05-06-2014, 09:11 AM
Can't Hurt to Ask
My granddaughter, Hannah, begged me long-distance to come help her celebrate her sixth birthday. Unable to resist, I made my plans to join the family.
When we sat down for the birthday dinner, my son asked Hannah if she would like to bless the food on her birthday.
"Oh, yes, Daddy," she said.
She closed her eyes and began, "Dear Lord, thank you for Mommy and this good food she fixed. Thank you for letting Grandma come here today."
Pausing momentarily, Hannah opened her eyes to peek at me before she continued. "And please Lord, let us have a good time at Toys 'R' Us this afternoon." :169:
My granddaughter, Hannah, begged me long-distance to come help her celebrate her sixth birthday. Unable to resist, I made my plans to join the family.
When we sat down for the birthday dinner, my son asked Hannah if she would like to bless the food on her birthday.
"Oh, yes, Daddy," she said.
She closed her eyes and began, "Dear Lord, thank you for Mommy and this good food she fixed. Thank you for letting Grandma come here today."
Pausing momentarily, Hannah opened her eyes to peek at me before she continued. "And please Lord, let us have a good time at Toys 'R' Us this afternoon." :169: