View Full Version : Standing Firm - Clad in His Armor Day Thirty-One

10-31-2024, 03:34 AM
Standing Firm - Clad in His Armor - Day Thirty-One

Clad in His Armor by SGLY Ministry

An Original Poem By Leona J. Atkinson ©2009

I am a soldier now, in the Army of God,
Committed for life to serve Him well.
I will stand firm and I will fight
The battle for heaven against hell.

I have the mind of Christ,
And the Helmet of Salvation is fixed upon my head.
It protects my thoughts both night and day,
I never remove it, even when I go to bed.

And because Christ dwells within my heart,
I know I am a child of God,
Therefore, I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness daily,
And my feet with the Gospel of Peace are shod.

I buckle the Belt of Truth firmly in place,
To keep me from believing what is untrue,
For it will show me the difference between true and truth,
And will always tell me what I can do.

The Shield of Faith is my protection,
Against whatever at me is hurled,
With it I can stand firm resisting the darts
Of the devil, self and the world.

Clad in God’s Armor, I can stand firm,
But using the Sword of the Spirit I can fight,
For it will bring me victory in all things,
Because God’s word is full of power and might.

So, run away satan, you’re a defeated foe,
And cares of this world, you can’t hold me back.
For I am an Armor clad child of God,
Always ready for any attack.

I abide with Christ and His words abide in me,
And in the Spirit I continually pray,
So I have His wisdom, boldness and strength
To live in His victory every day.

Based on Ephesians 6:10-18

Blessings to all of you daily as you: Stand firm–Stay alert–Stay focused--“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” 2 Timothy 2:4 KJV

This is the last devotional in this Standing Firm–Armor of God series. I hope you have been encouraged by these daily devotionals and that they have helped you to focus on the need for wearing the Armor and praying in the Spirit daily. Your comments are always welcomed.