View Full Version : Worked On Until Shaped

06-07-2014, 12:04 PM
So, I am going through the kitchen and notice that two of my grandchildren are playing at the kitchen table. They are making things out of play dough. All of a sudden, one exclaims, "No, that is not right" and he takes the color dough and mashes it together in one place. Then, starting over, makes it (whatever it was) right. That is RIGHT IN HIS OWN EYES.
Some of my readers recall the story of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 18:4ff), who when told by God to go to the end of town and visit the potter made a great discovery.
"You are in my hands just like clay in the potter's hands."
That guy was focused on his work. His knees were rotating the wheel on which was placed the clay. His hand, being free, were shaping the project. But something went wrong. He perhaps frowned and then squeezed the clay together (like my grandchild) and started over.
I believe (no, change that to KNOW) that sometimes in our lives when we think things are fine, you know, really "looking good" something brings us to a standstill. Like the clay on the wheel when it comes to a stop. Just as the potter knew, so, my friend, God knows about how to shape us up. Why? Well, we, as His children should be looking more like Him. We are not finished. So, when difficulties arise and we feel "out of shape", don't rebel and say to the potter, "Hey, God, what are you doing??" Trust the Heavenly Father that He does all things right. OK?
My prayer for you
Lord I ask that you forgive me when I interfere with your design on my life. I am capable of doing just that. For this special one reading these lines at this very special time, I ask that you encourage them regarding the events of their life. You are in them and you are using them to your glory....and theirs. In Jesus' name.