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05-13-2014, 01:38 PM
Life Giving Bread 1
By: Ron Edmondson
Then the Lord said to Moses, "I will rain down bread from Heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. Exodus 16:4 NIV
The Israelites might have been appropriately called "The Grumblers". Led out of Egypt to escape persecutions and find the Promise Land, God's children never really seemed pleased with their new surroundings. They became hungry and God gave them something to eat.
Every morning, thin flakes, like frost, would cover the ground. This was called "manna", and it was like a toasted bread. It was sweet like honey. The people could only gather enough for one day's feeding. If they gathered too much it would spoil. The next morning, except on the Sabbath, they would go out and gather more manna.
God did this miracle to demonstrate for His people that He could supply all their needs. Hungry? God can provide. Need something to eat? God is able.
What are you praying for right now? Do you believe that He can provide it? Do you think the Israelites were originally surprised that God could cover the ground with "frosted flakes" every morning? Of course they were. We don't have a problem believing it now, because it is history, but try believing it before it happens.
Let me ask you to simply trust God to provide. Now, He may provide in His way. The Israelites may have wanted Fruit Loops and they got Frosted Flakes, but God did satisfy their need. Ask God to meet your needs, trust Him to do it, and then wait for His answer!
God is still in the manna business today. Afterall, He is the BREAD OF LIFE!
05-13-2014, 01:38 PM
Life Giving Bread 2
By: Ron Edmondson
Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. John 6:11 NIV
In the Old Testament, as we saw yesterday, God supplied His people with manna. They were hungry and He gave them something to eat. Here is a New Testament example of the same thing; God providing for His people.
Jesus had come into the world. The Savior, who was One of the Trinity, was walking among the people. Times were different. God's people now had incomes. Though the Roman government was in control, God's people still participated in the commerce of the day. The difference in this New Testament story and the Old Testament story we looked at yesterday is that in today's story they just didn't have any food with them. They had not planned on staying all day and they didn't bring a picnic lunch.
In the Old Testament passage, the Israelites had no other means of support than God. They were in the middle of no where. They had left the commerce of Egypt and were on their own. They had to trust God. They had no choice.
I have experienced both scenarios in my life. I have had times where I had plenty, and really didn't have to depend on God, and then I have had times when I had nowhere else to turn except God. In either case, I can honestly say that God has met my needs regardless of what they were.
What about you? Where are you at right now? Do you need all of God? Is He your only resort? Or are things pretty good in your life right now? All you really would like is a little picnic lunch.
One thing is the same in the Old Testament passage and in the New: People need the Bread of Life. Whatever you need, wherever you are, God is able to make all grace abound to you. You can trust Him to supply your heart with that which will truly satisfy.
Afterall, He is the BREAD OF LIFE!
05-13-2014, 01:39 PM
Life Giving Bread 3
By: Ron Edmondson
When they found Him on the other side of the lake, they asked Him, "Rabbi, when did you get here?" Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill." John 6 25-26 NIV
As we saw yesterday, Jesus had taken the fives loaves of bread and two fish and fed the multitudes. He was portraying for them a pictue of the Old Testament event where God supplied the people with manna. Jesus showed them that He could still provide them with all their needs.
The people were once more hungry. (It is funny how our stomachs quickly come back for more.) They came back to Jesus to see if He would meet their needs again. They wanted more bread!
What do you want more of? Was there a time in your life when you were closer to God than you are right now? Do you see something others have in Christ that you would like to be a part of? Do you want more of Christ?
Ask God today to give you more manna! Ask Him to fill you with His presence in such a way that others will really know that you have been with the Lord!
The people came back to Jesus because they wanted more of what He had given them. Have you got all of Jesus you can stand?
If your bread box is running on empty, ask God to fill it again with the BREAD OF LIFE. Tell Jesus you want more! In fact tell Him you want Him ALL!
05-13-2014, 01:39 PM
Life Giving Bread 4
By: Ron Edmondson
Then Jesus declared, "I Am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty." John 6:35 NIV
The declaration we geared up for last week as we looked at the Bread of Life is here! Jesus is the Bread of Life!
In the Old Testament passage in Exodus, in the New Testament passage in John, and in my life and yours, Jesus wants us to see Him as the Bread of Life.
The provision of manna served a practical need in the life of the Israelites. They needed something to eat, and God provided them with manna. In the New Testament, the people were once again hungry. Sure, they could have waited until they got home, but Jesus chose to feed them anyway. Why? To show them they He is the Bread of Life!
Are you struggling today? Are you at a crossroad of life that will change the course of your life? (I just really feel that question applies to someone out there.) Are you hungry for a part of God that you haven't yet experienced? Are you in need of some manna? Are you in need of the BREAD OF LIFE?
Dear friends, don't miss this point: Jesus Christ IS the BREAD OF LIFE!
He is it! He's the Alpha and Omega! The First and the Last! He is what you need now and forever more!
If you are looking for fulfillment from any other source, you are missing the greatest blessing in life. Find your strength, your substance, your life in the BREAD OF LIFE!
The BREAD OF LIFE is Jesus!
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