04-25-2014, 11:20 AM
Though the mountains move and the hills shake, my love shall be immovable and never fail, and my covenant of peace shall not be shaken. So says the Lord who takes loves you. (Isaiah 54:10 — NIV)
We have all experienced times when we felt abandoned by God, when we felt like our world was falling apart. But God tells us in Isaiah that nothing will change the love that He has for us. Nothing on earth, or anything that can happen on earth or in heaven, will change the fact that God, the Creator of the Universe and everything in it, loves you. He knew you before He ever created the Earth. He said His love is immovable and unchangeable.
When those times come that we no longer feel or sense His presence it is not because His heart has changed towards us. It is because we have moved or changed somehow. We need to recognize that and turn back to the Him and reconnect our hearts with His. God has said if you draw close to Him He will draw close to you.
God is constant and consistent. We, on the other hand, can be very fickle, unsteady, shifting and changing. We are like waves on the sea, tossed to and fro by the winds of “change”. So the next time you are feeling like God doesn’t love you any more remember His promise in Isaiah and run to Him. Run to the one who loves you the most.
Live intentionally, purposely, free and with passion,
Pete Reinbold
Though the mountains move and the hills shake, my love shall be immovable and never fail, and my covenant of peace shall not be shaken. So says the Lord who takes loves you. (Isaiah 54:10 — NIV)
We have all experienced times when we felt abandoned by God, when we felt like our world was falling apart. But God tells us in Isaiah that nothing will change the love that He has for us. Nothing on earth, or anything that can happen on earth or in heaven, will change the fact that God, the Creator of the Universe and everything in it, loves you. He knew you before He ever created the Earth. He said His love is immovable and unchangeable.
When those times come that we no longer feel or sense His presence it is not because His heart has changed towards us. It is because we have moved or changed somehow. We need to recognize that and turn back to the Him and reconnect our hearts with His. God has said if you draw close to Him He will draw close to you.
God is constant and consistent. We, on the other hand, can be very fickle, unsteady, shifting and changing. We are like waves on the sea, tossed to and fro by the winds of “change”. So the next time you are feeling like God doesn’t love you any more remember His promise in Isaiah and run to Him. Run to the one who loves you the most.
Live intentionally, purposely, free and with passion,
Pete Reinbold