06-18-2024, 07:24 AM
Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken. – Psalm 55:22 (HCSB)
Sometimes in the really difficult situations in life, it’s hard to want to keep going. It can be tempting to want to give up, quit or check out. How do you keep going when life gets hard?
This verse gives us some ideas of what we can do when we get discouraged. It tells us to cast our burden on the Lord. When we carry our burdens, we get tired and weary, but if we instead go to God with our burdens, we find strength.
Today’s Truth: When we take our burdens to God, we find strength.
Today, regardless of what you’re going through, know that you can make it. God will sustain you and help you through it. Go to God with your worries, fears, and troubles and see God come through for you.
Sometimes in the really difficult situations in life, it’s hard to want to keep going. It can be tempting to want to give up, quit or check out. How do you keep going when life gets hard?
This verse gives us some ideas of what we can do when we get discouraged. It tells us to cast our burden on the Lord. When we carry our burdens, we get tired and weary, but if we instead go to God with our burdens, we find strength.
Today’s Truth: When we take our burdens to God, we find strength.
Today, regardless of what you’re going through, know that you can make it. God will sustain you and help you through it. Go to God with your worries, fears, and troubles and see God come through for you.