View Full Version : I Will Praise You

05-30-2014, 12:04 PM
I Will Praise You

"I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders." Psalm 9:1

How the Lord has blessed you and me! There is so much for which we can praise Him. Let us reflect on all the goodness that He has placed in our lives; how He has been faithful to us in our darkest hour and how He has lifted us up from the miry clay and put us on the rock, Christ Jesus. Has He performed miracles in your life? Has He brought about the impossible? Then praise him with all your heart, thanking Him for his love and faithfulness to you! Let us never lose sight of all that He has done for us from day one until this very moment and always be ready to share with others the wonders He has performed for you. There is no greater way for us to praise God and bring Him glory than to share how He has worked in our lives with others, especially those who may not know Him as we do. So praise Him today with your whole heart and share the wonders that He has performed in your life. Bring Him glory and honor today!

Father, how you have blessed me! You have worked wonders in my life over and over again. You have brought about growth through pain and beauty out of the ashes of my life. Help me to never hesitate to tell others of the miracles you have performed in my life. I want to lift up your name continually, with my whole heart, for you have done great things for me! Amen
Quiet Waters

06-01-2014, 12:39 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR2b_i2aGiMoNKZzMZfEmymax_JqsdlC g9n1l520MjcPaZBB9h_XQ
