04-17-2014, 09:57 AM
Complete Overhaul
Read 2 Peter 1:1-12
The psalmist wrote, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and ... see if there be any wicked way in me."
-Psalm 139:2324 (KJV)
THE lawnmower engine coughed, spluttered, stopped. Outwardly there was no sign of a problem. It had petrol, oil, a new spark plug. Still, no amount of cord pulling could get it going. The problem? Pebbles in the fuel tank! My young grandchildren had been at work.
Sometimes my spiritual life reflects "pebbles" in my "fuel tank." Outwardly I seem okay. But inwardly, the joy of being with the Lord is blocked, and I sputter to a stop. However this happens, I cannot blame others for the presence of pebbles within. It's my responsibility to address the problem.
First I have to identify it. The pebbles of greed, jealousy, self-righteousness, unforgiveness, lust, laziness, hurt feelings, and so on clog the fuel line of the spirit. The Bible gives us directions for fixing the problem, but I still have to read and obey them. I may have to work at making spiritual and relational "repairs." When I call on God in prayer, grace is instantly available. God does a complete overhaul, renewing me and preparing me for the tasks ahead. Praise the name of the Lord!
Raymond N. Hawkins (Tasmania, Australia)
Healer God, show us those things in our lives that interfere with the work of your Spirit in us. Amen.
Thought for the Day
When left alone, little pebbles can cause big problems.
Read 2 Peter 1:1-12
The psalmist wrote, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and ... see if there be any wicked way in me."
-Psalm 139:2324 (KJV)
THE lawnmower engine coughed, spluttered, stopped. Outwardly there was no sign of a problem. It had petrol, oil, a new spark plug. Still, no amount of cord pulling could get it going. The problem? Pebbles in the fuel tank! My young grandchildren had been at work.
Sometimes my spiritual life reflects "pebbles" in my "fuel tank." Outwardly I seem okay. But inwardly, the joy of being with the Lord is blocked, and I sputter to a stop. However this happens, I cannot blame others for the presence of pebbles within. It's my responsibility to address the problem.
First I have to identify it. The pebbles of greed, jealousy, self-righteousness, unforgiveness, lust, laziness, hurt feelings, and so on clog the fuel line of the spirit. The Bible gives us directions for fixing the problem, but I still have to read and obey them. I may have to work at making spiritual and relational "repairs." When I call on God in prayer, grace is instantly available. God does a complete overhaul, renewing me and preparing me for the tasks ahead. Praise the name of the Lord!
Raymond N. Hawkins (Tasmania, Australia)
Healer God, show us those things in our lives that interfere with the work of your Spirit in us. Amen.
Thought for the Day
When left alone, little pebbles can cause big problems.