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05-13-2014, 01:46 PM
Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23


We tend to think of heaven as far removed from anything we can experience on earth. Certainly, it’s more glorious than we can possibly imagine. But did you ever think of heaven as made of history? Look at how John describes the gates to the New Jerusalem: They are inscribed with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, a people that God called at a specific time to be his own, and to work out his purposes on the earth. Moreover, the twelve foundations of the city wall are inscribed with the names of the twelve apostles, who carried the gospel to the world.

The imagery John uses here tells us that the heavenly church is built on the lives of real, flesh-and-blood people—believers who chose not to take the easy way out but to walk in obedience and holiness. The church is built on people like Abraham, who was called to journey far from his home when already an old man; Moses, who found the courage to confront Pharaoh; and Peter, who liked doing things his way, but ended up surrendering everything to Jesus. Like us, these saints faced many challenges, but never lost their vision of what God had in mind for them.

Today, we will face many choices: to spend time in prayer or to hurry out the door without connecting with the Lord; to listen to someone who needs our help or to make a hasty excuse and walk away; to give of our time and treasure or to use it for ourselves. Although our actions may seem insignificant to us, they are actually the building blocks of heaven—the daily choices we make for God that help us to become more like him.

So when you’re tempted to discouragement, remember that you are important. You are one of the “living stones” that Jesus is using to build up his church now—and for all eternity (1 Peter 2:5)!

“Lord, how deep are your designs! I praise you for making me a part of your great plan of salvation. Come, build your kingdom in and through me.”

Acts 15:1-2,22-29; Psalm 67:2-3,5-6,8; John 14:23-29
--Online Christian Devotion