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06-05-2014, 03:10 PM
Hold On

by Stellar Kart

You are loved completely

You mean everything to me

You will always be here with me

Sometimes we just need to be reminded of who we really are. We all have days when we feel useless, unloved, forgotten, alone, insignificant . . . but it helps to hear God’s heart for us.

Read those lyrics again, slowly. You are loved completely. You mean everything to me. You will always be here with me.

Maybe you know someone who needs to hear those words from God today. You can be the one to remind them, because you also know how it feels when you forget who you really are.

Psalm 16:9-11

No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice.
My body rests in safety.
For you will not leave my soul among the dead
or allow your holy one to rot in the grave.
You will show me the way of life,
granting me the joy of your presence
and the pleasures of living with you forever.