06-14-2014, 07:12 AM
Arcane, adamant, as an as semblance ancestral can be
An aficionado axis a. k. a. of love aloof as he;
An Appalachian diversion.
Archaic, honorable, an argot averred;
An adorned diminished aversion.
Non-flip, not famed, facetious,
But foreign to feign,
An effortful effulgence, joyously unrestrained;
Domestic as ever, and endeared to be tamed.
His braced base finds turn-buckled beams,
Twisted plumb, re-leveled, through carbon-based themes
Of curing coxcomb via, monotone kvetch,
Procuring the lox in a megaphone fetch.
A sounded drop dosage, drafted of names
From diagonally drawn, angle iron frames,
Depicting improvident, inscrutability
By dangling participle's incredibility.
Gee Dad, can vertically-challenged, respectability
Catch my horizons in inevitability?
You know, how fielded fathoms, footings, fittings
And fasteners, gauged-out in gussets for
Inertia in headers, foreshadow the moments missing
In pictures,
So somehow miscellaneous can match nomenclature?
You dude, you bud,
You subtle crowd pleaser;
Your sweat of cologne
Red leisure suit teaser...
“Only by riveted real wind resistance
Borrowed from washers, whose added assistance
Came by the buckets ahead in the sequence,
To steady purlins purloined, dirt dry in the distance.”
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
An aficionado axis a. k. a. of love aloof as he;
An Appalachian diversion.
Archaic, honorable, an argot averred;
An adorned diminished aversion.
Non-flip, not famed, facetious,
But foreign to feign,
An effortful effulgence, joyously unrestrained;
Domestic as ever, and endeared to be tamed.
His braced base finds turn-buckled beams,
Twisted plumb, re-leveled, through carbon-based themes
Of curing coxcomb via, monotone kvetch,
Procuring the lox in a megaphone fetch.
A sounded drop dosage, drafted of names
From diagonally drawn, angle iron frames,
Depicting improvident, inscrutability
By dangling participle's incredibility.
Gee Dad, can vertically-challenged, respectability
Catch my horizons in inevitability?
You know, how fielded fathoms, footings, fittings
And fasteners, gauged-out in gussets for
Inertia in headers, foreshadow the moments missing
In pictures,
So somehow miscellaneous can match nomenclature?
You dude, you bud,
You subtle crowd pleaser;
Your sweat of cologne
Red leisure suit teaser...
“Only by riveted real wind resistance
Borrowed from washers, whose added assistance
Came by the buckets ahead in the sequence,
To steady purlins purloined, dirt dry in the distance.”
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9