View Full Version : Daily Motivator - December
11-30-2024, 07:18 AM
December 1
Giving all you can
Here is your opportunity for a day of richness and fulfillment. Seize the opportunity by giving the best of yourself.
Look beyond the empty, contrived spectacles that do nothing other than waste your precious time. Seek instead to engage your body, mind, and spirit in pursuits that genuinely challenge, enlighten, and inspire you.
Pass right on by what is free and effortless and demands nothing from you. You’ll find zero fulfillment or satisfaction there.
Get yourself into situations where you can contribute consequential value. Spend your moments in the service of life, making a positive difference for yourself and others.
Grow stronger by making use of your strengths. Expand your skills by putting them to the test.
Refuse to be trapped by worn out assumptions, false dramas, and hollow transactions. You deserve the incomparable fulfillment of giving all you can to change life for the better.
— Ralph Marston
12-01-2024, 09:57 AM
Happy December the 1st my dear friend.
God bless you and your family on this
First day of Advent. Tammy we never
Met personally, but you have been part
Of my life for over ten years. Wow.
God bless you and have wonderful
Holiday season in the Lord.
Love you my awesome friend
And sister.
12-01-2024, 12:18 PM
God bless you too my friend. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! Love you too brother.
12-03-2024, 05:08 AM
December 3
Discretionary time
After fulfilling the necessary tasks and obligations, consider how you’re making use of your discretionary time. Look for activities and priorities that enhance and affirm your life, and all of life.
It’s simple to know whether you’re being productive or not based on the results you obtain. It’s a good bit more subjective to determine whether you’re creating genuine fulfillment in your life.
Nonetheless, years of experience have shown you what adds meaningful substance to your existence and what doesn’t. Pay attention, and with your discretionary time do more of whatever injects real richness into your world.
What was enjoyable before is usually enjoyable again. But be careful not to get into such a pleasant, comfortable rut that the joy loses all its essence.
Deepen your fulfillment by expanding the territory in which you experience it. Make life’s goodness even more valuable by using it to bring new goodness into being.
With the time that’s yours to schedule and utilize, enrich your life and the lives around you. Live life at its best by continuing to make it even better.
— Ralph Marston
12-04-2024, 04:53 AM
December 4
Not quite perfect
Go with a good option, but don’t waste a lot of time holding out for the perfect option. Make the best choice available to you, and make it work.
Yes, you might realize later that an alternative direction would have made things easier, more profitable, more effective. That’s good to know, but don’t let that realization prevent you from moving forward again.
Perfection is a great ideal but a lousy tactic. Go with what you have when you have it, even if it’s not quite perfect.
If conditions or options or priorities change, adjust to the best of your ability. Then keep going, with the time, resources, and knowledge you have available.
Work yourself in the direction of perfection without making yourself dependent on it. Know with confidence that you can continue to make improvements.
Zero in on a good option, putting your time, your skill, and your effort into it. Even if you never achieve perfection, there’s plenty of good you can do.
— Ralph Marston
12-05-2024, 05:16 AM
December 5
Be selective
What you have is made special by what you don’t have. For an experience to be memorable it must be surrounded by moments that are ordinary.
If you were to feast every day there would be no such thing as a feast. The deprivation, the restraint, the empty space, give meaning to the substance, to the abundance.
When you have everything you have nothing. If you cram stuff into every available cubic inch you’ve rendered it all inaccessible.
Allow for plenty of empty spaces between possessions, between experiences, between encounters and relationships. Those empty spaces are where you make meaningful use of all you have.
Live at a scale that enables your interest, your gratitude, your appreciation, and your effectiveness. Keep in mind that too much can be just as undesirable as too little.
Give yourself plenty to care about, but not so much that caring is impossible. Be selective, seek balance, and live well.
— Ralph Marston
12-06-2024, 03:00 AM
December 6
Allow yourself to dream
Go ahead and dream. Even though it’s far from practical, and seems a bit silly, it’s a good and useful thing to do.
Consider what could be if you could align the world just the way you wanted. Spend a little time dreaming, reminding yourself of who you are and what you care about.
To fulfill your amazing potential, it’s essential to have a reason, one that matters, one that resonates. With a dream that’s vivid, desirable and sincere, that’s what you get.
The world can deliver plenty of disillusionment, over and over again. Yet each time that happens, you can return to your dream, and actually make it even stronger, more compelling.
Let yourself dream, take that dream seriously, let it sink in and infuse every corner of your life. Then you’ll begin to act on it, very likely without even realizing at first.
Don’t get continually lost in frivolous empty wishes, but do allow yourself a little time to seriously and deeply dream. Bring the energy of your purpose to the surface, and with it you can do beautiful things.
— Ralph Marston
12-06-2024, 09:57 AM
It is indeed a wonderful and beautiful life
Thank You My Lord The Most High.
In Jesus Name. Amen.
12-07-2024, 06:34 AM
December 7
One good choice after another
What is the most helpful thing you could do in the next few minutes? What are the most purposeful thoughts you could hold in your awareness as today unfolds?
What attitude would propel you into a more effective, productive state? Imagine choosing that attitude and sticking with it for a while.
The future is about to begin. And right now it is open-ended, filled with every kind of possibility.
As you move into that future you have the chance to make one good choice after another. Go with what you know at the moment to be optimal, and then add more fortuitous choices as time goes on.
The next word you say, the next action you take, all these things make a difference. As time continues to arrive, you get better at making use of it, one good choice after another.
The path to a magnificent life consists of one purposeful, intentional step followed by the next, and the one after that. Take the step that’s here now, give it your highest and best consideration, and keep going.
— Ralph Marston
12-07-2024, 06:36 AM
December 8
The best within you
Perhaps today is not your best day. And it’s likely you’re not in an ideal situation.
Nonetheless, you can visualize what you would do if you were in fact experiencing your best day. And you can, to the best of your ability, work on doing it.
You can imagine how you would move forward if indeed you were in an ideal situation. And you can incorporate elements of that response into the existing situation.
External circumstances certainly have their impact. Yet your internal drive, purpose, motivation, and concept of yourself also have important roles to play.
The best within you is always present, always possible, even in the worst of situations. And it is precisely at those times that the best version of yourself can come forward to push life in a more positive direction.
No matter where you go, no matter what you encounter, you carry with you the desire and ability to make a difference. When that ability is called for, when it’s needed most, reach inside, call it up, and put it to good use.
— Ralph Marston
12-09-2024, 06:43 AM
December 9
Your moment
Find joy in the effort, and not merely in what the effort will bring you. Give attention and awareness to the time and place you’re in, rather than being consumed with where it all will lead.
Take good care of the present, and you position yourself well for the future. Work to give today value, and that value will travel with you through all your tomorrows.
Enjoy being where you are without getting so attached to it that it holds you back. By focusing on the reality and possibilities of now, you rise above frustration, worry, and regret.
Be satisfied with how far you’ve come while also being eager to keep going. Live fully in the present as you create goodness that will live long into the future.
You have brought everything about you to this day. Go through the day expressing and fulfilling the best within you.
Joy and fulfillment do not have to wait for the future, nor do they have to become lost in the past. This is your moment to live life’s treasure, so make it everything it can be.
— Ralph Marston
12-10-2024, 04:30 AM
December 10
Conquer the challenges
Problems arise without waiting for other problems to be solved first. And as a result you can quickly find yourself managing multiple challenges.
When that happens, instead of wrangling all those different problems, empower yourself with a change of perspective. See your task not as addressing an array of negative challenges, but as achieving a single positive outcome.
That doesn’t materially change the situation. What it does is increase your energy level and enable you to focus your efforts in a consistent, positive direction.
With an overarching, desirable objective, all the various challenges become aspects of one larger challenge. As you deal successfully with each aspect, you create momentum in the direction of your goal.
In this way, each bit of progress paves the way for more progress. Though your activities change from one issue to another, you’re able to remain unwavering in your focus and commitment to a specific outcome.
Rather than being pulled apart by multiple problems, bind your efforts and energy together in the service of a specific, meaningful goal. Strategically put the power of intention to work, and conquer the challenges no matter how numerous they may be.
— Ralph Marston
12-11-2024, 06:11 AM
December 11
Go one better
Do what you intend to do, then go one better. Achieve the goal you’ve set for yourself, then add to it.
Once you are speeding along with the momentum of achievement, don’t let that momentum go to waste. Make more good use of it.
If you’ve already contacted a dozen people, it’s not much more effort to contact one or two more. When you’ve written a thousand words, continue on that established trajectory and write a hundred more.
Usually, the most difficult parts of any task are getting started and getting into the flow. Once you’re there, it makes a lot of sense to keep on going a little longer.
After all, you’ve given yourself the chance to get ahead of the game. Going a little further once you’re ahead is much better than working to catch up after you’ve fallen behind.
When you’ve done what had to be done, don’t stop just yet. Make the most of the opportunity you’ve earned for yourself.
— Ralph Marston
12-12-2024, 05:33 AM
December 12
Be direct
Dancing around the edges can waste your time and effort. Step in and tackle the issues directly.
Don’t bother with resentment, posturing, avoidance or procrastination. Simply get busy and get the work done.
If you make a mistake, there’s nothing gained by covering it up, offering excuses, or pretending it did not happen. Instead, accept it, admit it, deal with the consequences, and move forward.
Seek to navigate the most direct route between intention and fulfillment, between problem and solution. Sure, you’ll likely need to make some detours along the way, but always aim your next step in the direction of your goal.
In your words, your actions, your plans and your thoughts, take a direct approach. Invest your energy in what’s proven to make a difference, in what moves you steadily toward the desired results.
Respect your own time and the time of others. Be clear, be honest, and be direct.
— Ralph Marston
12-13-2024, 02:45 AM
December 13
Constant adventure
Wherever you go, you are surrounded by the potential for fascination, inspiration, and abundance. Whatever you’re doing gives you the opportunity for a satisfying and fulfilling experience.
If you expect to always be comforted, encouraged, or entertained without any exertion on your part, you’ll often be deeply disappointed. Yet when you put a little effort into recognizing the amazing reality of what’s right in front of you, life becomes a constant adventure.
No contrived spectacle is necessary for the world to be spectacular. There’s plenty of magic in every ordinary moment when you are caring and curious enough to look.
Find energy and inspiration not in quick, easy fixes but rather in sustained appreciation. Invest your attention and the whole of your being in the place where you are, the time you’re in, the people you’re with, the actions you’re taking.
All of existence sparkles with obvious richness. And under the surface are layers upon layers of even more.
Open your eyes, your mind, and your heart to the possibilities. Embrace the wonder, and live fully the constant adventure.
— Ralph Marston
12-14-2024, 04:44 AM
December 14
Novelty and repetition
Novelty has its place. And so does repetition.
You’ll find excitement, intrigue, and inspiration in new things. You’ll find strength, endurance, and a sense of belonging in repeating the stories you already know so well.
Without repetition, novelty loses its meaning and its anchor. Without novelty, repetition becomes flat, stale, and meaningless as well.
Seek out what’s new, what challenges you, what pushes your curiosity in directions it has never known. At the same time, keep alive the goodness that has well proven itself over the many years.
The world can change quickly, and accelerate in that change. Yet amidst such an explosion of newness, there’s great value in being firmly cognizant of where you came from, of where it all was not so long ago.
A life well lived is one of great ambition and desire for novelty, tempered with context and perspective. Treasure, honor, and serve well in your role as the essential connection between the wisdom of the past and the promise of the future.
— Ralph Marston
12-14-2024, 04:44 AM
December 15
Value for your time
There’s no time to waste, so what do you do? You hurry, and while all that hurrying can create much activity, it often produces poor results.
Rarely is it a good tactic to put yourself into such a rush. In the effort to hurry because time is short, you can easily end up wasting even more time.
Consider a couple of things. First, if you really don’t have time to focus and do a good job right now, could you wait until later, when there’s more time?
Second, is that urgent next activity you’re rushing off to actually urgent, actually important? Or is it something that could be delayed, maybe even canceled altogether?
If you regularly find yourself pressed for time, there’s an excellent chance you can benefit from a re-evaluation of your priorities and procedures. Rather than assuming that rushing is inevitable, challenge yourself to make your time more intentional and focused.
Instead of convincing yourself you’re making progress by rushing around, look for a better way. Give respect and value to your time, and it will return great value to you.
— Ralph Marston
12-16-2024, 05:59 AM
December 16
The time it takes
Value is built over time, with sustained effort and commitment. Don’t cheat yourself out of that value by chasing instant results.
In order to turn a corner, you must first get to it. When you seek to create a breakthrough, you have to lay the groundwork for it.
Get yourself moving in a positive direction, then enjoy the ride and give it the time it takes. Even though the fulfillment is not yet complete, you can already begin to experience it.
Don’t be afraid of the time it will take to make real progress. Be thankful for the opportunity to continue giving your best effort as time goes on.
You’ll find great joy in meaningful effort. The longer and more committed the effort is, the more fulfillment you experience.
Give yourself and your work the time it takes. Choose a worthy destination, and treasure every step of the journey.
— Ralph Marston
12-17-2024, 06:56 AM
December 17
Wins and losses
You win some and you lose some. Both are valuable.
Victories and achievements bring their rewards, yet they also can bring complacency. While losses and disappointments are painful, their pain can teach you and engender great determination.
Difficult times give you the opportunity to transform weakness into strength. Good times provide the opportunity to transform strength into treasure.
Sometimes your troubles are due mainly to your own choices, and other times those troubles come in spite of your best efforts. Sometimes your good fortune is mostly your own doing, and sometimes you just encounter a streak of good luck.
Whatever the case, be thankful for the opportunity to make the best of it. With a steady purpose, move forward from wherever you find yourself.
The pains and the pleasures, the wins and losses, all add substance and value to your life. Embrace each season as it comes, and find true goodness in it all.
— Ralph Marston
12-18-2024, 05:43 AM
December 18
Do it again
You’ve done it before. You can do it again.
You’ve focused on a specific objective and achieved it. What result would you now like to bring about?
You’ve identified a meaningful path of action and drawn energy from your purpose to keep you moving on that path. Reach again into that authentic purpose, decide on what to do, and do it.
The clock is running forward right now, no matter what you choose. Choose to make meaningful and productive use of each day as it comes your way.
Similar choices in the past have brought you much in the life you now have. Once again you’re confronted with the opportunity to make a positive difference for your world, for yourself.
You’ve proven that you’re capable, resourceful, purposeful. Continue putting it all to good use.
— Ralph Marston
12-19-2024, 05:42 AM
December 19
Better things
Don’t let your attention get drawn into trivial issues that don’t matter. You have better things to do.
Yes, sometimes the drama of those trivialities can be intoxicating. But is your life really made better by such intoxication?
The universe is bursting with energy, wonder, and value. At any given moment you have plenty of opportunities to fill your awareness with substantive, meaningful things.
Sure, you might find some momentary pleasure in merely observing and casting judgments. Yet you’ll experience far greater fulfillment in participating and making a difference.
Rather than wasting your attention on cheap thrills, utilize it to identify and embrace opportunities for real, lasting value. Where you repeatedly focus your attention determines the direction your life proceeds.
There are so many good ways to go. Continue to point your attention and yourself in a direction that benefits your life, and all of life.
— Ralph Marston
12-20-2024, 05:59 AM
December 20
Helpful habits
A strong, positive character comes from strong, positive habits. Actions you repeat so often you don’t even have to think about, become a solid part of who you are.
Habits can be a retreat from reality and responsibility, slowly but surely wearing you down. Or they can enable you to steadily advance to higher and higher levels of richness and fulfillment.
It all depends on the particular habits you develop and maintain. You can stack your life with helpful habits and prosper, or give in to the harmful habits and falter.
Although your habits exercise powerful control over you, that control is not absolute. You can always add new habits and discard or change existing ones.
From time to time it’s a good idea to honestly examine all the actions you habitually take. Think about every little thing you do through each day, and shine a self-reflective light on it all.
Then continue to build up the habits that serve you well and step away from those that don’t. Life always improves when you get all your habits working in your favor.
— Ralph Marston
12-21-2024, 06:36 AM
December 21
The journey
The reward is not the reward. The reward is in what you do to reach your objective.
Fulfillment is not a final destination. Fulfillment is everything that accumulates throughout the journey.
Every day, you are on the way. Every day offers opportunities to taste the richness you have always envisioned.
Every day gives you challenges that enable you to feel your strength and to know the depth of your character. Every day brings situations from which you can take insight and experience wonder.
Today is one of those days. So is tomorrow and the day after that.
Let life be all it is, let yourself be the complete, authentic person you are. The journey is the point, and it is now, and every day.
— Ralph Marston
12-21-2024, 06:37 AM
December 22
Who do you imitate?
Much of what you do comes from the influence and examples of others. Ask yourself, who are those others?
Who are the people whose desires, habits, values and perspectives you respect and seek to emulate? Even more significantly, how well have those people done in living lives of quality and fulfillment?
When so much of the information you consume comes from anonymous sources, do you even have a good grasp on all the people you’re imitating? It’s all too easy to be inspired by glittery images pouring out from people whose lives you know nothing about.
What appears compelling on the surface often has little depth. When seeking someone to follow, to look up to and admire, to guide your actions, it’s in your best interest to know that person as deeply as possible.
That takes time and effort, thought and commitment. Many other people have many great perspectives, but there also exist a whole lot of false promises.
From time to time it’s good to consider, who do you imitate and why? Pay particular attention to the why, and find your way to those who can influence you in the most positive and fulfilling manner.
— Ralph Marston
12-23-2024, 06:31 AM
December 23
Tomorrow is too late
Tomorrow is too late. Today is when you can make choices, take action, and get results.
Tomorrow is a useful concept to keep in mind. Today, however, is rock-solid reality, when you are connected to everything that exists.
Tomorrow will always be out of reach. Today you have skills, resources, knowledge, people and time immediately available.
Tomorrow might end up being one way, or it could turn out differently. Today you know exactly what the situation is, and you can find good ways to work with it.
If you continue putting it off until tomorrow it will never happen. When you do it today it will get done.
Think about tomorrow, but not for too long. Then turn your attention to the time you have right now, and make good things happen today.
— Ralph Marston
12-24-2024, 06:57 AM
December 24
Thoughts wander
There’s no limit to what you can achieve with enough focus. But as powerful as focus can be, it’s best when practiced in moderation.
Balance periods of intense focus with other times when you allow your mind to wander. Avoid being trapped by your own single-mindedness.
Spend some open-ended, unstructured time with no agenda. Gaze at the stars, watch the snow fall and accumulate on tree branches, feel your own breathing, sit by a fire.
Listen as your thoughts articulate what you’ve been needing to tell yourself. Allow your perspective to be reset by the reality of the moment you’re in.
You’ve fixed your attention and energy on certain goals and achieved those goals. Now give all that focused activity some time to sink in, give yourself the opportunity to process it and to reconnect with purpose.
Let your thoughts wander, and take note of where they go. Then when you get back to being focused, your focus will have even more purpose, authenticity, and positive power.
— Ralph Marston
12-25-2024, 05:57 AM
December 25
Cherish the day
Embrace the peace that can heal your spirit. Offer warmth and joy just because you can.
Stand reverently in awe of all that has been created. Envision the beauty of all that can be.
Take time to appreciate the miracles all around you. Gently, quietly, let gratitude fill your awareness.
Treasure the light of life as it washes away the darkness. See the value, recognize the possibilities in every direction you look.
Give the gift of your time and attention to those you love. With the playfulness of a child, enjoy being you.
Cherish this special day, this magnificent existence. Fill this time, this place with your kindness, your love, and your joy.
12-25-2024, 07:05 PM
Santa Wayne says, Jesus loves you
and so do I you. With that said.
Wishing you all the best in every way.
In Jesus Name.
12-26-2024, 05:45 AM
December 26
Go all in
It is by going all in that you fulfill your deepest desires. No one can do it for you, yet you are entirely capable of doing it yourself.
The work is not easy, you won’t always get recognition for it. Even so, it all adds to the richness of your existence, of all existence.
Make the music that only you can make. Share the vision that resonates with what’s authentic within you.
Go all in, give what you have, be who you are, share the best you can. Invest your moments and your efforts in making a difference.
Feel your purpose as it gently and continually nudges you in the direction of fulfillment. Watch as life’s wonder inspires you to think and do and be your best.
As the moments rise and fall, as challenges come and go, as circumstances ever change, go all in. Follow the path you know is yours, making life brighter all along the way.
— Ralph Marston
12-27-2024, 06:18 AM
December 27
Look ahead
Engage in activity today that will make you thankful tomorrow. Fill this week with what you’ll continue to be thankful for when next month arrives.
Look ahead, anticipate what will bring richness to the world, and work on that. Look ahead, realize what you’re going to surely regret, and stay away from it.
You know with certainty that the future is coming. Do your best to accommodate it.
Each hour of today will be spent doing one thing or another. As you choose how to spend those hours, take into consideration the enduring effects of your choices.
Creating a more positive future is actually no more difficult than the less desirable choice of ignoring the future. You just have to be intentional about it, and then act on your intentions.
Look ahead, remind yourself of your responsibility to your future. Then cheerfully shoulder that responsibility and enjoy creating the kind of future where you will be eager to live.
— Ralph Marston
12-28-2024, 07:59 AM
December 28
Let the goodness flow
You can’t go back. But you can go on, and go better.
Nothing will ever be exactly like it was, yet you can bring forward the value of all you’ve been through. You can implant that value into what is, and carry it into the future.
The past is over. The best of what you experienced there, what you learned there, what you felt, is always yours to work with.
The way to do that is with commitment, with faith, perseverance. You do it with gratitude for what you have, exercising care and creativity in what you make of it.
From all the living you’ve done has come a vision of the good you can now do. Rooted in the ups and downs of your past are the energy, the will, and the passion for building the best possible future.
You are the connection between the world that is and all the goodness that’s passed your way. Keep that connection robust, and let the goodness flow.
— Ralph Marston
12-29-2024, 01:38 AM
December 29
Opportunity for action
Now is your opportunity to do what must be done. Make good and profitable use of that opportunity.
The opportunity decreases every moment it is not utilized. Eventually it is gone for good.
Before that happens, do something worthwhile with the opportunity for action. Transform the best of what can be into the reality of what is.
You have the means and the ability right now to solve a problem, to attain a goal. You can improve or sustain life in a specific, meaningful way.
Don’t just sit there, don’t just let the moment pass. Get up and get something good done.
Every opportunity for action is destined to become either an achievement or a regret. Avoid the regret and claim the value by putting forth whatever effort is called for in the moment.
— Ralph Marston
12-30-2024, 06:20 AM
December 30
Full ownership
Think like it’s nobody’s fault. Act like it’s your responsibility.
Take full ownership of your life, your situation, your actions and consequences. Live as though the way you live really matters, in big issues and small ones, because it does.
When there’s work to be done, put your energy into getting it done. Don’t waste time or effort or your spirit on blame, anger, retribution, or envy.
Look at the situation and see its reality, not what might have been, not what you wish it was. Without hesitation, do what must be done and deal with that reality.
The details matter, and every action you take matters. Accept the details for what they are, and act in accordance with your vision for the best that can be.
This is your life, so be the person who always takes responsibility for whatever affects it. This is your life, so be a thankful, purposeful, responsible owner and continue to bring new richness into it.
— Ralph Marston
12-31-2024, 07:03 AM
December 31
Unique good fortune
Consider how fortunate you are. Let it be a reminder to make full use of your good fortune.
Of course you have problems and limitations, just as everyone does. But you also have plenty of advantages, and there’s much you can do because of them.
What a shame it would be to waste even a tiny part of the goodness you’ve been afforded. Make a promise to yourself to not let that happen.
Though there will always be challenges and frustrations, every day you’ll also encounter situations where you can make a positive difference. Resolve to do the good you’re able to do, whenever you’re able to do it.
That’s not the easiest choice, not usually convenient or comfortable. But you know from long experience it’s your best choice.
Whatever your circumstance from one day to the next, certain aspects of it represent unique good fortune. Recognize the opportunity it presents, and go with it.
— Ralph Marston
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