View Full Version : A Wonderful Opportunity

02-25-2025, 06:25 AM
1 Minute Daily Devotions

A Wonderful Opportunity

"It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God." - Luke 6:12

Sometimes the demands of my ministry are overwhelming and I wake up in the night. Whenever I fight the restlessness, just tossing and turning and trying to go back to sleep, I find myself exhausted the next day. But sometimes I have enough sense to recognize that perhaps it's the Lord Who has awakened me. I will get up and start pouring out my heart to Him. And you know what? Those impromptu sessions in the middle of the night are some of my most rewarding times. These moments create an opportunity to have unrushed time alone with God. I'm able to hear His voice and understand His guidance. It's like He speaks in a special way that I haven't really been hearing Him, and I treasure those time, (even though I sometimes am slow to recognize that I need to get up and get out of that warm bed.) And as a bonus, I don't wake up exhausted, but refreshed.

Realize God blesses you greatly when you spend regular time alone with Him. Take advantage of opportunities that present themselves; it may just be that God is trying to squeeze some one-on-one time into your busy schedule!