View Full Version : Prayer for Today - July 2014
07-01-2014, 04:36 AM
As you walk beside me, Lord,
lead me to recognise you
in all those you place into my life
this day.
From Praying Each Day
Let us pray:
If countries disagree, Lord,
and if negotiations break down,
“going to war”
has sometimes been seen
as a way of “saving face”.
In the same way,
there are times
when matters get out of hand
as individuals disagree strongly,
and feel they need to “save face”.
In my own small part of the world
may I learn ways, Lord,
of being a peacemaker,
of helping people
to see that there are alternatives
to hostility,
and there are ways
of “saving face”
in a decent and human way,
without there being
a break-up of relationships.
Help me
to be a channel of your peace
this day. Amen.
07-02-2014, 04:43 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
in the Bible you tell me
to “choose life and not death”.
Inspire me
in the choices I will make today
- that I may choose
what is positive and life-giving
and good.
So help me to protect and defend myself
from influences that are not good.
Keep me on the right path
to choose values
that are lasting and beneficial.
Keep my eyes open
whenever there is injustice,
that I may be willing
to stand with those
who are treated unfairly,
and defend those who need support.
Deliver us, Lord, from all that is evil.
07-03-2014, 10:41 AM
Let us pray:
Lord God,
may all of your creation
- from the vastness
of mighty stars and planets
to the lowliness
of the smallest living creature I can see
- remind me
to live in wonder and appreciation
of all that is around me. Amen.
07-04-2014, 02:47 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
I can think of mistakes I have made
and the attitude
that I have sometimes had.
May I not become so independent
that I think I know it all
and no longer need others,
but may I always
have true friends around me
who are willing
to point me in the right direction.
May I be ready to apologise
when things go wrong,
and be ready to learn
from my mistakes,
finding humour in my situation
and having the ability and good sense
to laugh at myself.
May I grow in wisdom each day.
07-05-2014, 07:06 AM
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
we hear you say
that, “of course”, you want to heal us
of what is not good in our lives.
Touch us today
that we may experience your healing
and the fullness of your life.
07-06-2014, 01:42 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
you made each of us
unique and unrepeatable.
Inspire me to live in such a way
that I respect others
and am ready to learn
from all who are part of my life
this day.
07-07-2014, 05:08 PM
Let us pray:
For all that we should have thought
and have not thought;
For all that we should have said
and have not said;
For all that we should have done,
and have not done;
we ask forgiveness, Lord.
For all that we should not have thought
but have thought;
For all that we should not have said
but have said;
For all that we should not have done,
but have done;
we ask forgiveness, Lord.
This is an excerpt from the page of this date in
‘Praying Each Day of the Year’,
a 3-volume book
by Nicholas Hutchinson, FSC.
07-08-2014, 01:56 PM
Let us pray:
Lord our God,
we pray for the strength
to hold to our convictions.
We pray, too,
for the courage and determination
to stand
with those who suffer from injustice.
In all that we do, Lord,
inspire us to act justly,
love tenderly,
and walk humbly with you, our God.
07-09-2014, 08:09 AM
Let us pray:
Loving Lord,
these individuals we have heard about
were ordinary people.
They spent years
making choices each day
about small ordinary things.
Their positive and life-giving attitude
eventually led to serious decisions
about standing
with the poor and the underprivileged
and those treated unjustly.
Inspire us, Lord,
to choose wisely
in the ordinary circumstances
of our daily lives.
Having then chosen wisely
in small things,
inspire us
with courage and generosity
when we must make
more important decisions. Amen.
07-10-2014, 03:47 AM
Regular prayer not available at usual source.
This version of the Serenity prayer was sent to me by a good friend. Enjoy it.
The Serenity Prayer
With the saying of this word, I am admitting the existence of a Higher Power; a being far greater than I.
With the repeating of this second word, I am admitting that a Higher Power is an authority who can bestow and give.
I am asking something for myself. If I ask, I shall be given. It is not wrong to ask for betterment of myself, for with the improvement of my character, people around me will be made happier.
I am asking for calmness, composure and peace in my life which will enable me to think straight and govern myself properly.
to ACCEPT.....
I am resigning myself to conditions as they are right now, rather than fight for how I want them to be.
I am accepting my lot in life as it is. Until I have the courage to change any part of my life I don't like, I must accept it without resentment.
I am asking for conditions to be different, and for me to have the faith I need to make the changes in myself.
to CHANGE...
I am asking for a quality of spirit to become aware of those things I do that do not serve me in my recovery.
I am asking for my Higher Power's guidance in making the right decisions. Everything in my life is not perfect, I must continue to face reality and constantly work towards continued growth and recovery.
I am asking HP to give me the ability to form sound judgments in any and all matters.
to KNOW...
I want to be able to understand clearly and see the reality in any situation.
I want to see things differently in my life so there can be some distinction. I need to sense a definite value in love over selfishness, where my will gets in the way of my Higher Power's will.
Posted by Lildee on another site in 2005
The Serenity Prayer has been a valuable tool in my recovery and has been a rescuer many times over, and has never grown old, never worn out, and is always there.
I embrace change today. I learned a long time ago that without it, I don't grow unless I do. I also discovered that what stood me in good stead at the beginning of my program, is no longer of service in today. Hopefully, I will continue to grow and look for new ways to connect with the God of my understanding. This prayer has been a big part of that conscious contact.
07-11-2014, 10:34 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
it seems obvious to many
that people of all races
and people of all religions and none
are brothers and sisters
of one another.
We ask
that justice and peace may grow
in the hearts and minds
of each individual,
that we may treat others
in the same way
as we wish to be treated.
Rather than thinking over bad things
that have happened in the past,
may we grow
in the freedom, the courage
and the generosity
to place past events into your hands.
Teach us
how to break the cycle of hatred
by being generous and caring
towards those
who have done us harm,
resisting evil
and conquering it with good. Amen.
07-12-2014, 02:48 AM
Let us pray:
I want to be responsible
for my own life,
and I want to make positive choices
each day.
Inspire me
to get my priorities right
and be generous
in my care and concern for others.
In busy days and casual days
remind me, too,
of my basic human need
for personal time
and quiet and space,
and lead me to respect
the personal needs
that others also have.
07-13-2014, 02:58 AM
Let us pray:
Lord, I ask that you inspire me
always to do my best
- not comparing myself with others,
but only with myself.
Lead me, Lord,
to discover and use
my own talents to the full.
May I live in such a way
that I help others
to experience success,
as well as praising them
for the good use of their abilities
- looking not so much
at the degree of achievement
but at the effort put in.
Stop me from judging people
or jumping to conclusions
about them,
but lead me
to respect and accept others
for who they are,
focussing on the positive
rather than the negative.
07-15-2014, 12:28 AM
4 Let us pray:
I do not want to be selfish.
I do realise how important it is
to value and appreciate myself,
and I know
that I need genuine love for myself
if I am fully to love others.
Remind me
of the importance
of keeping time and space and quiet
for myself,
and remind me to respect
the personal needs of others, too.
Lord God,
you who call me by my name,
I thank you for making me
who I am.
Inspire me to grow
as a genuine and sincere person
with a positive attitude,
right values,
and a generous spirit. Amen.
07-15-2014, 01:46 PM
Let us pray:
Lord, I need to keep an eye
on the small things in my life
as well as the bigger issues,
because my thoughts
become my attitude,
my attitude becomes my words,
my words become my actions,
and my actions form my character.
Be there, Lord,
in that instant before every thought,
that I may choose wisely
my thoughts and my attitude,
my words and my actions,
so that I grow
as the person you call me to be.
07-16-2014, 05:07 AM
Let us pray:
Lord, I ask for the gifts
of knowledge and wisdom
and understanding.
What I pray for
I intend to work at,
so that I may develop
an open mind,
a thirst for knowledge,
and a wisdom that makes good use
of my knowledge and experience.
I know that any gifts are useless
if I do not also have
love and concern for others,
and so I ask that you inspire me
to live in such a way
that I am caring and compassionate
and promote understanding
between people.
May others respect me, Lord,
as much as I respect them. Amen
07-17-2014, 08:21 PM
Let us pray:
Loving Lord,
you tell us in the Bible
that whatever wrong we have done
you tread down our faults
to the bottom of the sea. Mic 719
We know there is no need
to keep thinking
about what we have done
in the past, Is 4318
because you pardon
the wrongs we have done,
and you delight
in showing mercy. Mic 718
You bind up all our wounds Ps 1473
and you renew us
by your love. Zeph 317
Lord, you love
all that you have made, Wis 1124
and it is your very nature
to love and forgive.
Lead us to be generous
in accepting and forgiving others
in the same way
as you accept and forgive us.
07-18-2014, 03:36 PM
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
bring your love to our lives
in a new way today
so that any fear that we might have
is driven away,
knowing that
“perfect love casts out fear”.
Then your light
will shine more brightly in us,
and others will be able to see
the good things that are done
in your name.
Help us to grow more aware
of the love and respect and dignity
that you give us
in calling us your “friends”.
We ask that your Spirit acts in us
so that we discover
and take pride
in who we really are.
Make us credible witnesses
of your love
so that others
may more readily share
in your love and your light,
you who are the light of the world.
07-19-2014, 07:23 PM
Let us pray:
In times of difficulty, Lord,
may we support others
with the same care and concern
as we would like to experience
07-20-2014, 02:52 AM
Let us pray:
Lord, our God and King,
your greatness is seen
throughout the earth.
When I gaze at the heavens
which your fingers have formed,
and look at the moon and the stars
which you have set there,
I realise how small we are
in the majesty of your creation.
Yet you treasure us
above all that you have made,
and you give us control
over all the works of your hand
- animals both wild and tame,
birds in the air,
and the creatures of the sea.
Lord, our God and King,
your greatness is seen
throughout the earth. Amen.
07-21-2014, 05:55 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
the landing on the moon
was one of the most significant events
in human history.
We give thanks
for the skills and expertise
and the courage and co-operation
which led
to that successful venture.
In giving thanks
we recall, too,
that the astronauts
showed their appreciation
and reminded us
of important values.
We pray for the power of your Spirit
in our lives
that we may live in thankfulness
and be people of vision and courage
who have compassion for one another.
Because You're Special
I said a prayer for you today
to make your spirits soar,
I prayed for happiness for you,
but then I asked for more.
I asked that God would give you
the courage that you need
to be yourself, to do your best,
to dream and to succeed.
I prayed that God would bless you
with confidence in who you are,
because in God's eyes, as in mine,
you'll always be a star.
- Author Unknown
07-22-2014, 01:49 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
we thank you
that in the vastness of your creation
there is something special
about the beauty of this earth.
Into our world
which you love so much
you sent Jesus, your Son
- your Word
who became a human being -
and he made his home among us.
Open our eyes
that we may have
a sense of wonder and awe
that leads us to treasure
all that you have made.
Show us how to value
all who are a part of our lives this day.
“God’s Word became a human being, and he lived among us.”
Jn 1:14
07-23-2014, 03:40 AM
Let us pray:
We pray, Lord,
for all who will need
strength and courage today:
- for those who are seriously ill;
- for those
who are in desperate situations
and see no hope of anything different;
- for those who find it difficult
to face others or themselves;
- for those in pain from illness
or mistreatment or torture;
- for those who know
that others depend on them.
For all these people
we ask for the power of your Spirit
in their lives.
07-24-2014, 02:12 AM
The prayer listed today was the lyrics of the gospel song, Amazing Grace. My sisters and I sang it many times, and I know that as we sang it, it was a prayer.
I am dating myself, but no one sang it better than George Beverly Shea.
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my Shield and Portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who called me here below,
Will be forever mine.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we’d first begun.
07-25-2014, 07:54 PM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
the star of Bethlehem
was a sign of faith
for the Wise Men,
and their faith led them
to discover the newly-born Jesus
in Bethlehem.
May we grow in faith
and discover Jesus
in our daily lives.
Lord, hear us
Lord, graciously hear us.
Thousands of people worked together
to enable the astronauts
to land on the moon.
May we grow in our appreciation
for all who are part of our lives.
Lord, hear us
Lord, graciously hear us.
The Wise Men
had a sense of vision and purpose
- and so did the astronauts.
Give us the power of your Holy Spirit
that we may share your vision
of individuals and of our world.
Lord, hear us
Lord, graciously hear us.
07-26-2014, 02:58 AM
Let us pray:
Lord, may I receive this day
as much respect and encouragement
and building up
as I give to others today.
07-27-2014, 01:29 AM
Let us pray:
I want to be responsible
for my own life,
and I want to make positive choices
each day.
Inspire me to get my priorities right
and be generous
in my care and concern for others.
In busy days and casual days
remind me, too,
of my basic human need
for personal time and quiet and space,
and lead me to respect
the personal needs
that others also have.
07-28-2014, 04:04 AM
Let us pray:
There are times, Lord,
when we say we are hungry
but we really have no idea
what real hunger is,
and the desperation
that goes with it.
We even tend to waste food.
We ask you, Lord, to inspire us
to discover the real priorities in life
so that we may live simply
so that others may simply live.
So often those feelings of hunger are not for the body, but the mind and spirit.
07-29-2014, 03:05 AM
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus,
the Bible reminds us
of the dignity and equality
of all people,
and you call us to love our neighbours
as we love ourselves.
At the beginning of your ministry
you read out loud
in the synagogue of Nazareth
from the prophet, Isaiah,
“I have been sent to give liberty
to the captives.”
Today we will meet people
who are held captive in different ways
by being treated unfairly,
or abused, taken for granted,
overworked, looked down upon.
Be with us, Lord,
that we may help
to bring freedom today
by giving respect and support
and encouragement. Amen.
Love this picture, it on on one of my sites, before they got deleted and the servers closed down. It didn't have this caption on it.
07-30-2014, 01:30 AM
Let us pray:
Lord God, I thank you
for your gifts to me
of skills, talents, and abilities.
May I use them
to the best of my ability
and grow as the person
you want me to be.
07-31-2014, 02:16 AM
Let us pray:
God our Father,
it was Pope John the Twenty-Third
who was speaking about the need
to bring new life to the Church.
To illustrate his point,
he walked to his window
and opened it wide,
saying that fresh air was needed
to blow away the cobwebs
and refreshen the Church.
Father, do not let us
shut ourselves off from others,
but may the windows
of our hearts and minds be open,
so that we may be made new
by your Holy Spirit
and be influenced for good.
Inspire us, too,
to let our light shine out,
knowing that Jesus said
that we are the light of the world.
Colours of day; I watch the sunrise; The
light of Christ.
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