10-12-2024, 04:19 AM
Jesus Reaches Out
Matthew 14:25-31: “Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him” (v.31).
Jesus walked toward the disciples’ boat — not on land, but on the water. “Lord, if it’s really you out there,” yelled Peter. “I want to come walk with you on the water.”
“Come on, then,” replied Jesus.
Peter climbed over the side of the fishing boat, stepped on the waves and started walking. But when Peter saw the effects of the wind, he panicked, and began to sink. Peter was in dire need and he knew it. “Help me, Lord,” he cried.
Immediately, Jesus reached out and caught Peter before he went under.
Some of us have experienced dire emotional, spiritual, or physical need. We begged for help, but those we trusted were unable or unwilling to assist us. Instead, they left us to flounder and sink. Consequently, it is difficult for us to trust.
But Jesus is not like the unreliable people in our memories. Just as he did for Peter, he will come to our rescue. He reaches out to lift us up.
Lord, thank you for helping me when I need you.
You do not hold out on me when I panic and I appreciate that.
Joan C. Webb
Matthew 14:25-31: “Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him” (v.31).
Jesus walked toward the disciples’ boat — not on land, but on the water. “Lord, if it’s really you out there,” yelled Peter. “I want to come walk with you on the water.”
“Come on, then,” replied Jesus.
Peter climbed over the side of the fishing boat, stepped on the waves and started walking. But when Peter saw the effects of the wind, he panicked, and began to sink. Peter was in dire need and he knew it. “Help me, Lord,” he cried.
Immediately, Jesus reached out and caught Peter before he went under.
Some of us have experienced dire emotional, spiritual, or physical need. We begged for help, but those we trusted were unable or unwilling to assist us. Instead, they left us to flounder and sink. Consequently, it is difficult for us to trust.
But Jesus is not like the unreliable people in our memories. Just as he did for Peter, he will come to our rescue. He reaches out to lift us up.
Lord, thank you for helping me when I need you.
You do not hold out on me when I panic and I appreciate that.
Joan C. Webb