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05-30-2014, 12:09 PM
Each Day Matters

“You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God.”
I Peter 2:9

Let’s spend a lifetime making our heavenly Father proud.

Use your uniqueness to do so. You exited the womb called. Don’t see yourself as a product of your parents’ DNA, but rather as a brand-new idea from heaven.

Make a big deal out of God. Become who you are for him! Has he not transferred you from a dull, death-destined life to a rich, heaven-bound adventure? Remember, “You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God.” And do so every day of your life.

With God, every day matters, every person counts.

And that includes you.
--Max Lucado

05-31-2014, 11:03 PM
Thoughts for the Day
Thursday, May 29, 2014

“On particularly rough days
when I’m sure I can’t possibly endure,
I like to remind myself that my track record
for getting through bad days so far is 100%…
and that’s pretty good.”
Author Unknown

“Heroism is endurance for one moment more.”
George F. Kennan

“Come what may,
all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance.”

Some days are good, some days are not so good. No day in recovery is worse than the best days when I was in active addiction. I am grateful that I don't have to go back there, no matter what.
