05-09-2014, 10:23 AM
Divine Order
My life unfolds in divine order.
In an effort to achieve my goals quickly, I may push and hurry. Perhaps I’m trying to harvest my crop of dreams and intentions before they’ve had the chance to mature. Just as seeds need nourishment and time, divine ideas yield positive results when they unfold in their natural time and order.
I align with divine order by putting God first in my thoughts and actions. I affirm: I am immersed in the natural flow of life. Attuned to Spirit, I am open to guidance. I listen, observe, and receive nuances, nudges, and intuition.
I wait or act as guided, trusting that divine order is unfolding. I reap the rewards when I align myself with God and have faith in divine timing.
The earth produces of itself, first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head.—Mark 4:28
Daily Word
My life unfolds in divine order.
In an effort to achieve my goals quickly, I may push and hurry. Perhaps I’m trying to harvest my crop of dreams and intentions before they’ve had the chance to mature. Just as seeds need nourishment and time, divine ideas yield positive results when they unfold in their natural time and order.
I align with divine order by putting God first in my thoughts and actions. I affirm: I am immersed in the natural flow of life. Attuned to Spirit, I am open to guidance. I listen, observe, and receive nuances, nudges, and intuition.
I wait or act as guided, trusting that divine order is unfolding. I reap the rewards when I align myself with God and have faith in divine timing.
The earth produces of itself, first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head.—Mark 4:28
Daily Word