View Full Version : I am aglow with vibrant life

06-26-2014, 11:55 AM
I am aglow with vibrant life.

To function at optimum health, I nourish myself with nutritious food and drink, plenty of exercise, and time for renewal and rest. Such care and attention feels good in the moment and pays dividends for years to come.

My healthy body knows exactly what to do, and I support it. I voice encouraging and uplifting words to and about myself, rather than criticism or fear. Whether positive or negative, the thoughts and words I tell myself also feed my body. Positive self-talk invigorates and supports my intention to maintain a vibrant, healthy body.

I am physically and spiritually alive and well. I am wonderfully aglow with light, life, and vitality.
I pray that … you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul.—3 John 1:2

Daily Word