allow the meaning, and enjoy the ride.
— Ralph Marston
07-15-2014, 08:17 AM
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Feel life getting better
Are your feelings held hostage by an uncaring, unpredictable world? They don’t have to be.
Are you joyful only when certain things happen, and sad when other things happen? There is a much better way.
Yes, negative things will happen and it is natural to be disappointed by them. Wonderful things will happen, and it is great to express joy.
But you don’t have to let the negative things keep you down. And you don’t have to hope or wait or beg for the good things in order to be joyful.
You can feel the way you choose to feel, no matter what may be going on around you. That doesn’t mean you are uncaring, but rather that you are intentional in the way you care.
Make positive use of that intention to choose the feelings that will improve the situation for everyone. Feel life getting better, act on your feelings, and make your world a more positive place.
— Ralph Marston
07-15-2014, 01:25 PM
Found I was the last one to know and notice, others saw it. When they told me that I was doing well, keep coming back. I was surprised, first that they validated and affirmed that I was doing alright; and secondly, they told me to keep coming back. That wasn't something said too often, for the most part of me was isolated in body, mind, and spirit.
07-16-2014, 08:55 AM
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Help make the world
Your laughter will inspire the world today. Let it ring loudly and often.
Your thankfulness will give life its beauty today. Your love makes the entirety of existence worth all the trouble.
Your actions will make life richer today. Your thoughts and words and feelings will bring new substance to the wonder that is life.
Your awareness will inform and improve things. Your curiosity will make a whole new set of experiences possible.
Whatever you do will matter very much, going far beyond you and coming back in wonderful ways you cannot even imagine. So do, and do, and do some more, with authentic joy and boundless, delighted generosity.
Your life will help make the world what it is today. Live it for all it can be, and more.
— Ralph Marston
07-17-2014, 08:00 AM
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Be the positive difference
When it’s difficult to be positive, that’s when being positive can make the biggest difference. When you don’t feel like being focused and disciplined, that’s when focus and discipline can profoundly improve things.
Just because conditions are extremely challenging, doesn’t mean you have to be negative about them. You have an opportunity to make a positive difference, and the best way to do that is to be the positive difference.
Let your attitude be based on the best possibilities, rather than dictated by the worst problems. When things are not they way you’d like them to be, then be completely different than the way things are.
Take it upon yourself to be the positive difference. Focus your energy on forging your way forward, and make the choice to take everything else in stride.
If everything were perfect, you’d have nothing useful to do. Be truly thankful for the opportunity to be useful, and vigorously seize that opportunity.
Be the difference, see a better world, and work to bring that better world to life. Be the difference, and make the positive difference that you’re here to make.
— Ralph Marston
07-18-2014, 09:20 AM
Friday, July 18, 2014
Good time for love
This is a good time for love. This is a good day to reaffirm your commitment to live from a perspective of love.
Yes, in a world that sees too much aggression and evil intent, living from love might seem to be naive. Yet when you actually live the moments of the day with love as your guide, you realize and experience its great value.
Choose to put more love into your encounters with those who are close to you, and even with those who are not. Love gives you a certain positive power that cannot be achieved in any other way.
The love you experience and benefit from grows more abundant as you direct more of it toward others. Create more love, for there can never be too much.
There have been times when you’ve felt how truly powerful love can be. Remind yourself of those times, and remember to put more of that power into your life and your world.
Let authentic love guide your actions large and small. And your life will move in a positive, truly enriching direction.
— Ralph Marston
07-19-2014, 08:57 AM
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Something today
There is something you can do today that will move your life in a positive direction. Though you may not fully reach your goal today, you absolutely can reach toward it.
Achievement requires time, and with each dawning day you have a new supply of time. Put that time to good, meaningful effective use, and the achievements will come.
Today can be a waste of time or it can be a valuable use of your time. The choice is up to you in every moment.
Imagine how it will feel at the end of this day when you know you’ve made some good, solid progress. Imagine it, and then don’t hesitate to get going and to make it real.
This day has great possibilities and massive potential value. Claim that value by diligently working to bring those possibilities to life.
Today has arrived, and there are a whole lot of useful things you can do with it. Go ahead, right now, and enjoy making the satisfying progress you know you can make on this day.
— Ralph Marston
07-20-2014, 08:40 AM
Sunday, January 20, 2014
Root out the problems
Beware of quick-fix solutions that end up being worse than the problems they are intended to solve. There’s nothing to be gained from a cure that is worse than the disease.
And there’s certainly nothing to be gained from a solution that merely masks or delays the problem without addressing the underlying cause. When there’s a problem in your life, get to work rooting out the core of that problem.
Facing a challenge requires effort, and yet that effort is necessary only for a relatively short time. Running from the challenge requires ever-increasing effort that has no end.
The sooner you start working through a problem, the more quickly you’ll have that problem behind you. The earlier you deal with the root cause of the problem, the more effective your efforts will be.
Truly eliminating the cause of the problem does indeed take more work than quickly fixing the symptoms. Yet once the difficult work is done to remove the problem, it’s gone for good.
Do the work to root out each problem at its core. And your efforts will bring lasting rewards.
— Ralph Marston
07-21-2014, 08:07 AM
Monday, July 21, 2014
Make a new adventure
The possibility for adventure is here and now. Put some in your life today.
Don’t settle for a day that’s just like the day before. Make the decision and make the effort to put some real adventure in it.
Get yourself in a position to experience life in a way you’ve never experienced it before. Do something that you can get excited and enthusiastic about, and that you can treasure for a long time to come.
You don’t have to travel to exotic places or get yourself in tight situations to enjoy a good adventure. Simply get a little bit outside your comfort zone, reminding yourself that you’re perfectly capable of enjoying new and different experiences.
A good adventure will deepen your appreciation for the life you’re so fortunate to have, and for the possibilities available to you. So step away from your comfortable routine and feel the thrill of a new and exciting challenge.
See today as an opportunity for adventure, and make that adventure happen. Make a new adventure, and add new richness to life.
— Ralph Marston
07-22-2014, 09:09 AM
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Be more
You can be more than you’ve been. You can be more than you’ve even hoped or dreamed or imagined.
You can learn more, do more, achieve more, give more, experience more, laugh more, love more and live more. You’re fully capable of all that, and more.
No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve already done, you can ask more of yourself. Then, you can truly enjoy the experience of making it happen.
By raising your own expectations, you put yourself on track to lift up the whole world. And the world will always welcome some more positive goodness and substance.
Ask more of yourself, of your life, of your skills, resources and time, and then deliver it. Seek to live in a permanent state of growth and improvement, and you will live well indeed.
You can always be more, and do more, and add more to the miracle that is life. Be more, and feel your growing positive energy as it fills your world.
— Ralph Marston
07-23-2014, 08:26 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
You can make it better
Maybe you haven’t been knocked off track. Maybe you’ve found a better way.
Perhaps the challenge is not there to punish you. Perhaps it is there to strengthen you.
When something disappointing happens, you don’t have to automatically assume that it’s a negative. In fact, you can find a way to make it a positive.
No, life won’t magically be transformed into a wonderful experience just because you say so. However, there are always plenty of things you can do to make it better and better.
Remind yourself that there’s a positive response to whatever happens, and you’ll find that positive path forward. Commit yourself to making a difference, and you’ll discover countless ways to do so.
No matter what happens, choose to see the positive possibilities. You never have to settle for the way life is, because you can always make it better.
— Ralph Marston
07-24-2014, 09:20 AM
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Flowing through you
Let the best of life flow through you. Let yourself be a conduit through which life’s amazing substance comes into the world.
Listen, watch, be aware, pay attention, be open, and allow the goodness to come to you. Then let that goodness come from you.
Take in and appreciate what is meaningful, and give it new meaning. Listen to the songs of life and then sing them with your own voice.
Experience the beauty and wonder of life’s abundance that is all around you. Then add to that abundance in your own special way.
Feel how good it feels to be where you are, to be what you’re doing. Then share that feeling in positive, creative and valuable ways.
Find joy as the best of life flows into your life. And delight in adding your own luster to that joy as it flows on far beyond you.
— Ralph Marston
07-25-2014, 08:16 AM
Friday, July 25, 2014
You have today
You have today. You can make it rich and you can fill it with meaning.
No matter what else you may have or not have, you have today. You have the priceless opportunity to live with purpose, passion, joy and love.
You can learn, explore, discover, build, connect, observe, understand, participate and lead. The possibilities available to you are determined by your creativity and your willingness to move life forward.
You have today, so while you do, grab some of those possibilities and run with them. You have today, and when it’s over you’ll be thankful you made such good use of it.
There is no need to wish for more when you understand and appreciate the value of what you have. You have today, and with it, the opportunity to create and experience as much richness as you can imagine.
Feel fully alive, feel capable, feel excited and enthusiastic about the great possibilities. You have today, right here and now, so live its magnificent promise in your own unique and satisfying way.
— Ralph Marston
07-26-2014, 08:36 AM
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Forgive yourself
Punishing yourself for your mistakes won’t erase them or move you forward. Being angry and disappointed at yourself for a missed opportunity or a wasted day won’t achieve anything positive.
Instead, forgive yourself, and free yourself from your past mistakes. Forgive yourself, learn from those mistakes, and turn your attention to what you can do now.
Choose to be more determined, more committed, and more focused rather than being angry. Transform the energy of disappointment and regret into useful action and achievement.
Whatever may have happened or failed to happen in the past, you have this moment right now. And you can make productive, meaningful use of it, beginning right now.
You don’t have to let a disappointing experience turn into negative momentum. You have the power to instantly put yourself on a positive path, so make the choice to exercise that power.
Look ahead, imagine the best, and get yourself busy moving forward. Leave the regrets about the past in the past, and find renewed energy right now in building a great future.
— Ralph Marston
07-27-2014, 08:04 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Magnificence of being
In this moment you are free to live without limitation. You are able, through the whole of your being, to express who you truly are.
Everything that is now, is here to fulfill your most profound purpose. Positive possibilities stretch out far beyond the horizon in every direction.
As moment passes into moment, new substance and richness are born. A goodness that is already beyond measure, grows.
You can choose to focus upon what seem to be limits and then become a slave to those perceived limitations. Or you can let go of your resistance, and let the ineffable magnificence of being flow through you.
This moment demands nothing from you. Yet when you grasp just a small fraction of what this moment offers, you’ll rush to give it all you have.
Life is fresh and new and begins all over again right now. Let it be so in you.
— Ralph Marston
07-28-2014, 08:12 AM
Monday, July 28, 2014
Value in each challenge
Challenge is a fact of life. Though it might seem nice to trade your own particular challenges for somebody else’s, you’d likely find those other challenges to be just as burdensome.
Instead of seeking to be free of your challenges, seek to be motivated to move successfully through them. A life with no challenge is a life with no opportunity for growth, fulfillment or satisfaction.
Your challenges are yours for a very good reason. They are precisely the challenges that will enable you to grow stronger, more capable, and more fulfilled.
So don’t resent the challenges, and don’t avoid those challenges. Don’t complain about the challenges or pretend they’re not there.
Deal with each challenge and become stronger. Work through every challenge and feel the confidence that comes from knowing you can do it.
Life’s challenges give you the opportunity to experience yourself growing stronger. See each challenge for the potential value it represents, and make that value your own.
— Ralph Marston
07-29-2014, 09:04 AM
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Strength within you
There is greatness within you. Allow it to come out, and let all the world benefit from what you have to offer.
There are strengths and abilities within you, ready to be put to good use. Focus on a meaningful purpose, and allow those strengths and abilities to flower.
You have courage, determination, focus, discipline, creativity and passion within you. As you face life’s many challenges, remind yourself to call upon all those valuable qualities.
There is the power of love within you. Let that love always make a difference in the lives of those around you.
There is unique, original beauty within you. As you live each day, express that beauty in whatever you do, making it ever more abundant.
There is real, true, rich and wonderful life within you. In every moment, every day, live it as fully as you can imagine.
— Ralph Marston
07-30-2014, 08:30 AM
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
You can, so do it
Whatever it is you wish to accomplish, you can do it. You can do it if you will take the time and make the effort.
Very likely you have talked yourself out of it, and others have talked you out of it, too. Nonetheless, you can do it by making the choice and making the commitment.
It will demand the best of you, but that’s a benefit rather than a drawback. Giving your all while working toward a meaningful goal is one of the most empowering things you can do.
And you can do it, without question, without a doubt. You can do it when you choose to start and continue making the choice to keep going.
Whatever may seem to be beyond your reach begins to draw closer the moment you begin to do the work. Instead of complaining that you don’t know what to do, just do what you can and make the commitment to learn more each step of the way.
You are here right now to achieve great and wonderful things. You can, so do it.
— Ralph Marston
07-31-2014, 09:03 AM
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Consider letting it go
If you’re filled with resentment or frustration, you’re wasting your precious time and energy. The more quickly you can let the bad stuff go, the more quickly you can move on to the good stuff.
People and events will regularly cause delays, inconveniences, expenses, disappointments and worse in your life. Don’t add to the damages by letting those things keep you down.
When people have wronged you or events have sidetracked you, you have plenty of great reasons for complaints and excuses. But complaints and excuses don’t provide anything of value to your life.
Although whatever has happened to you may be highly unfair, wrong and inconsiderate, consider letting it go. For your own sake, consider letting it go.
Instead of giving others the power to get you down, give yourself the power to move forward. Instead of being content to collect those complaints and excuses, enjoy the freedom and satisfaction of making life positive and fulfilling no matter what.
Make the choice to live with joy, intention and purpose rather than with anger and resentment. Free yourself from the world’s negativity by choosing to look ahead, to live ahead, and to get ahead.
— Ralph Marston
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