05-13-2014, 01:34 PM
Ordinary Stuff
Luke 5:27-28: “…Jesus…saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at this tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus said… and Levi…followed him.”
“When I’m asked what my husband does, I change the subject,” said a friend. “People just don’t understand how anyone could be a tax auditor.”
Long ago tax collectors had even less respect than they have today. People viewed tax collector Levi (also called Matthew), with contempt, yet, Jesus chose him to be on his 12-man team.
Sometimes we make judgements (aloud or silently) about who is or is not valuable. When people fail to meet up with our standards, we may write them off. But God doesn’t. He is not as interested in an ideal performance, as in our willing faith. Oswald Chambers, author of My Utmost for His Highest, wrote, “The men and women our Lord sends out on His enterprises are the ordinary human stuff.”
Some of us think we could never be good enough for God to use us. Others of us believe that because we have proved ourselves to be extra-ordinary, God must utilize us. However, God does not say, “You are super-human; I’ll call you” or “That woman is always right, I’ll send her to do my job.” God employs the ordinary imperfect people of this world — including you and me.
Lord, even though I’m not perfect,
you choose to work in my life. Thank you.
Joan C. Webb
Luke 5:27-28: “…Jesus…saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at this tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus said… and Levi…followed him.”
“When I’m asked what my husband does, I change the subject,” said a friend. “People just don’t understand how anyone could be a tax auditor.”
Long ago tax collectors had even less respect than they have today. People viewed tax collector Levi (also called Matthew), with contempt, yet, Jesus chose him to be on his 12-man team.
Sometimes we make judgements (aloud or silently) about who is or is not valuable. When people fail to meet up with our standards, we may write them off. But God doesn’t. He is not as interested in an ideal performance, as in our willing faith. Oswald Chambers, author of My Utmost for His Highest, wrote, “The men and women our Lord sends out on His enterprises are the ordinary human stuff.”
Some of us think we could never be good enough for God to use us. Others of us believe that because we have proved ourselves to be extra-ordinary, God must utilize us. However, God does not say, “You are super-human; I’ll call you” or “That woman is always right, I’ll send her to do my job.” God employs the ordinary imperfect people of this world — including you and me.
Lord, even though I’m not perfect,
you choose to work in my life. Thank you.
Joan C. Webb