View Full Version : Are You Holding A Grudge Or Is A Grudge Holding You?

05-16-2014, 11:37 AM
Are You Holding A Grudge Or Is A Grudge Holding You?

...forgiving one another [readily and freely], as God in Christ forgave you.
—Ephesians 4:32

When we hold things against people, are we really hurting them? Isn't it really ourselves we are hurting?

Jesus frequently spoke of the need to forgive others. If we are to walk the narrow path, we will have to learn to be quick to forgive. The quicker we forgive, the easier it is. We must do it before the problem gets rooted in our emotions. It will be much more difficult to pull out if it has long, strong roots.

Holding grudges against other people does not change them, but it does change us. It makes us sour, bitter, miserable, and difficult to be around. When we think we are holding a grudge, it is actually the grudge that is holding us. It is Satan's deceptive way of keeping us in bondage. He wants us to think we are getting even, that we are protecting ourselves from being hurt again.

None of that is true!

I want to encourage you to ask God for grace to forgive anyone against whom you are holding a grudge. Determine from this point on to keep your heart and life free from this negative emotion.

God has a great plan for your life, but you will only enter into it by staying on the narrow path.

Say This:

"I choose to follow Jesus' example by forgiving others. Therefore, I enter into a new realm of peace and enjoyment of life." Joyce Meyer

06-01-2014, 12:46 AM
My God's Love is unconditional. Who am I to hang onto something that God has already forgiven?

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrz1cPn26qkhntqOuAgg2QTQkHjQsYp z_O-eZ7coE5EgOfmQfy