10-13-2024, 12:15 PM
The Great Question
A Shaolin monk, a great philosopher and a minister were
walking down a country road and came upon a young farm boy.
At that moment the four of them looked up to see a chicken
crossing the road.
The question arose, why does the chicken cross the road?
The Shaolin monk said it's the destiny of the chicken to
seek its own path.
The great philosopher said its action teaches a lesson in
the ways of nature much like life itself.
The minister said it's because it follows the plan of our
maker under his divine rule.
Just then the young farm boy spoke up, "Actually, it's
because I left the chicken coop door open." :11:
A Shaolin monk, a great philosopher and a minister were
walking down a country road and came upon a young farm boy.
At that moment the four of them looked up to see a chicken
crossing the road.
The question arose, why does the chicken cross the road?
The Shaolin monk said it's the destiny of the chicken to
seek its own path.
The great philosopher said its action teaches a lesson in
the ways of nature much like life itself.
The minister said it's because it follows the plan of our
maker under his divine rule.
Just then the young farm boy spoke up, "Actually, it's
because I left the chicken coop door open." :11: