05-08-2014, 02:18 PM
There will be times when we see darkness ahead. There will be times when we see where we need to go but it is completely dark inside. There will be times when we know we have to go through the darkness in order for things to change for the better. We won’t know what exactly is going to happen. We are uncertain of the situation. But we know the outcome will be good if we step gently, look for the Light and focus on doing what God wants.
John 3:21 “But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.” (NLT)
Dear Lord, help us today to look for and focus on Your Light. Help us seek Your face when we are faced with darkness. Help us to take that first step gently into the unknown knowing You are with us. We know when we focus on You that all will be well. You promise to walk with us and keep us safe. Thank You for Your promise, Your Light and Your direction. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
When we focus on God’s Light, we will be able to face darkness.
When we decide to do right and obey God, the darkness won’t be so frightening.
God wants us to focus on Him so we are able to do what He calls us to do.
The reason we are to step gently and obey God is because it is the right thing to do and our actions can help others to do the same.
When we trust God in dark times, we can gently step where we have been afraid to go before and we can gently instruct others with our actions.
2 Timothy 2:25 “Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth.” (NLT)
Focus today: Don’t worry about what darkness lies ahead. Focus on God’s Light and be brave knowing He will help you during those dark times.
There will be times when we see darkness ahead. There will be times when we see where we need to go but it is completely dark inside. There will be times when we know we have to go through the darkness in order for things to change for the better. We won’t know what exactly is going to happen. We are uncertain of the situation. But we know the outcome will be good if we step gently, look for the Light and focus on doing what God wants.
John 3:21 “But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.” (NLT)
Dear Lord, help us today to look for and focus on Your Light. Help us seek Your face when we are faced with darkness. Help us to take that first step gently into the unknown knowing You are with us. We know when we focus on You that all will be well. You promise to walk with us and keep us safe. Thank You for Your promise, Your Light and Your direction. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
When we focus on God’s Light, we will be able to face darkness.
When we decide to do right and obey God, the darkness won’t be so frightening.
God wants us to focus on Him so we are able to do what He calls us to do.
The reason we are to step gently and obey God is because it is the right thing to do and our actions can help others to do the same.
When we trust God in dark times, we can gently step where we have been afraid to go before and we can gently instruct others with our actions.
2 Timothy 2:25 “Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth.” (NLT)
Focus today: Don’t worry about what darkness lies ahead. Focus on God’s Light and be brave knowing He will help you during those dark times.