09-10-2024, 06:07 AM
Believe That God Will Help You.
Practice believing that God is as real as your spouse, your business partner, or your closest friend.
Practice talking matters over with Him; believe that He hears and gives thought to your problem.
Assume that He impresses upon your mind the proper ideas and insights necessary to solve your problem. Believe that in these solutions there will be no error, but that you will be guided to actions according to truth, which results in right outcomes.
No. 54 in a series of 100 Power Thoughts from The Power of Positive Thinking, the All-Time
inspirational Best-Selling Book by Norman Vincent Peale.
Practice believing that God is as real as your spouse, your business partner, or your closest friend.
Practice talking matters over with Him; believe that He hears and gives thought to your problem.
Assume that He impresses upon your mind the proper ideas and insights necessary to solve your problem. Believe that in these solutions there will be no error, but that you will be guided to actions according to truth, which results in right outcomes.
No. 54 in a series of 100 Power Thoughts from The Power of Positive Thinking, the All-Time
inspirational Best-Selling Book by Norman Vincent Peale.