05-28-2014, 01:32 PM
“And [Jesus] said to them, 'Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.'” — John 6:31 NKJV
There are times when we begin to feel "burnt out" and we just don't seem to perform as well as we have before. Jesus guided his disciples to get away from work for a little while. This is good advice for each of us, for we don’t take enough time out for play. One dictionary defines "play" as recreational activity, especially the spontaneous activity of children. Can you remember that as a child you looked forward to recess time at school? How long has it been since you have experienced a child-like joy in activity? Perhaps you enjoy a game of golf or tennis? Maybe you enjoy backyard sports with your children? If so, you are helping your body to stay healthy. But if you dodge such activity, perhaps it would be good to lighten up and play, even if it is a quiet activity such as checkers or chess, or reading a good book.
A friend of mine said that her family bought a timeshare, which is a week per year at a resort. The week can be exchanged with other resorts at different locations, if desired. She said that they have gone to lovely places they would never have visited, had they not had the timeshare to exchange. She also said they might not have taken the vacations and had the fun they experienced.
Playtime is especially important if your work is not something that you would have chosen. Some people find that even their job is play. Dr. Leila Denmark, aged 103, was USA's oldest practicing physician and said, "Anything on earth you want to do is play. Anything you have to do is work. I have never worked a day in my life." Do you need to think about taking time out for rest and playtime?
Father, all your children need time to relax and renew their energy. Give me the wisdom to do so, when I need it. Amen.
“Prayerful Living”
“And [Jesus] said to them, 'Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.'” — John 6:31 NKJV
There are times when we begin to feel "burnt out" and we just don't seem to perform as well as we have before. Jesus guided his disciples to get away from work for a little while. This is good advice for each of us, for we don’t take enough time out for play. One dictionary defines "play" as recreational activity, especially the spontaneous activity of children. Can you remember that as a child you looked forward to recess time at school? How long has it been since you have experienced a child-like joy in activity? Perhaps you enjoy a game of golf or tennis? Maybe you enjoy backyard sports with your children? If so, you are helping your body to stay healthy. But if you dodge such activity, perhaps it would be good to lighten up and play, even if it is a quiet activity such as checkers or chess, or reading a good book.
A friend of mine said that her family bought a timeshare, which is a week per year at a resort. The week can be exchanged with other resorts at different locations, if desired. She said that they have gone to lovely places they would never have visited, had they not had the timeshare to exchange. She also said they might not have taken the vacations and had the fun they experienced.
Playtime is especially important if your work is not something that you would have chosen. Some people find that even their job is play. Dr. Leila Denmark, aged 103, was USA's oldest practicing physician and said, "Anything on earth you want to do is play. Anything you have to do is work. I have never worked a day in my life." Do you need to think about taking time out for rest and playtime?
Father, all your children need time to relax and renew their energy. Give me the wisdom to do so, when I need it. Amen.
“Prayerful Living”