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06-03-2014, 01:05 PM
Trusting God Part 1 - All Your Heart
by Gail Rodgers
The path ahead looked confusing to the young woman. Karen had hoped to have her path set by now but each day seemed to bring more questions.
She prayed but God seemed far away. Why didn’t He answer? Did He even care? Maybe He had forgotten her. She felt like she was fumbling along in the dark. And in the dark Karen began to doubt the God she had once placed her trust in.
But God had not forgotten Karen. He gently placed the long forgotten Bible verse in her mind and she could not ignore it.
“Trust in the Lord with your whole heart and lean not on your own understanding…” Proverbs 3: 5&6
Karen realized she was leaning on her own understanding of her circumstances. And they simply didn’t make sense right now. She was doing her very best thinking to plan her pathway. God was reminding her that this was not what HE was asking her to do. He simply wanted her to trust Him with all her heart.
It was one thing to trust God when things were going along just fine. It was quite another to trust Him in the dark when the path was not clear.
Karen made a choice…even though she could not see her next step she asked God to forgive her for doubting His love and His ability to guide her life. She asked Him to help her walk in contentment, even in the dark, and to help her trust Him with all of her heart.
God brought a peace and a contentment to her heart and mind that she could never have manufactured. Her path didn’t come clear that day or even that week…but God did bring a clarity to her steps and a confidence to her heart ...Yes…She would trust Him.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I thank You today that Your Word tells me I can trust You with my whole heart. You know exactly what it is I need to trust You with wholeheartedly. I confess that I have allowed doubts to crowd out Your peace. Please forgive me. By the power of Your Holy Spirit help me to find contentment in this moment in my life. Give me Your wisdom as I lean on You to work out my circumstance. I will trust You today. Help me to trust with all my heart as I watch for Your hand to be at work in my life. Thank you for Your love and for Your absolute trustworthiness.
In Jesus’ strong name I pray, Amen.
06-04-2014, 10:55 AM
Trusting God Part 2 - In God's Waiting Room
by Gail Rodgers
Susan felt like she had been waiting forever for God to work out a circumstance in her life. Her patience was wearing out and she was tiring of being in God’s waiting room.
When her Christian friend told her to keep praying about it she felt irritated. She had been praying and nothing was happening! Her resolve to trust God, even in the dark, was beginning to falter..
God understands our human heart and our impatience as we wait on Him. He reminds us to keep trusting Him and He calls us to keep giving our circumstances to Him.
Susan’s heart felt God’s tug as she read this verse from her Bible…
“Commit your way unto the Lord, trust also in Him and He will bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:5
This is God’s call to your heart today. Have you taken back what God is asking you to trust Him with? Are you fretting and stewing about something that He wants you to commit to Him and leave in His hand?
Give Him your concern and your unanswered circumstance today. Write it out on a piece of paper and tuck it in your Bible. Whenever the concern of it threatens to overwhelm you, take out the paper and be reminded of this day when you committed this concern to Him. Refresh your trust in your God and ask for His help as you wait for Him to bring the conclusion to pass. Don’t take back what you have committed to His faithful keeping.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I thank You today for Your Word and the reminder that I can commit my questions and confusion to You. Father I want to leave them in Your care and not take them back to fret and worry about. I declare my trust in You for my particular circumstance today. Thank You for Your promise. Help me to be steadfast in my commitment and in my trust of You, my faithful God.
In Jesus’ strong name I pray, Amen.
06-05-2014, 02:35 PM
Trusting God Part 3 - Convinced
by Gail Rodgers
Sharon struggled with her thoughts. She knew her God to be a faithful God and yet in this one thing she was having such a hard time believing He would help her. Her doubting heart bothered her.
God gently took her thoughts back to the many times His faithfulness had been evident in her life. Yes, she knew He had a track record of holding her through the dark but this time it seemed to last for so long.
Again God spoke to her heart…His Word gripped her…
“I know whom I have believed and am convinced that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him for that day.” 2 Timothy 1:12
Fresh faith flooded her heart as Sharon realized she did know who she was believing in. Her God had been faithful to her in the past. He had never let her down. She could be absolutely convinced, even in the dark, that God was able to keep what she had committed to Him. His timing would be right. Even though at times He seemed to linger longer than she cared for, His track record in her life proved He never came too late. Why should she doubt Him now?
God will build a track record in your life as you trust Him with each detail and each blind corner. Be convinced today that He will keep what you have committed to Him. His timing will be just right. Allow His peace to hold you as you wait. Allow Him to build His track record in your life!
prayer & reflection
Father God,
Today when I want to fret and worry please remind me of how You have worked in my life in the past. Remind me of Your faithfulness to me in previous times and situations. I want to trust You and to build the track record of Your faithfulness in my life. I want to know You in a way that allows me to say “I know whom I believe in and am convinced He is able”. Thank You that You are able to keep what I have committed to You. I declare Your faithfulness and Your ability to work in my life and in my circumstance. I look to You with fresh faith today! Thank you Father!
In Jesus’ strong name I pray, Amen.
06-06-2014, 09:47 AM
Trusting God Part 4 - Walking in Uncertainty
by Gail Rodgers
If you are walking in the dark today in your circumstances and wondering what God has in store for you, know that He has given specific instructions for you as you wait.
Trusting God is not easy to do when the pathway is obscured. God knows the tendency of our hearts is to fret. So He asks us to make a choice in the small things of every day. Listen to His simple steps:
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”
Let the Word of Christ dwell in your richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.”
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:15-17
How do you let God’s peace rule your heart when worry wants to take the front seat?
Tell God you are making a choice today to allow His peace to invade the space where worry now lives. Ask Him to do it by His power. You can’t generate this peace in your heart, but you can declare your choice and allow the Holy Spirit to invade your heart and mind. And look for things to be thankful for.
How do you let God’s Word dwell in you richly?
Take time to let His verses of comfort and strength find a place to live in your heart. Write one out and tape it to your mirror or the dash of your car. Talk about His promises with other believers. Make a choice to turn to His Word when anxiety wants to overwhelm you. Dwell on His promises, don’t just read and run. And look for things to be grateful for.
As you wait in God’s waiting room, do what is in front of you to the very best of your ability and do it for Jesus.
Waiting for God’s answer can sometimes leave us feeling in a place of limbo just waiting for the next step. Don’t waste this time or the opportunity to do wholeheartedly what is in front of you today. Ask for God’s help and even if it is not what you had hoped to be doing, do it well and with a willing and a thankful heart.
Did you notice that each of these three steps includes a thankful heart? God knows us so well and knows that thankfulness will change our countenance and our hearts. If you just can’t be thankful, ask God’s Holy Spirit to help you have a thankful heart. It will change your day today!
prayer & reflection
Dear Father God,
Thank you that You know me and understand my tendency to be fretful and worried right now. I ask for the power of Your Holy Spirit to invade my heart and mind today with Your peace and Your Word. I ask You to help me do what is in front of me today as an offering to You. Give me a grateful heart and change me as I wait for You to change my circumstances.
In Jesus’ strong name I pray, Amen.
06-07-2014, 11:25 AM
Trusting God Part 5 - Don't Forget
by Gail Rodgers
Trusting God seemed so hard for Darcy today. She knew deep down that she could trust God to guide her and show her the way through her difficulty, but this morning she didn’t feel thankful for anything. In fact she felt sorry for herself. Darcy hadn’t realized that, during those times when trusting God can be hard, there are two things that tend to happen.
First, she began to loose her spirit of thanksgiving and praise to God. Then she began to become self absorbed and her thoughts, prayers and actions centered around “poor me”. These two things, left alone, can steer one in the direction of despair. And Darcy could feel it today!
God is so aware of the tendency of our hearts to turn to discouragement and self focus. Listen to the words He gives us as encouragement and guidance when such times want to overtake us.
“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:15 & 16
Praising God when things are hard is sometimes the last thing we feel like doing. God understands this and actually calls our praise a sacrifice, which it truly is when we offer it in spite of our circumstances and feelings. God also knows we can’t do this in our own strength but “through Jesus” we can. This means we tell God exactly how we are feeling and yet we make the choice to give Him our praise through the strength and power of Jesus. God says this is the evidence or “fruit” of lips that claim to be His child.
He also knows how self focused we can get when times are difficult. He calls us not to forget to have an outward view to help and share with others. In times when we least feel like doing this it also becomes a sacrifice God is pleased with.
And something happens when we choose to make the sacrifice of praising God and reaching out to others when our discouraged heart would rather not. It changes our outlook…it changes our heart…it brings life into perspective and God, who is pleased with such a sacrifice,
knows your own load will lighten as you take these two steps.
If you are in a valley today and seeking to trust God with all your heart, He will help you.
Choose a thankful heart today and choose to take your eyes off your circumstances. With praise, keep your eyes focused upward on Him and outward to others. It will make a difference that will amaze you.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I confess that today my eyes have been on my own feelings and circumstances. Through the power of Jesus, I choose today to give You my praise. I choose a thankful heart. Help me to keep my focus on You and look to reach out to those around me. Help me to be kind and generous today and to do these things as a sacrifice to You. Thank you that you know me and will use this choice in my life to strengthen and encourage my own heart today. I love you Lord.
I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen
06-07-2014, 11:25 AM
Trusting God Part 6 - What Do You Trust In
by Gail Rodgers
Kathy dropped to her knees. She did the only thing she knew to do in a challenging difficulty and that was to pray. Oh she hadn’t always turned to God when things were hard and she didn’t know what to do. It had been a slow journey but God was teaching her and she was so grateful for His patience.
Kathy poured her heart out to God and asked for His strength to hold her through this day. As she rose up from her knees and wiped a tear from her cheek, she felt His peace flood her heart. Nothing had changed outwardly yet she knew God was holding her hand and He would walk with her through each step as she found her way through this challenge. She actually found her weary body and mind refreshed from her time in His presence.
Before understanding how God cared about each struggle in her life, she had tried so many other routes to peace. She had put her trust in other things like money, good wits, the right connections, even spiritual rituals and religious ornaments.
But since she had invited Jesus Christ into her life, it was different. She had a relationship with Him that allowed her to approach God’s throne and receive His strength and His peace when she was overwhelmed in a difficult place.
She read in her Bible the verse that says:
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7
What are you trusting in today to help you through the challenge you are facing? Trust fully in the name of the Lord our God! No matter what those around you may be putting their trust in, remember God is the only one who is truly trustworthy. Trust in Him and in Him alone today and He will strengthen your heart and carry you through your difficult time.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I confess to You that often I have put my trust in so many other things. Today I declare that I will trust You to give me strength. I will trust You to give me wisdom and insight. I will lean hard on you to keep my anxious heart and mind at peace. Remind me to trust You completely when I want to run ahead and borrow tomorrow’s problems today. Thank you that You are trustworthy. I now place my concerns for this day into Your hand and trust You to help me and guide me. Remind me to stay close to You and show me when I turn my trust to “horses and chariots” rather than trusting in the name of the Lord my God. Thank you for strength for today and for the confidence that tomorrow we can face together.
In Jesus’ strong name I pray, Amen.
06-09-2014, 11:42 AM
Trusting God Part 7 - When Doubts Creep In
by Gail Rodgers
Shelly could feel her faith and trust in God beginning to waiver. She wasn’t comfortable with the doubt that nibbled at her heart and mind these days.
As the frustration and discouragement grew in her life, Shelly neglected to read her Bible. She began to neglect praying, quietly wondering if it made any difference after all.
Shelly hadn’t felt much like going to church but one Sunday morning she found herself there. It seemed like God had hand picked the sermon just for her. The verse from the Bible read:
“Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10:17
The Holy Spirit began to nudge her heart. If she wanted to have faith she knew she must not neglect God’s Word in her life.
A lukewarm heart and a doubting heart go hand in hand.
Shelly realized that through her discouragement in her circumstances she had allowed herself to drift away from God’s Word. Her Bible was left unopened these days.
To grow in your faith you must expose yourself to God’s truths in the Bible. You can’t know what God has to say to you if you’re not in His word. When you are in a valley it is especially important to give God opportunity to speak to you.
If doubt in your God is invading your heart and mind these days, do a check. Where is your Bible? Chances are you have allowed your heart and your relationship with God to become lukewarm. Lukewarmness and doubting are partners.
Spend time reading God’s Word. Start in the book of John or a Psalm a day along with a Proverb or use a good devotional book based on Scripture. Always asking God’s Spirit to open your heart and mind to receive what He has to show you. Take some time and let God know the discouragements of your heart and ask Him to speak to you. Your faith will grow as you hear and believe the Word of God.
prayer & reflection
Heavenly Father,
I confess that I have left my Bible unopened and my heart has become lukewarm. Forgive me and help me to increase my faith by spending time in Your Word. Please speak to me by the power of Your Holy Spirit as I make a fresh commitment to keep Your Word central in my life. Make it real and alive to me as I seek to apply it to my circumstances today. Till up the hard ground in my heart and let the seeds of faith fall in soft soil once again. Thank you that You care about my faith.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
06-10-2014, 03:43 PM
Trusting God Part 8 - Ask for More
by Gail Rodgers
If you are having a hard time trusting God in your life these days, you are in good company. Even Jesus’ closest followers, who walked and talked with Him here on earth, found their faith lacking too.
Feeling overwhelmed and incapable of measuring up to the standards Jesus laid out, they cried out,
“Increase our faith!” Luke 17:5
Jesus replied that faith, even as small as the tiny mustard seed, could bring powerful results.
Don’t let your own feelings of inadequacy or your overwhelming circumstances crush your faith today. Cry out to God to increase your faith.
Keep God’s Word close to your heart. Keep your prayers honest and open before God.
Find a quiet spot today and pour your heart out to Him. Tell Him all your fears and doubts and ask Him to increase your faith. The power of the Holy Spirit, who Jesus sent to comfort and guide His children, will begin to grow your faith in your heart and through His Word.
You can’t muster up faith through your own willful thinking. It is given to you by God as you seek to know Him with all of your heart.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
Thank you that You are the giver of faith. Today I come before You and ask that You would increase my faith. Help me to trust You with my whole heart. Keep doubts and fears from my mind as I lean on You to guide me through this day and through the circumstances of my life.
Increase my faith today I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
06-11-2014, 03:26 PM
Trusting God Part 9 - The Process
by Gail Rodgers
Sometimes we have to walk in the dark in life. Sometimes our next step is not clear and our faith wants to turn to fretting. God continually calls us to trust Him but sometimes it’s hard. He knew it would be so He spells out a process for us that will strengthen our hearts during those times when we are called to walk by faith and not by sight.
In Psalm 37 verses 3-7 He gives us four steps.
“Trust in the Lord and do good…”
While you are waiting for God to show you His next step, look for kind things to do for someone else. This will allow God to use you in His purposes today and it will take your focus off yourself. It will bring you joy and turn your thoughts away from fretting. It will actually increase your trust as you see how God can use you to touch another life even as you wait. Choose to do good!
“Delight yourself in the Lord…”
When you are in God’s waiting room the tendency is to let your heart become frustrated with your God. “Where are You?” we want to cry out. God specifically tells us to find delight or joy in Him. Start by looking for things to thank Him for. Ask Him to till up the ground in your heart that is hardening through frustration and drop His seeds of thankfulness into the softened soil. Find joy in the small things He gives. Ask Him today to point them out to you. Choose to thank Him!
“Commit your way to the Lord…”
Give God complete control to guide your way. He can be trusted to bring to pass exactly what is best for you. As you walk today commit each step to Him. Ask Him to guide you in your conversations; ask Him to help you in your choices; tell Him you trust Him with your life journey and ask for His Holy Spirit to give you peace in your heart and wisdom in your thought processes. Choose to roll your concerns onto Him.
“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him…”
Patience is hard when we want answers now! God’s timetable is not ours yet we can know with assurance He will not come too late. Being still in His presence means turning your focus deliberately to His Word and letting His promises and His track record settle over your heart. Spend time letting praise music wash over your impatient soul. Be deliberate in moving close to God even if He feels far away. He promises if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. Take that first step. Choose to be still before God.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
You are so good to be specific in letting me know how to walk by faith when I would rather walk by sight. Help me today to choose to do good rather than have a pity party; to have a thankful outlook rather than living in frustration. Help me to commit every step I take to You rather than stumbling in the dark and may I choose to make the time to be still before You. Today I choose trust in You, my great God!
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
06-12-2014, 10:50 AM
Trusting God Part 10 - Come Worship
by Gail Rodgers
It was a warm summer afternoon. Fifty people gathered together to celebrate. The food, and laughter and music flowed. It was their 25th wedding anniversary and love was still in the air! They were more than willing to give credit to their God who had held them through the storms of life and kept their love and their home intact when life could have done otherwise. The afternoon was filled with songs that gave praise to their God and pointed to His strength and power. Worship filled the afternoon.
As I listened I knew…here was an important key to life. Worship is the avenue that brings God’s presence and His perspective to the joys and challenges of life and love. Worship is a key that can unlock doors in our hearts and in our homes.
But how does it work? What is worship? As we walk the uneven path of life, worship is the act of coming humbly before the God of the Universe with respect and submission. It is declaring who our God is and what He can do… and it changes our perspective. It draws our focus off our circumstances and ourselves and places it right back on our God. Worshipping who our God is revives hope beyond ourselves. It is a conscious and deliberate act that changes the heart. It’s a call to you today…listen…
“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker, for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care.” Psalm 95: 6 & 7
If you are struggling today in a hard spot in life choose to turn your focus off your circumstance and onto God. Begin to thank Him for who He is. It will change your heart.
He is the same God who parted the waters of the sea to make a way for His people when there was no way.
He is the same God who helped young David slay a giant against all odds.
He is the same God who made the widow’s oil replenish in her jar over and over in her time of need.
Read the stories of His power. Use praise music to wash the dust off your heart. Take out a promise from His Word that was once dear to your heart and ask Him to refresh your faith. Don’t be shy to kneel down by your couch or bed. Tell Him you feel worn and weary and you need Him to be the strength of your heart and life. You are part of the flock under His care today. Lift your eyes off of you and onto Him. He is our hope!
prayer & reflection
Father God,
Today I choose, in spite of my feelings, to worship You. Thank you that You are my Maker and You know everything about me. Thank you that You are the same God who made a way for Your children where there was no way. Today I lift my eyes up from my circumstances and place them on You. Be my help and my strength. Thank you that I am under Your care today. I choose to focus on You. Change my heart from one of worry and stress to one of faith and confidence in You. I love You Lord.
In Jesus name Amen.
06-13-2014, 02:11 PM
Trusting God Part 11 - Who's Work
by Gail Rodgers
With lunch bag in hand my son reached for his car keys. “This working for a living is definitely over rated”, he said. “Just another 40 years!” He smiled and headed out the door.
Barely out of high school, he had looked forward to full time work. It didn’t take long for him to hear the hollow ring in the hectic work world. There is an emptiness as possessions, power, position and paychecks take front and center stage. And he’s right.
Regardless of whether you love your job or just drag through your day, God gives a perspective that changes the way we see our work. It’s worth looking at. It could change your life…listen…
“Therefore dear brothers (and sisters) be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your work is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58
Take a challenge for one week. Start each day by asking God to show you your work day world from His perspective. Ask to see with His eyes and feel with His heart. Be observant, pay close attention.
Then ask Him to use you there in His work, just a simple, heartfelt request on your part to be active in what He is doing at your job site or in your neighborhood. Ask His Holy Spirit to be your helper.
Then experience a dimension that will be beyond what you ever imagined. You are there by God’s design and He has things to do through you. Your greatest fulfillment will come as you step into this challenge. This is work that has eternal value. This is His purpose for you.
If you want more out of life than the hot pursuit of paychecks, possessions, position and power then take this challenge and allow God to show you what His work is all about right where you spend your day. It will give new purpose to each new day.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I confess that I have stepped onto the treadmill of life in this world and am finding it rather hollow. Please help me this day and this week to take the challenge of letting You show me my world through Yours eyes and Your heart. Use me in Your work right where I am. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and let me be a part of what You are doing for eternity. Thank you Father. Use me today in the purposes You created me for.
In Jesus’ strong name I pray, Amen.
06-14-2014, 11:18 AM
Trusting God Part 12 - Monuments of Grace
by Gail Rodgers
I remember the day she told us that she had inoperable cancer. I was amazed as I listened. It was about 7 years ago. She gave her short announcement along with several verses of scripture that reassured her God would continue to be her strength and her guide, that He was not surprised by this sudden storm in her life.
Today this dear lady is still a regular source of inspiration and encouragement in my own life! Though her physical body is frail, her spirit soars. I am amazed at her joy. I know it has not been an easy 7 years but my friend is a living monument of God’s grace. Though the storm has been fierce and the winds have come from different directions, she has found the Rock to climb up on and has found shelter in the storm.
I think of a verse from the Psalms:
“I call as my heart grows faint, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2
Storms come in life. It is a fact. But storms do not have to overtake us and cause us to drown beneath the waves. No matter what storm you are facing today, no matter if it is a small squall or an all out hurricane, God can be your Rock on higher ground.
How do you get to the Rock that is higher than you? How do you keep from going under when the waves splash hard?
Tell God you need Him in your life. Tell Him you want His help. Admit you cannot do it alone. Tell Him you need His strength to hold you right now and to give you direction in your very next step. Tell Him you want Him to carry you by His grace. Be deliberate in focusing on God and drawing your strength from Him one step at a time. Don’t run ahead and borrow tomorrow’s concerns today. Talk to other Christians, feed your soul through reading, going to church or Bible study, praying and sometimes just sit quietly and ask His presence to surround you. Ask God to lead you to Him.
As you reach out to be filled with God’s strength in your storm, you will become a living monument of grace. Others will see the strength and difference your God makes in your life and in your storms, and others will be drawn to that same “Rock” of shelter.
Don’t let trouble turn you away from God. Trust Him right in the middle of the storm and make your daily prayer one of “Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I”.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
Thank you for those who have gone before us and have been living monuments of Your grace. I want to be one of them Lord, for those who come behind me. Please lead me today to You. You are the Rock that is higher than I. I need to be sheltered in Your love and Your strength today. Thank you that You are only ever one prayer away. I call to You now to come into my storm and lead me through it.
Make me a monument of your grace today for I ask this in Jesus’ strong name Amen.
06-15-2014, 12:28 PM
Trusting God Part 13 - What is Your Soil Type
by Gail Rodgers
My garden isn’t looking too healthy these days. The corn is growing but it is much too slow and there will be little harvest this year. Nothing like the bounty I had hoped for.
The rain had come, that wasn’t the problem. I discovered it was the soil. The sandy soil needed enriching and I had not put anything into it. The spruce trees surrounding the garden had pulled much of the moisture to their roots. Their acidic needles had helped create an environment that stunted growth. The seeds had been good, but the soil they fell into was not.
I couldn’t help seeing the spiritual analogy as I stood looking at my corn. God’s Word is the seed that comes into our lives. We know He says He loves us unconditionally; we know He says He will be our strength where we are weak; we know He says He will give us grace and wisdom when we need it. The seed is good. Yet our lives often fail to show the bountiful fruit of His Spirit as we walk through our day and respond with actions and re-actions that we wish we didn’t.
God tells us why this is so. He tells us we need to tend the soil of our hearts. Listen…
“The seed is the word of God. Those along the path are the ones who hear and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved.” Luke 8:11-15
A closed mind and acidic environment allows the enemy of our souls to steal the seeds that bounce off the hard ground we have allowed in our hearts. Is there any area of your heart you have closed off from God?
“Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for awhile, but in the time of testing they fall away.” God’s Word can not take deep root in a mind that is occupied primarily with the superficial. The appeal of His help and activity in one’s life is attractive, but when trusting becomes hard the seed just falls away. Ask God to increase your faith and give you a depth that will cling to Him beyond the superficial so you can prove His faithfulness for yourself.
“The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures and they do not mature.” Do you read God’s Word or listen to a sermon thinking, “Yes, that’s really good”, but forget to apply it as soon as the cares of this life distract your thoughts? Ask God to help you focus on His purposes for your life.
“But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it and by persevering produce a crop.” Retain what God says. Write it out, memorize it, cling to it through the good and the hard times and it will produce a bountiful crop in your life that will amaze you!
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I have neglected to mind the soil of my heart so Your seeds can fall into a soft place and germinate and grow. Please help me today to keep my heart soft and not let it get hardened by events and people in my life. Keep me from a shallowness that lets go of what You say when the moment is tough. Help me to be careful not to let the cares of the world choke out Your word and Your work in my life. Today, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, let me think on Your Word, apply it to my life and keep my heart soft. I know it is only your crop in my life that truly brings peace and satisfaction. Thank you Jesus.
I pray this in Your name, Amen.
06-16-2014, 02:13 PM
The Names of God Part 14 - Jehovah-Tsedek
by Gail Rodgers
The LORD of Justice. We live in a world full of injustice. Things happen to people, by people, that never should happen. In those times when one is left reeling from injustice we know that our God will be The Rock of our lives. He will hold us fast and He will judge with righteousness and integrity.
Our part is to allow Him to be the Judge and to stand firmly on Him as our Rock and the steadfast hope of our lives.
The Rock, The Everlasting Rock, The Rock of Ages, The Rock of our Salvation, The Judge. Deut. 32:4; Isa. 26:4; Ps 95:1; Judges 11:27. Isaiah 30:18
A Righteous Judge, An Upright Judge, The Judge of all the earth, The Judge of all men. Ps 7:11; Ps 75:2; Gen 18:25; ###12:23.
One Lawgiver and Judge, Who alone is to be feared, The High and Lofty One. James 4:12; Ps 76:7; Matt 10:28; Isa 57:15.
His justice is like the great deep, His Word is flawless, powerful and eternal. Ps 36: 6; Pr 30:5; He 4:12; Ps 119:89.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
Thank you that one of Your names is the LORD of justice. Thank you for the reminder today that You will act justly. I trust You today to handle the injustices of my life. Thank you that You are the Rock of Salvation and Your righteousness, uprightness and fairness will prevail as I leave the judging to You.
You alone are the one true lawgiver and judge who alone is to be feared. You are the high and lofty One who is the Rock of Ages. Your word tells us that Your justice is like the great deep. That is Salvation that I can depend on as I invite You to bring redemption to the injustices in my life.
Lord God, I ask today that I would not place myself as judge over those who have shown me injustice. I lean on Your word today that is flawless and powerful and eternal. Fill me with Your Spirit as I empty myself of judgment and leave it for You to deal with.
May my heart be refreshed today as I lean on Your holiness and integrity. Allow my mind and heart to be immersed in Your holiness. I lay any critical attitudes at Your feet toward those who have wronged me and I ask You to be their Judge. I stand on You, my Rock and rest securely in Your love and mercy.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Not only very timely but also a very powerful reading
Thank you!
06-17-2014, 10:57 AM
Trusting God Part 15 - Fire
by Gail Rodgers
The news announcer stated the facts. 244 houses had burned to the ground. I wondered if my friend’s was among them. She had phoned days earlier to ask for prayer for this desperate situation. Forest fires! Such devastation from a single spark!
It reminded me of a verse from the Bible that I read this week:
“Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue is also a fire….” James 3:6
I have been witness to some devastating “fires” started by a careless tongue. Words spoken carelessly, thoughtlessly, selfishly, angrily or hastily are often the spark that ignites a blaze in relationships and homes, work places and churches.
Think about what has come out of your mouth this past week. Did you carelessly throw a spark out on dry grass and were surprised at the quick spread of flames? Did relationships get frayed around the edge because you had an uncontrolled tongue? It is so easy to do.
We justify it by tiredness, stressful situations, or another persons aggravating behavior.
God has a lot to say about the tongue and the words we speak. If you are having trouble in this area, read the book of Proverbs this week and underline every verse that speaks about words, lips and tongue. You will find a wealth of help from God’s word. Ask for His Holy Spirit to set a guard at your mouth. Ask for His help with the words that come out of our mouth. Be quick to ask His forgiveness and the forgiveness of others when your tongue throws out sparks. When tough issues must be addressed, ask first for the help of God’s Holy Spirit as you respond. Always keep your distance from gossip. Gossip is already a small blaze and you make a choice to throw water or gas on it as it comes to your ears and tempts your tongue.
You will be amazed at the difference in your relationships, your home, your job, your church and your life when God’s Holy Spirit is the first call on your lips. God says,
“He who guards his lips, guards his life.” Proverbs 13:3
prayer & reflection
Father God,
Today I ask that You would set a guard at my lips. Forgive me for the times I have let my tongue run off with words that were not helpful or graceful in any way. Help me today, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to be careful about giving quick retorts, unsolicited opinions, and critical, negative comments. Help me to mind my tongue as I would mind a match in a dry forest. Give me Your wisdom and grace when I need to address situations and issues and give me a sense of the right timing in addressing them. Thank you that You provide help and strength to me in this area when I call out to You.
Guard my tongue today for I ask this in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.
06-18-2014, 04:07 PM
Trusting God Part 16 - Seeing More of God in My Life
by Gail Rodgers
Connie was feeling like she saw so little of God in her life these days. There had been a time when He had seemed so real and so close ...and she missed that. She couldn’t put her finger on what had changed.
One night she picked up her Bible to do her devotions. It was a habit…she didn’t really expect to get much out of it. But this simple verse struck her; she read it again.
“Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8
The Holy Spirit gave Connie a revelation of what had happened in her relationship with God. She let the words “pure in heart” penetrate her thinking. With clarity that comes from God’s Spirit she realized that she had allowed impurities to gather in her heart and this was exactly why she was not seeing God in her life as she once had.
Oh, the impurities had been so subtle…a bad attitude to a co-worker that she had felt justified in hanging onto; critical thoughts about her husband that she had chosen to rehearse over and over, an agitation she just wanted to nurse along; some of the movies she had chosen to watch. Subtle impurities had blocked her sight of God in her life.
And she knew she needed to choose. What did she want? Did she want to hang on to these things in her heart or did she want to see more of God and His blessing in her life?
Connie mused over these thoughts for quite awhile before turning out the light. She was justified in so many of them…people and situations around her were trying at times. But she knew the choice was hers as to what she kept in her heart.
Take a check at what is going on in your heart today. Impurities build up that seem so small in themselves, yet they will cloud God from clear view. Ask Him to show you your heart. Give the wrong attitudes, motives and thoughts to Him. Ask Him to help you keep your heart pure. It will make a big difference in seeing God in your life. Take a moment now and pray with me…
prayer & reflection
Dear Father God,
I know I have allowed wrong attitudes and thoughts to settle into my heart. I have felt justified in my criticism and in my ulterior motives. I don’t want any impurities in my heart that will block my seeing You. Please forgive me. Help me, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to be aware of these subtle impurities and keep my heart guarded. Renew the desire in my heart today to have a pure heart and to see You as I once did. Show me Yourself in new and amazing ways. I want to trust you with every area of my heart and my life. Renew my heart today.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
06-19-2014, 01:46 PM
Trusting God Part 17 - Where to Find Joy
by Gail Rodgers
Fall will bring changes of some kind for most of us. Life’s changes can be challenging and fun. They can also be demanding and can sometimes deplete our strength. Did you ever notice that when your strength fades often your joy goes with it? Lately I’ve asked God to show me, in a new way, just how His Word works when it says “the joy of the Lord is my strength”. It can sound so trite and religious and I wanted a fresh application of both His joy and His strength in the changes and demands of life.
God usually answers my questions for more understanding right from His Word. I read an old verse and the impact of it hit me with a freshness.
“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence”. Psalm 16:11
Suddenly it was very clear…in God’s presence is where I find joy…and this joy would bring the needed strength in my life. Yes, I knew it to be true…but the fresh perspective that I needed was the reminder that this is the very oxygen of my life and must be a high priority.
Spending time in God’s presence…it’s more than the quick nod we often give God as we hurry on with our day. If I take the time to be with God, His joy will fill me and strengthen me for whatever lay ahead in each new day and new challenge. How does it happen?
God reminded me that just as I scheduled in all my other appointments and agendas this fall, I needed to not forget to schedule in specific times with Him.
In those scheduled times
I take my coffee and my worship music and often listen to a whole CD…just letting the words of the songs become my prayers and till up the ground in my heart that has become hardened by my busyness.
I open my Bible and often a devotional book and I ask God to speak to my heart. Being unhurried is so important. Then I listen to the still, small voice in my heart.
I write down the impressions I receive and I pray. This is not the time I bring all the other requests to God. I pray for me…for forgiveness for the hardened parts I found in my heart, the attitudes or motives that need to go; I pray for the items on my “to do” list and ask God’s help with them; I talk honestly to Him and tell Him where I feel overwhelmed or insecure and I ask for His strength in my weak areas. I ask for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit.
As fall approaches and your calendar begins to fill, schedule some specific times with God beyond your quick daily devotion. We make time for what is important to us. As you do this you will find the strength you need in your life and new joy will come. Don’t try to live without it!
prayer & reflection
Father God,
Thank you for reminding me where I need to go to find strength and new joy. Help me to be determined and tenacious in keeping my times with You protected and high priority. I need You, Lord.
I ask this in Jesus powerful name, Amen.
06-20-2014, 01:28 PM
Trusting God Part 18 - Where to Find Peace
by Gail Rodgers
Does your life ever feel in a state of commotion? Do you ever notice how the sense of peace in your heart can be dislodged and replaced by turmoil and confusion before you even realize it? It is easy to overlook what is going on in your spirit.
God tells us to pay attention to it. It is the key to His peace ruling in your heart when turmoil wants to reign.
His Word puts it simply…
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts…and be thankful.” Colossians 3:15
In order to have God’s peace in our hearts we must make the choice to let it rule there. But what does that mean on a Monday morning with a challenging week ahead of you?
It means keeping a check on what is happening inside. As soon as you recognize irritation or turmoil taking over your spirit stop a moment and check out why this is happening.
God has wired us to be completed by our relationship with Him. Being filled with peace is His work in our heart, but it is our choice to let Him do that work. How does it happen?
Almost without fail you will find the peace of God gets pushed aside in your soul when one identifiable thing happens and you will be aware that turmoil has entered. Anything that has “self” as its source will push the peace of God aside and you will feel the change.
Anything that has “God” as its source will, in the same way, push the turmoil aside. Think about it…when self defense takes over in a relationship, turmoil is the result.
When self pity reigns, you find yourself on the slippery slope of discouragement. When self-seeking is the focus in business, or even ministry, a shallowness creeps in that pushes peace aside. When self energy tries to live the Christian life, defeat will be the result.
As long as self is the focus in our thoughts and actions, there is little room for God to do His work in us and His peace cannot rule in our hearts. When we choose to let Him be the focus of all we do, drawing on His energy, His help, His wisdom, His patience, His purposes, then His peace will rule in our hearts.
Today, pay attention to what is going on in your spirit. If His peace is eluding you take a look inside and see where self focus has taken over. Let His peace rule in your heart by bringing everything in your day and in your life under the umbrella of His care. It is the best way to live!
prayer & reflection
Father God,
Today I ask You to forgive me for the places in my heart where I have allowed Your peace to be pushed aside by my own self issues. Right now I place everything I have and am and ever hope to be under the umbrella of Your care and attention. I choose to let Your peace rule in my heart today.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
06-21-2014, 01:57 PM
Trusting God Part 19 - It's For You
by Gail Rodgers
She didn’t feel worthy of praying to God herself so she came to my office for prayer. The potholes on her road in life were numerous and she knew she needed God’s help. She also knew that many of her problems had been of her own making so she felt she did not qualify to go to Him and ask. She wanted me to ask for her. She felt God would hear me better than He would hear her. But she was wrong.
She didn’t know that God had already made a statement in His Word about this very thing.
“For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek; for the same Lord over all is rich unto all who call upon Him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 12:10-11
God does not meet our needs because of who we are… but because of who He is. “The Lord is rich unto all who call upon Him”. What a promise! His wealth of love and compassion and forgiveness and help and strength and wisdom, all His riches, are available to those who call upon Him.
Don’t waste another minute thinking you somehow don’t qualify to go to God because of the messes in your life. “The same Lord over all” includes you!
You are invited today to call on Him. He waits to hear your voice and to come and save you and meet your needs out of His riches.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
Thank you that I can come to You and call upon You, not because of who I am but because of who You are. Thank you that You are the same Lord over all of us and You will show Yourself to those who call on You. I cry out to you today to come into my life and my circumstances. Forgive me for the messes I have made and meet my needs today out of your rich supply of strength and wisdom. You know what I need today Lord. Thank you that I can ask because of who You are.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
06-21-2014, 01:58 PM
Trusting God Part 20 - God's Plan for Change
by Gail Rodgers
I wrote it in my Bible nearly 20 years ago. A quote from a preacher long forgotten…but it has helped shape my life.
He said “If our lives, as Christians, are not lived out on the wavelength of the great commission, then our lives are irrelevant to God’s plan for change in our world.”
It had stopped me short .... God has a plan for change in this world; changed lives that will effect changes in our society, in our cities, our neighborhoods, our homes and schools and offices. Changes that will not just effect today but eternity as well. Is my life relevant to God’s plan for change in our world? Does it really matter?
Jesus words in the “Great Commission” say:
“...go and make disciples ...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-29
On a practical basis this simply means to be ready to share, heart to heart, the things you have learned from following Jesus. That’s what it means to make disciples… to simply teach, through your life, the difference it makes to know Him; to share what you are learning as you journey through life. He has promised to be right with you as you do this and to be your helper.
This is why you and I exist…to share His love with lives that long for the changes He can bring. HE has packaged you to do this in a unique way just who you are, just where you are. It is the very thing that will bring true relevance to your life.
What wavelength are you living your life on? Possessions, power, position, pastime, pressure? Whatever fills your mind front and center is the wavelength you are living on.
If you are a Christian and are feeling empty and frustrated in life, look again at the call of Jesus to every believer. It will truly bring relevance to your life. It is the one thing that will effect true change in the little corner of the world we each occupy.
Don’t let your life be lived irrelevant to God’s plan for change in our world. Go today and share heart to heart with someone in your path.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I do not want to be irrelevant to Your plan for change in our world. Use me today to share Your love in some small way. Help me to be aware of teaching what You have shown me in my life. I love you Lord. May my life be relevant to Your plans in my world today. Use me today to touch some heart.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
06-23-2014, 12:08 PM
Trusting God Part 21 - Thy Kingdom Come
by Gail Rodgers
He is a quiet man, a man of few words but he taught us something about prayer. It wasn’t something taught in a class or shared from a book but we learned it as he prayed with us. I have found that the friends who mean the most to me and are closest to my heart, are the friends I pray with.
This friend and his wife shared a season of our life very closely. We lived close and often shared a pot of coffee at the end of our busy days. Always our conversation turned to God and the great mystery of how He works in our lives and in our sometimes confusing circumstances. Often our evenings ended with a prayer for each other and our kids in our various places in life.
Today as I read my Bible I was reminded of how Jerry often prayed for us. I read these familiar words in the Lord’s prayer. What Jerry taught us was good to remember today.
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”. Matthew 6:10
Sometimes in our prayers we don’t even know what to ask of God. Sometimes our own ideas of solutions are limited to what we can see and understand. Jerry opened up a new way to pray when he would recount the particular circumstance to God and then pray, “May Your kingdom be established in this business” or “in this child’s life”... or whatever it was we were dealing with.
God has instructed us to pray that His will be done on earth just as it is in Heaven. He instructed us to pray that His kingdom would come. Jerry put this into one practical step as he requested God to establish His kingdom in specific areas of our lives. As we invite His kingdom to be established, we are asking God to do beyond what we can imagine as a solution in our own minds. It invites God to work in a way that will bring honor to Him and have results that will not just affect the moment but will have an effect for eternity as well.
Today if you have a situation that is challenging you, or troubling you, invite God to establish His kingdom in your circumstance. Put aside your own best thinking and invite Him to work things out in a way that will show our God is trustworthy and faithful and in a way that will effect results that will bring glory to our God.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I thank you that You have instructed us how to pray. I so often feel inadequate in this. Today I ask that You would establish Your kingdom in my life. Please work in my circumstances to bring glory to You and to show me and the world around me that You are a faithful and trustworthy God. I invite you to establish Your kingdom today right where I walk.
In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
06-24-2014, 10:49 AM
Trusting God Part 22 - Safety
by Gail Rodgers
It was a business meeting and I was surprised at the turn in conversation. One man turned to me and said, “Gail, you’re a pastor. I don’t understand why it is I have nightmares of terrible things happening. I seem to sense things”. “Yes”, added the woman across from me, “I don’t sense things but sometimes in the night I see or feel things in my room.”
These are actually fairly common questions. Usually asked privately because they are disturbing to the individual, but here we were with a table full of business people… and so we talked about God.
Sometimes God will give a dream in order to spur us to pray for a certain situation. In these times we will have an urgency to bring the situation to God so that His will will be accomplished.
But other times, these experiences seem to leave the individual feeling fearful and worried or at the least, curiously disturbed.
We do live in spiritual world. Just as we open our hearts to the Spirit of God and allow Him to come into our lives, we can also open our hearts to other spirits. Sometimes it is through the choices we make to engage in activities we know are not from God that we open doors in our lives. Other times these things just seem to happen without explanation.
The Bible gives us a wonderful verse that we can use whenever fear overtakes our soul, whether it is in the middle of the night or any other time. It says….
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10
When you feel a fear come over your soul that wants to settle in and leave your heart disturbed and anxious, speak the name of Jesus. In the night if things awaken and disturb you, speak the name of Jesus. Any work of the enemy cannot stand when the name of Jesus is proclaimed as our strength. His name, and all it represents as our Savior and our God, is a strong tower of refuge for us as believers. If this happens often and leaves you living a life of fear, ask God to show you if you have opened any doors in your life, through your choices. If He brings something to mind, confess it and ask His forgiveness, close the door on those choices and claim the power of His name in your life. The spirit of fear does not come from God (2 Timothy 1:7 KJ)
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I thank you for sending Jesus to be my Savior. I thank you for the powerful name of Jesus and the refuge it is when I am fearful and afraid. Remind me in the day, or in the night, when fear wants to capture my heart, that Jesus is my strong tower of refuge. May I be reminded by Your Holy Spirit to speak His name in the face of fear. Thank you for the strength you offer me through Jesus.
I pray this in His powerful name, Amen.
06-25-2014, 03:50 PM
Trusting God Part 23 - Who's doing the Talking
by Gail Rodgers
She couldn’t understand why her husband would not hear her. The issues were important and she tried time and again to address them. Often it was in the heat of the moment and her words, spoken too harshly and from a hurting heart, fell on deaf ears and did more harm to their relationship than good.
The afternoon sun began to sink in the sky as she poured her heart out to me. I silently prayed for the help of the Holy Spirit in knowing what to say to this precious lady. As I listened to her story I became aware of the still small voice in my spirit. “Tell her to let Me do the talking” God seemed to whisper to my heart.
We decided to pray together asking God to help her hold her tongue. We prayed too that His Spirit would begin to speak to her husband’s heart, giving him a desire to face their issues and work toward solutions. From time to time we prayed together over the next several months…and change began to happen.
Whether it’s a rocky relationship with your teen, your spouse or a fellow worker or neighbor, don’t fall into the trap of speaking harsh, rash words in the heat of the moment.
Begin instead to pray about the relationship, trusting God with it and asking Him to do the talking. His Word reminds us that…
“He who guards his lips guards his life but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin”. Proverbs 13:3
Guard your lips today…and let God do the talking!
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I thank you that You know the very best way to handle the difficult situations and people in my life. Today I ask that Your Holy Spirit would help me guard my lips and not speak rash words in the heat of the moment. Father, I ask that You would do the talking to their hearts and to mine. Thank you that I can trust You with the relationships in my life. I love You, Lord and I look to You for Your help in this.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
06-26-2014, 11:25 AM
Trusting God Part 24 - Are You Fretting
by Gail Rodgers
It seemed there were a lot of new things to fret about this week…and so I did. I quickly sensed the anxiousness in my heart and knew I needed some extra time with the Lord. I asked God to help me. As I flipped through my Bible it fell open to Psalm 37 and I knew it was no accident. This Psalm is all about fretting. There were 4 things God was reminding me to do.
TRUST in the Lord (verse 3)
God was telling me to trust Him with the things that were causing me to fret! It really was simple…oh not necessarily easy…but simple. I needed to take each concern and place it freshly in God’s hands, trusting Him with each one. So often we give our concerns over to Him only to take them back and keep worrying. If you find yourself taking them back into your hands, give them to God again and again until your heart rests in the fact that you truly can trust Him to handle them.
DELIGHT yourself in the Lord (verse 4)
I had to settle my heart afresh into the fact that God would be to me all He has promised to be and I could find joy in that fact. When we leave our concerns with God we can rejoice in what He is going to do.What a wonder that the God of the universe cares.
COMMIT your way to the Lord and trust Him (verse 5)
I needed to freshly commit my day and my way to God. Each day is a fresh start! When we commit our path to the Lord we can accomplish so much more with Him!
BE STILL before the Lord (verse 7)
In this moment God was telling me to be still before Him and to bring my fretting heart to Him. When we take the time to be still before Him He can speak to our hearts and refresh us. It is so important to come before God ~ through studying His word, praying to Him and listening to Him! He will meet with us if we only take the time to come!
The short time in His presence changed my heart. His peace settled over my soul and my day was changed.
Take a few minutes right now, right where you are, to be still before the Lord and to give Him the anxious thoughts that crowd your heart and mind today. Commit your day and your way into His hands and ask Him to increase your trust in Him. Ask Him to help you find delight in knowing the God of the universe has promised to be with you and to walk beside you. Experience the peace today that only He can bring.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
You truly are a good God. I thank you today that You care about the fretting of my heart. I come before You right now and ask You to increase my trust in You. Cause my faith to grow in believing You will be my strength and my help. I commit my day today and my path in life into Your hands. Guide me through this day and let my heart find pleasure in the fact that You care about me. Thank you for being my trustworthy God!
In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
06-27-2014, 01:52 PM
Trusting God Part 25 - A Divided House
by Gail Rodgers
She wept as she told me of the difficulties in their marriage. They were pulling in different directions and it was destroying them. We talked long into the night.
Jesus talked about this very thing. He said…
“Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. Matthew 12:25
This is a serious thought. Stop for a moment and consider if you are a part of any division that is pulling your home, your church, your relationships or even your workplace apart.
If something comes to mind as you read this, ask God to show you new ways in which you can be oil, rather than sandpaper, in that particular situation.
God calls us as believers to respond differently than the world around us. Sometimes we don’t want to be the first one to make the move toward unity. Sometimes our pride gets in the way. Pulling in different directions while in the same home, church or workplace is a sure recipe for ruin.
Today ask the Lord to help you in the situations that threaten to divide and destroy in your circle. Invite Him in to give you wisdom and humility. Lead by example and work toward unity. Ask Him to help you influence divisive situations around you in a way that will build up and not tear down. Ask Him for creative solutions to issues that are unresolved. His desire for you is wholeness and unity and His Holy Spirit can guide you to that. Trust Him today with the divisions in your life. Don’t be a contributor to “a kingdom divided against itself”.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
Thank you that You have warned us about division. Thank you that today You are reminding me that my house won’t stand if we are divided against one another. Please help me to be part of the solutions and not just part of the problems. Give me Your wisdom and humility and resourcefulness to help us pull in the same direction. Let me model Your way to the world around me. I trust You today to help me work toward unity where I walk.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
06-28-2014, 12:20 PM
Trusting God Part 26 - Lines in the Sand
by Gail Rodgers
We sat at the sidewalk cafe enjoying the warm sunshine in this pretty South American city nestled in the mountains. As I sipped my rich, dark coffee I was surprised by a bright orange plastic cup thrust into the midst of our table. I looked up into the eyes of a mountain woman. She was old and bent over and had such a weary sadness in her eyes. She was carrying a bundle of half wilted flowers in hopes of selling them for a few pennies. Someone came quickly to shoo her away from our table. John dropped some coins in her cup as she turned to leave.
No matter what country of the world we live in it seems there are invisible lines drawn in the sand. Lines drawn between those who have and those who do not; between those of one race and color and those of another; between those with power and prestige and those without.
Jesus words came to my mind.
“I tell you the truth; among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” Matthew 11:11
God draws no lines in the sand. He clearly tells us that status among men means nothing in the economy of God. Have you drawn any lines in your neighborhood or in your place of work? Do you feel inferior in your place in life… or are there those you feel superior to… because of money, status, power or race? As God’s children it is our responsibility to do what we can to erase those invisible lines. To see each set of eyes that we look into as a soul loved by God in just the same way we feel His love.
Today look for places where the lines are drawn and ask God to show you how to do one small thing to help erase those lines. If you have status among men remember that in God’s economy it means nothing and he wants to use you to change the world around you.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I confess that sometimes I have drawn invisible lines between myself and others. Please help me today to do one thing to erase those lines and to influence those around me to do the same. Thank you that status among men does not impress You. Thank you that You see the least in the kingdom as greatest. May I have Your perspective today where I walk.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
06-29-2014, 01:54 PM
Trusting God Part 27 - Management Agreement
by Gail Rodgers
The 10 page document was placed in our hands for review. It outlined the responsibilities of both parties. Our job was to help bring balance and fairness to the people involved. This Agreement would help dispel confusion and bring clarity in the day to day business.
As we looked over each point of this Agreement I realized God has given you and me a “Management Agreement” in life too.
“May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace, as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13
Here God was outlining His part in the management of my life. The God of Hope would fill me up with His joy and His peace, in spite of the circumstances of my life, so that I could overflow with hope to those around me. He would do this in and through me by the power of His Holy Spirit. Wow!
My part of the “Management Agreement” was outlined carefully, “as you trust in Him”.
God was using this very practical object lesson to remind me that I was trying to handle some challenging circumstances in my life in my own strength. I was trying to do God’s part of the “Management Agreement” of my life. He was reminding me that I simply needed to refresh my trust in Him in every detail of my life. He would give me what I needed in order to display His hope to those around me and He would do it by the Power of His Holy Spirit.
How about you? Are you trying to do God’s job in your life rather than tending to the part that He gave you responsibility for? Look over the “Management Agreement” He has given you and determine to refresh your trust in Him. As you do your part of trusting in Him, He will do His part. He will fill you by the power of His Holy Spirit so that you can overflow with hope to a watching world around you.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I thank you that You have so simply laid out the requirements of what You want from me today…and that is to simply trust You to handle the details of my life. Please forgive me for trying to do what is Your part in my life. Help me today to trust you to fill me up with your joy and peace. Help me today to allow the hope You offer to overflow in me and through me, by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Thank you that as I refresh my trust in You to handle the details of my day today You will be my strength.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
06-30-2014, 01:16 PM
Trusting God Part 28 - The Choice
by Gail Rodgers
He had a mistaken philosophy. He was a new Christian and the habits of the life he wanted to leave behind kept pulling at him. He excused each fall to temptation by dismissing it as part of the inevitable process of leaving the old life behind. What he did not realize was the fact that he was making choices to stay in his old ways.
Every day we choose what kind of person we will be. We choose to trust God or to stay in a state of anxiety. We choose to say “no” to things that draw us away from God or we choose to engage in them. We choose to love with the love He can put in our hearts or we choose to turn away.
Every day we make choices and every day those choices take us down a path.
In a marriage we make the “I choose us” statement when we stand at the altar. Many times over we make the “I choose us” choice as we journey through married life. To choose otherwise takes you in a different direction.
In business and day to day life we choose integrity and honesty or we choose otherwise and each takes us down a different path.
In our walk with God we choose to allow Him to be a part of the details of our lives or we plunge ahead on our own. Each with its own result.
In relationships we choose to respond with God’s help and love or we react out of our own feelings and each brings a different result.
God says “Choose this day whom you will serve”.
Every choice you make sets your foot in a particular direction. Be very aware today of what you choose. Ask God to make you sensitive to His Holy Spirit as you ask Him to help you in your choices today. Be conscious of the person you are choosing to be today.
prayer & reflection
Father God,
Today I choose to serve You with my life. Remind me as I go through my day today to be aware of the choices I am making. Help me to conscious of the path I am putting my foot on by my choices today. Father, you know the kind of person I desire to be. Please empower me by your Holy Spirit to choose actions and reactions today that will help me become that person I desire to be.
I thank you and I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
07-01-2014, 09:18 AM
Trusting God Part 29 - Praying Together
by Gail Rodgers
It was an interesting sight. Here we sat with the three owners discussing the future of their company. After going over some important decisions they had to make, one man asked, “Can we pray about this?” They reached out and took our hands. As the five of us held hands around the desk we committed to God the things we had just discussed. I was surprised at such an openness to spiritual things… even in this business arena.
I knew this was what God must have meant for us when He said in the Bible,
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Ephesians 6:18
The next day a lady and I dropped our husbands off at the airport. She was nervous and upset. Encouraged by the prayer the day before, I asked if we could stop there at the top of the escalator and pray. We clasped hands and committed our husbands to God.
I am freshly reminded that this is exactly what God tells us to do “on all occasions”. So often we listen to one another, share the concerns on our hearts and we go away, promising to pray for each other. And that is good.
But God is showing me, with a fresh reality, that to stop and pray as the situation is shared, is to declare His power in the spiritual realm. It is a declaration of trust in our God. It is raising the expectation of seeing the “God of Hope” work in a particular situation. And it raises the level of glory to Him when the answer comes and you can point back to the time of prayer.
Ask God for courage today to pray with someone. When a need is shared ask simply, “Can I say a prayer for that right now?” It need not be long and eloquent, just a simple plea for the help of the God of Hope.
If praying out loud with someone seems too much of a stretch for you just yet, tell them you will pray for them.
Raise the level of prayer in your life. Reach out and share prayer. Look for the “on all occasions with all kinds of prayers” in your day today. Watch God work and watch your own heart be encouraged!
prayer & reflection
Father God,
I want to raise the level of prayer in my life. Please help me today to share the privilege of bringing all kinds of requests to you on all occasions throughout my day. May my words be guided by Your Holy Spirit and may I be quick to respond to opportunities to introduce prayer into my conversations. Thank you for inviting us to come to You in prayer.
I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.
07-02-2014, 11:21 AM
Trusting God Part 30 - Trusting All Day Long
by Gail Rodgers
Trusting God is easy when things are going well and we can see our way. But trusting God when the path is obscured and we cannot clearly see ahead is not so easy.
There is a prayer in the Bible prayed by David, it’s a prayer you and I can pray for ourselves when our way is obscured and when our focus on God tends to waver with the uncertainty of our lives.
Mark it in your Bible and make it the prayer of your heart when doubt and fear want to crowd out your faith.
“Show me your ways, O Lord (for I am confused and my ways are not working)
“Teach me your paths (I want to walk in the path you have for me)
“Guide me in your truth (reveal to me areas where I am not seeing or thinking clearly)
“and teach me (Lord, I am open to be corrected where I am wrong. I’m listening Lord)
“for you are my God and my Savior (thank you for caring for me personally)
“and my hope is in you all day long.”(I declare, in the spiritual realm, that I am trusting in You and I pray that you help me to trust you as I walk through my day.)
Thank you that You, the God of Hope, are my certainty in uncertain times. I lean on You today! In Jesus name I pray, Amen. Psalm 25:4-5
Whenever your faith wants to waiver, read this prayer and refresh your confidence in the Lord who will lead you and guide you and teach you because He is your God and Savior and your hope all the day long!
God bless you as you place your trust in our trustworthy God… all day long!
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