View Full Version : Arise each morning anew

05-20-2014, 03:28 PM
Arise each morning anew

Arise each morning anew and begin each day afresh.
By the power of forgiveness, yesterday's troubles and woes vanish away and the result is peace in your heart that enables you to greet each new day with a new beginning.

Forgetting that which is past let us then press forward and onward serving the Lord with abounding faith and joy resulting in our lives being filled with many fond memories and victories.

By dwelling on yesterdays problems and mistakes we become like unto a man who drives his car down the road sitting backwards in the seat looking at where he has been rather then where he is going.

Brethren, keep your eyes on where you are going, (Gods Kingdom) and not on where you have been.
Jim Welch

05-20-2014, 07:54 PM
Like this! Each day is a new beginning. If my past creeps into my today, I know I need to process it, pray, and talk to my sponsor.

If it is a today thing, I apply the 10th Step, if it is from my addicted past, then I work Steps 4-9. to get to the root of the issue and allow for the healing that is need to change.
